Related: About this forumA Yorkie was dognapped. A man who hunted al-Qaeda came to the rescue.
Raquel Witherspoon had spent a frantic 24-hours searching for her daughters Yorkshire terrier, after making a shocking discovery. Footage from her doorbell camera showed a young woman with dyed-red hair creep onto her front porch, throw treats to Avery and then make off with the tiny dog.
Witherspoons 12-year-old daughter was distraught. Semaj relied on Avery for emotional support and could barely eat or sleep since he vanished. Suddenly, Witherspoons iPhone buzzed to life in her Maryland home that day after the pup disappeared in June.
In menacing texts laced with profanity and misspellings, someone said they had Avery and sent a video of the brown and black pup in a cage. Avery looked forlorn as he lifted his diminutive furry head to the camera.
The conversation was punctuated with a threat to kill the dog and a demand for ransom: yall not gettin yall dog baxc yall payin 1200 no funnys.
Witherspoon was the victim of a crime that appears to be on the rise across the nation: dognapping. Police generally dont maintain statistics that separate stolen pets from other thefts, but the latest numbers available from an American Kennel Club affiliate that registers animals show dognappings increased 30 percent in the third quarter of 2022 over the same period the previous year.

Interesting story.
(229,712 posts)There are a lot of old TV shows on late at night and there was a Dragnet I saw where these two guys did just that. Only they didn't threaten anybody (this was the late '60s), they dognapped beloved pets out of cars in shopping plazas and waited for a reward to be offered in the newspaper. And of course they got caught!
(5,734 posts)and there were several witnesses who said they had seen an older woman and man take her.
So, I ran an add offering a reward.
Shortly thereafter I received a call from a neighbor of those who had taken her. She said that they do this all the time are totally crazy.
My sister and I went to their house and knocked.
At first they wouldnt answer the door. I told them that I could see my dog and could I please have her back.
They handed her over.
(122,587 posts)TexasBushwhacker
(20,856 posts)BumRushDaShow
(148,591 posts)Incredible and dedicated sleuthing. What an adorable pup and glad he is back with his forever family!

(20,224 posts)She has tracked and caught dogs who took off from their homes, and either got lost or were enjoying the adventure too much to come home. She is becoming the go to person in the area if your dog gets loose. She also picks up dogs running loose and takes them to the humane society.
Around here, we have coyotes and bobcats and horrifically bad drivers. It is just not safe to let your pets out unattended.