Related: About this forumThe kitten weighs in at just over 19 oz and looks to have all its baby teeth
I'm estimating an age of 4 weeks.
(S)he is now in the guest bedroom. We will be on a 4 hour feeding schedule and the enclosed porch just isn't convenient or comfortable, right now. I still haven't gotten the porch ready for use. The kitten has a really good appetite, which is a relief.
Depending on what the vet says, tomorrow I might start a slow introduction to the kidcats. The way I did that with Arthur's litter was to block the doorway with a glass storm window so that they could all see each other but it kept them separate. I'd pick up the kittens and let Madoc and Gryff give them a good sniff.
It's funny - the boys immediately accepted Carys. It would be great of the same thing happens with this little baby.

(95,902 posts)Which one of them is Skittish's young?
One of them, at least, is a biological relative, they will know that and which one is the half sibling.
They may be closest at first, like Arthur and Modoc have been. At least that's what I anticipate, but I could be wrong too.
(27,446 posts)So this kitten is either Carys' aunt or uncle. I'm now leaning much more towards aunt.
(95,902 posts)Each other. Another little girl? Maybe?
I hope all is well with this one too.
(27,446 posts)I thought I had most of the bedroom blocked off, but she found a way to get beneath the bed. It took me a while to reach her so that would be a problem, tomorrow morning.
Of course, pretty soon she will be big enough to start climbing over barriers so I HOPE all goes well between her and the kidcats.
(95,902 posts)They probably will be okay together quickly is because they all arrived one at a time and they all know there's no lack of love to go around so I think with no threat of competition and they way it's always been for them anyway. Might go more smoothly than you expect. Look at how quickly the others adapted to a new one.
At least I hope it goes like that.
(27,446 posts)This single kitten experience seems more stressful than taking care of 4 at the same time.
(95,902 posts)Hoping for a good report from the vet!
I'll be thinking of you this morning.
Here's a good picture of Mikey, saw him the other day, he's living a good life at the new place.
(27,446 posts)And such a dignified pose!
(95,902 posts)I saw him chase off the neighbor's horse who had wandered across the road to munch on our lawn one morning. He ran the old place, he'd point out the intruders and either he'd handle it or get a dog to do it.
He's almost ten now. Still in good shape, once I figured out what he needed in the new place, much wilder territory, and pointed things out to his original mom, everything got better for both of them. If he's not cared for with basic things, he'll let you know. She speaks dog and horse, I speak cat.
Have a good morning, I have work on my garden since it's warm and rainy, still planting seeds and starts.
(122,587 posts)Cat people can tell a lot about a kitten just from a picture. If s/he slows down on eating, you might need to help the pee and poo come out, a damp washcloth works best. You shouldn't have to, 19 oz. is a pretty respectable size.
(27,446 posts)
So I'm estimating (s)he is actually around 17 oz. Just to be on the safe side I did some stimulating and did get some pee. (Oh heck, I'm just going to say 'she' until I know for sure.) SHE is also puttering around in the litter box but I'll have to do a sift to see if there's anything buried.
I remember really stressing over that issue with Madoc's litter but at 4 weeks, she's likely going on her own. Right now she's probably still a little stressed.
She did lap up some kitten milk from a dish and I know she's been drinking water.
I'll just be SO glad to have the vet do a good exam and get some eye drops and antibiotics started. She might still be too small for any vaccinations.
(113,131 posts)Sexing kittens: two big holes, female. One big hole on top and a lump with a little hole on bottom, male. Once in a while you get kind of an ambiguous one, but not often.
(27,446 posts)She is really sweet and has already stopped hissing. Madoc's sisters hissed at me for several days, but still let me pick them up and give them a snuggle.
I hate having to keep her shut away but it won't be for long. I'm really anxious to get the socialization into full swing.
I'm using the : or i method for sexing but it's still tricky. I also read that the two holes are closer together on a female. Even my vet said it can sometimes be a challenge when a kitten is so young.
(113,131 posts)by six weeks or so. And yes, the holes are generally closer together for females. The lump on males is farther down so there's room for the balls to descend as he grows up.
KS Toronado
(20,963 posts)4 weeks old and still has it's baby teeth? I'm joking of course, good luck with the little one!
(27,446 posts)They should be fully erupted by 4 weeks and they definitely look fully erupted.
I think Skittish was probably working on weaning her. And WOW does she have some impressive claws for such a little kitten!! Maybe it's a black cat thing because Gryff's claws are lethal weapons.
So far I've managed to escape any shredding.