Related: About this forumI'm back from the vet with Sian. Well, the vet is ALMOST positive this is a female
He even used a flashlight to check. I guess time will tell.
Anyway, from her weight, etc, he said I was right about her being 4 weeks old. Other than the eye discharge issue, she's very healthy. In fact, she was absolutely playful, both while in the car and in the treatment room. The vet was glad to hear about the poop AND her healthy appetite.
So, all is well and she stole the hearts of everyone.
After I have some coffee and a bagel, she's going to get a bath. What I didn't notice until I got to the vet was that she had tromped through the litter box and had quite a collection of poop on her butt, legs and paws. Naturally this was the one time I didn't have any wet wipes in the car.

(47,038 posts)She's in her apparent favorite spot, the corner of my computer desk.
(27,446 posts)Some nights, when I can't sleep, I watch the live stream from the Djuma Dam Can. I've had to put something over the keyboard to keep them from whacking things up. This is the same laptop from which Sophie managed to dislodge the "U" tile.
Fortunately they are more apt to stretch out and watch the stream with me.
(47,038 posts)I have a laptop as well.
Kira loves to lay on it, and just sleep.
At the moment, she's on my bed, curled up into a little ball of grey fluff.
(36,594 posts)
(95,902 posts)Now it's on to babykittycare!
We'll need lots of pictures, of course!
(36,594 posts)
(62,584 posts)3catwoman3
(26,327 posts)She has certainly stolen mine even over a computer screen. In person must be completely irresistible.
(27,446 posts)At first she just didn't know what to do so I was coating my finger in the mixture and she'd lick it clean. Then I kept lowering my finger closer to the food. I think she FINALLY caught on. This will make feedings much easier because she won't have to eat as often and I might get more than 3 hours of sleep.
(26,327 posts)her name?
(27,446 posts)It's the Welsh variant of Jane.