Related: About this forumWe picked up Boog the chocolate lab ashes. We were thinking of a Big Lebowski ceremony.
Maybe spreading his ashes at one of his favorite places in their parking lot saying a few words in his memory.
Pizza shop
The Bakery
Dunkin doughnuts
The Boog loved them all we usually do not patronize these places except for the bakery pizza shop or D&D. The rule was you go to the yearly vet visit you get a cheeseburger when he was younger and over years we bent the rules , as in stopping once in awhile for the furry knuckleheads.
Boog be in vehicle and smell say fast food burger joint oh his nose would be busy and the drool. Then the barking come on man lets do it.
Man - Boog seriously its not good for you and you have food at home.
I always spoke for Boog interpreting his barks and thoughts.
Boog - WTB what the biscuits man youre a union truck driver not a K9 nutrition expert so just stop with the Dunning Kruger shit. So hard left wheel and roll through that drive thru dude definitely had attitude.
So at the moment we have him next to Liz , we were joking the Boog is probably haunting his favorite said places mentioned above like the ghosts of Ebenezer Scrooge.
I just find humor we all do Boog was an original nut.

(108,317 posts)Buddies, buddies, everywhere--happy, playing, and munching down!
(58 posts)There is sorrow enough in the natural way
From men and women to fill our day;
And when we are certain of sorrow in store,
Why do we always arrange for more?
Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware
Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.
Buy a pup and your money will buy
Love unflinching that cannot lie
Perfect passion and worship fed
By a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head.
Nevertheless it is hardly fair
To risk your heart for a dog to tear.
When the fourteen years which Nature permits
Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits,
And the vets unspoken prescription runs
To lethal chambers or loaded guns,
Then you will findits your own affair
youve given your heart to a dog to tear.
When the body that lived at your single will,
With its whimper of welcome, is stilled (how still!).
When the spirit that answered your every mood
Is gonewherever it goesfor good,
You will discover how much you care,
And will give your heart to a dog to tear.
Weve sorrow enough in the natural way,
When it comes to burying Christian clay.
Our loves are not given, but only lent,
At compound interest of cent per cent.
Though it is not always the case, I believe,
That the longer weve kept em, the more do we grieve:
For, when debts are payable, right or wrong,
A short-time loan is as bad as a long
So why inHeaven (before we are there)
Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear?
(1,230 posts)I didnt realize how much I needed this this morning.
🕊thatcrowwoman and Molly (Good Golly!) 🐾
(52,669 posts)since now my keyboard is all wet and my eyes blurry.
(122,587 posts)cate94
(2,940 posts)Im not tearing up.
(18,434 posts)...hubby and i have all our dogs ashes in urns and my dtr has instructions that we are to be mixed with them and then scattered we dont care where...
Cooper was the big Nut in our house hold. I never had a dog who stuck their head out the sunroof whenever we drove..
(1,230 posts)Always bring the love and laughter, Duncanpup.
I hope you realize what a generous gift youre sharing with us.
And WTB!?! What the Biscuit? I can make good use of that.😉
(1,982 posts)Every time I mow my yard.
They have been buried there for over 10 years now.
(122,587 posts)our day with loving smiles.
(23,937 posts)Bayard
(24,435 posts)I must have missed the post saying you lost Boog. I'm so sorry Duncanpup. Your conversations with him were always entertaining.
He was a good soul.