Related: About this forumThis just might be some major squeee overload
I looked outside to check on the kittens. My heart melted.

Ocelot II
(123,535 posts)
(27,446 posts)I think I've found a forever home for at least one of them. Probably Dylan, which will be a hard separation for me but he, or which ever kitten is chosen, will be going to a really great home.
(25,190 posts)raising2moredems
(732 posts)Almost year old not neutered (but not for long) male then a pregnant kitten (didn't even weigh 5 lbs) about 4 months later. Kitten was at the house for not even 4 days as a vet tech fostered her until she gave birth about five weeks later. Only two live out of four and one live died the next day. She was gone from 3 months but the day she came home (spayed, vaccinated, chipped) it was like the two were never apart. I've had litter mates who did not get along as well as these two do.
The Siamese looking kitten is just too cute. Heck, they are all just too cute. Neighbor and I also feed a feral - he's a tough one (where I live gets cold in the winter. Neighbor has better shelter than I but don't think he uses it). Almost 16 months since he showed up. She and I do what we can for any cats who just pass by or stay.
(114,019 posts)
(27,446 posts)It's going down to 52 tonight so they can all snuggle together. Hopefully they will move in to the shelter. Of course I'll be checking on them.
(108,317 posts)shenmue
(38,540 posts)
(95,902 posts)I needed that!
It's so much better when we know who they are!
(27,446 posts)Since I have the 2 playpens on the enclosed back porch, I can clip them together into one very roomy play room - litter box at one end, food/water in the middle and the big, poofy bed at the other end. There will be room for any kittens who need/want shelter.
(95,902 posts)I really wish I could do that. I would take care of kitties all the time.
(11,843 posts)
(3,459 posts)
(18,986 posts)Chicagogrl1
(509 posts)😻😻😻😻😻
(7,464 posts)eggplant
(4,037 posts)is a heap. They'd be welcome in my lap any time.
(11,078 posts)Blown away with the cuteness!
(122,587 posts)thatcrowwoman
(1,230 posts)So I need help with names, please.
Is the white one at 12:00 Merlin?
If we go clockwise from the top by heads, who is who?
Thank you, Siwsan. Names have always mattered to me, and these have become scrambled in my brain. The indoor kitties Ive got sorted. At least I think so. But outdoor kitties? I remember some names, but cant match them to faces.
Bronwyn and Dylan are the tigers, right? One at 7:00 and one at 9:00?
Rhian? And another name that just escapes me. The black and the grey?
Thank you, Siwsan.
You and your fine feline family bring me so much joy. Youre all a welcome respite from the news these days. I can get to know and love your cats. With none of the allergies I suffer when Im around cats in my real life. No Epi-Pen needed.
Its cloudy this morning with thunderstorms rolling in early this afternoon. Im okay with that. The creek is still low. And I have reading and some rearranging and organizing left to do in my library/sewing room/office/studio. Its been a work in progress for awhile since thats where everything went that we didnt know where else to put it.
Im not sure Ill finish before Rosh Hashanah begins, New Year 5784, Friday at sunset. But maybe by the time Yom Kippur arrives at sunset on the 24th. Oy! Spellcheck wants it to be kipper which is delicious and nutritious but not a High Holy Day.
I bet the kitties would love some kippers!
For all about kippers, including nutritional value and recipes:
(27,446 posts)They really like that little saucer bed. It and a larger one were a part of a cat perch that finally collapsed. It seemed a shame to toss out any parts I could still use.
When I took a cruise on the Queen Elizabeth II, I had kippers for breakfast, one morning. They were lovely. They are quite common on menus in the UK. I LOVE fish and could eat it for 3 meals a day.
I did a load of yard work so now I'm going to treat myself to some pizza. I got a Red Baron Deluxe Supreme, using a digital coupon at Kroger, for just $2.99. I added more green olives, sweet peppers from my garden, cheese and pepperoni. I just can't leave store bought pizza alone. I always have to 'bling' it up.
Our weather is cloudy and cool, which is perfect. I'll get more yard work and mowing done, later. Maybe tomorrow. Depends on whether or not any of the indoor or outdoor kitcats want to play.