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Related: About this forum'Hysterical' Women Out for Revenge: Family Court's Misogynistic Tropes Traumatize Women and Childr
(The misogynist trope of the hysterical woman out for revenge is used quite effectively by abusers. Its more comfortable to accept the explanation that women are crazy, rather than that many men are violent. )
Hysterical Women Out for Revenge: Family Courts Misogynistic Tropes Traumatize Women and Children
10/3/2023 by Amy Polacko
The judge had already decided Im a scorned ex-wife, out to get my ex and alienate my daughter against her father, said one mother fighting for custody. It can only be explained by gender bias.
Michael Douglas and Glenn Close star in the 1987 film, Fatal Attraction. The underlying stereotype of the scorned woman seen in popular media is very much alive in the U.S. family court system. You play fair with me, Ill play fair with you. This is what Alex Forrest, famously played by Glenn Close, tells Dan Gallagher in the 1980s thriller Fatal Attraction. But most viewers come to think shes anything but fairgoing off the deep end after Dan has an affair with her but wont leave his wife. Alex is portrayed as hysterical, unhinged and possibly borderline personality disordered. (You may recall her boiling Dans daughters bunny in a pot.)
But, while this movie may seem extreme, the underlying stereotype of the scorned woman is very much alive in our family court system every single day. The misogynist trope of the hysterical woman out for revenge is used quite effectively by coercive controlling abusersand, as a result, some women lose custody of their children and are financially ruined. Its insane. I sat there at our last custody hearing realizing the judge had already decided Im a scorned ex-wife, out to get my ex and alienate my daughter against her father, said Diana, a doctor whose ex-husband is trying to get full custody of their child. (Her name has been changed in this reporting to protect her identity.) This happened even though there was so much evidence of his abuse from a counselor, teacher and other factual data. How can you disregard this? It can only be explained by gender bias.
She is far from alone. Attorney Suzanne Zaccour studied this phenomenon because its not uncommon, publishing the study Crazy Women and Hysterical Mothers: The Gendered Use of Mental-Health Labels in Custody Disputes for the Canada Journal of Family in 2018. Zaccour is the director of legal affairs at the National Association of Women in the Law in Ottawa. Judges are suspicious about who is making the domestic abuse allegations. Often the woman might appear crazy because she has suffered the impact of trauma and to them that makes her less credible, Zaccour said. Then, the father comes in, often charismatic, saying, Im a reasonable person. And when he might say the mother is a good one and she should have visitation, he looks more reasonable.
Zaccour blames good old misogyny and the trope of women who want revenge after he cheats on her portrayed in the media, movies and literature.The second thing is its more comfortable to accept the explanation that women are crazy, rather than that many men are violent, she said. Statistics about fathers being violent against women and children are super high and judges see the most conflictual casesso an even higher proportion of violence. But its difficult for them to believe that all these men are violent.
It simply cannot be true. Judges cling to the idea that domestic abuse is rare and an exception.
So, to recap: Domestic abuse victims suffer intimate partner trauma to themselves and their children, but when they go to the legal system for help, they are actually punished for being traumatized. This causes a secondary trauma wound called institutional betrayal: when an institution causes harm to the very people who depend on it. Institutional betrayal can occur through ignorance, meaning you dont have to wake up with evil thoughts to cause harm. You can cause harm because youre ignorant and dont understand interpersonal violence, said Dr. Jennifer Freyd, founder and president of the Center for Institutional Courage, who has studied this subject for decades. Betrayal is really damaging. It adds so much risk to people, causing them to get post-trauma symptoms to their physical health and mental health. Its toxic.
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Sandy Ross, a child safety advocate who is championing the passage of Piquis Law in California, said a personal experience in 2005 changed her forever. Once you see whats happening in family court
well, its challenging to walk away from that, she said.
Piquis Law: Keeping Children Safe From Family Violence Act passed unanimously in the California Assembly on Sept. 13; it now awaits Gov. Gavin Newsoms signature. The law is named for a 5-year-old boy who was murdered by his father on April 21, 2017, despite his mothers warnings. It requires judges and court professionals involved in custody and domestic violence to complete crucial training. And it also bans use of reunification campscontroversial therapy programs that claim to reunite children with estranged, sometimes abusive, parents.

(12,175 posts)to keep children away from their fathers for no other reason than control or revenge. I grew up in a family where my father was an abuser to my mother but in those days we lived in a very small isolated community with no services available for help. She stayed until us kids were grown and it was us kids that got her out of the situation. So it was appalling to me when my ex-DIL accused my son of been an abuser in her effort to have full control of the children. Luckily she was not smart and we were able to prove that she was a liar but it took time and a lot of court hearings and two trials, one for the divorce and assets and another for custody. So I see both sides. I would never tolerate abuse from a partner or a child of mine but it seems that there are both men and women that will do and say things to get what they want.
It is these people that make it difficult for those who have legitimate charges.
(11,078 posts)..women are all crazy, conniving, evil and to blame for all the ills of the world and all the problems in mens lives and women have far too much power and need to be put back in the kitchen and church barefoot, raped, and subjected to forced pregnancy and childbirth like livestock. They need to be further reduced to property because they are such terrible people.
Im related to some of these. I can assure you that the way I have described the attitudes from them is mild and kind compared to what theyve actually told me.