Drug Policy
Related: About this forumUniv. of Arizona Professor FIRED after receiving approval to study PTSD and mmj.
http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-pot-researcher-fired-20140701-story.htmlThe firing of Suzanne A. Sisley, a clinical assistant professor of psychiatry, puts her research in jeopardy and has sparked indignation from medical marijuana advocates.
Sisley charges she was fired after her research and her personal political crusading created unwanted attention for the university from legislative Republicans who control its purse strings.
This is a clear political retaliation for the advocacy and education I have been providing the public and lawmakers, Sisley said. I pulled all my evaluations and this is not about my job performance.
The University denied political pressure was the reason for Sisley's abrupt firing. They provided no information to Sisley, other than to note the university's ability to fire contract employees at will. (iow, she's not a tenure track professor.)
Speculation is that a powerful Republican Senator is behind the firing. So much for university research integrity, Arizona - what an embarrassment you are to the educational/research community if this is the reason Sisley was fired WITHOUT ANY CAUSE. Who is this Senator? Most likely the same one who has tried to block medical marijuana for the state: Kimberly Yee (Phoenix).
Here's what she did in April:
Arizona has collected millions of dollars from its medical marijuana program. Under Arizonas medical marijuana law, that money is reserved for furthering the provisions of the law and should include research and education but none of it has been spent. A bill being considered by lawmakers would give the Arizona Department of Health Services discretion to use some of this surplus funding to study the medical benefits of marijuana. On Mach 10th, the bill HB 2333, sponsored by State Representative Ethan Orr of Tucson, passed the Arizona House 52-5, with strong bi-partisan support. But State Senator Kimberly Yee (Phoenix), who chairs the Senate Education Committee, refused to put the bill on her committees agenda before the March 20th deadline saying only that she wanted the funds to be directed for drug abuse prevention.
Veterans like Ricardo Pereyda of Tucson, who fought in combat in Operation Iraqi Freedom 2, are angry that Senator Yee wouldnt allow the bill to be heard in her committee. Being able to treat multiple symptoms from post-traumatic stress with cannabis has been instrumental in my ability to lead a full and productive life, said Pereyda, Senator Yee is placing politics before science, and doing so at the expense of our combat veterans. Pereyda served in the U.S. Army and Military Police Corps, and is the Veterans Liaison for Arizona NORML.
WHAT A SCUMBAG. Yee is trying to halt studies into the efficacy of medical marijuana for Vets. PTSD is really, really difficult to treat. While it shares symptoms with depression and anxiety, PTSD has a lower rate of relief of symptoms from any currently known medication for either anxiety or depression, and some of these medicines may be used to commit suicide. Every day, 22 veterans commit suicide.
Yee is SUCH A REPUBLICAN SCUMBAG to obstruct medical marijuana for veterans. I am, honestly, disgusted.
If you live in Arizona and would like to support research for Vets suffering from PTSD, you can contact Yee here: http://www.azleg.gov/MembersPage.asp?Member_ID=90&Legislature=50&Session_ID=107
Their rates are astronomically high and climbing, said Jan Kemp, VAs National Mental Health Director for Suicide Prevention. Thats concerning to us.
Reasons for the increase are unclear, but Kemp said the pressures of leaving military careers, readjusting to civilian life and combat injuries like post-traumatic stress disorder all play a role in the problems facing young male vets.
Female veterans saw an 11 percent increase in their suicide rate over the same span. Overall, suicide rates for all veterans remain significantly above their civilian counterparts.
This nation needs to get rid of these drug warriors at EVERY LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT, IN EVERY STATE.
Yee is also a reactionary anti-woman Republican who sought to ban all abortions after 20 weeks, no matter the medical situation or recommendation of a doctor. WTF is the matter with women in Arizona? How can women vote for someone like this?
When Yee tried to block funding for this research, colleagues of Sisley's started a recall effort. Sisley was not involved, but, obviously, Yee is such a (word I can't say here) that she has taken another route to interfere with research into the health benefits of marijuana for veterans with PTSD.
Yee demonstrates what happens when religious assholes have power. The ACLU is looking into options to fight Sisley's firing.
Kimberly Yee is a scumbag. I hope we can help google know what a total scumbag Kimberly Yee really is. Veterans who defend this nation don't need scumbags like Kimberly Yee in office to further harm them.

(28,784 posts)RainDog
(28,784 posts)You should change your name to "The university that caves to scumbags like Kimberly Yee".
Anyone who is looking for a college needs to know this university has demonstrated NO ACADEMIC INTEGRITY in this situation.
Blue Owl
(55,553 posts)n/t
(28,784 posts)we wish we hardly knew Yee, you scumbag.
(17,796 posts)Phlem
(6,323 posts)I've used mmj early as the trauma was early, and didn't stop (the trauma) until my teen years. It's the only real thing that's helped. I remember circling the drain, abusing my self (like self inflicted wounds) psychically because of my family life, yadda yadda yadda. The 1st toke turned everything around. I could cope everyday much better, I took better care of my self, I exercised and lost a 100 pounds, I felt better socially.
Medical Marijuana should be available to any one with chronic PTSD, not just war veterans.
I also have issues with trauma from early in my life and I would like to be able to see if this would help because I have been on a lot of different anti-d's, anti-anxiety meds, etc. and they don't really address what's going on with PTSD.
So, yeah, my reaction to her is personal rage, as well.
But, honestly, University of Arizona should be ashamed of itself. Where I live, a guy was hounded by the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, he was accused of being a commie, his phone was tapped... this was in the 1950s, so before my time, but he was subject to the full fury of the fuckers in the federal govt. whose legacy Kimberly Yee, the scumbag, continues.
A major research institute where I live has been attacked by the religious right for decades. Decades. You might have heard of it. It's called the Kinsey Institute.
So, honestly, University of Arizona looks like a bunch of scum sucking toads for this action. I will be passing along this information to everyone I know in various research communities. I have friends who do research in a ton of different fields and they can let their grad students know about this move on the part of University of Arizona.
If the religious right fuckers want to play hardball, wait till word gets around that this university caves to the religious right rather than supports its scientists who have obtained hard-fought research grants.
Kimberly Yee is such a pathetic scumbag, and the University shares that distinction for caving to her demands.

(28,784 posts)The research had approval from U.S. Food & Drug Administration, the Department of Health & Human Services, and passed the Arizona House of Representatives.
State Senator Kimberly Yee, Republican scumbag, was the only person who stopped this research.
Senator Yee chairs the senate education committee, the recipient of the bill.
The Senate Education Committee had a hearing scheduled in March and Yee has said she would not let them consider the study.
The Arizona House bill funding the study sailed through the house with a vote of 52 to 5.
She refused to state why she would not let the bill be argued on its merits. But, in other contexts, she said she fears any medical marijuana use is an excuse to legalize marijuana as in Colorado and Washington State.
Guess what, Kimberly Yee, you fucking scumbag? If the voters of your state want to legalize, deal with it you religious scumbag. You don't get to dictate the behavior of everyone in your state, you scumbag.
However, apart from the reality that Yee was not elected to thwart the will of the voter, even tho she seems to think she's on a mission from gawd like some Jeezus warrior, the reality is that cannabis has medical uses and people with PTSD should be able to use cannabis, responsibly, as medicine, just as they do opiates.
If you were not such a worthless scumbag, you would recognize this.
Oh, look. Home video of Kimberly Yee after veterans said they were stunned she would refuse to fund a study that might offer relief from suffering.
Kimberly Yee, gawd warrior!
(3,286 posts)...that someone like this can get public support for political office. A Senator....???!!!
On the bright side, this home movie could go viral and expose whatever charade she is presenting to her constituents. Her anti-MMJ stance is only part of her problem.
(28,784 posts)The video is from a reality show from another woman with "good christian values" who traded places with a woman who had new age beliefs. This woman, as you can see, freaked out because the other family had buddhist prayer flags at the front door.
The new age-y woman was with the gawd warrior's family. The gawd warrior's friends came over and were (word I can't use here, in plural) to the new age-y woman.
This meltdown is an internet classic - but it's also the same mindset as that scumbag, Kimberly Yee.
I feel sorry for the kids of the god warrior. It's obvious she is a toxic human being and her religion is a form of abuse. Here are the friends of the god warrior being female dogs.
(50,983 posts)
Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)Way to pump up the SEO hits. Well played, RD!
(28,784 posts)I suppose I would have to agree, based upon her recent actions, that Arizona Senator Kimberly Yee is a scumbag.
Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)And yes, the article specifically mentions Arizona State Senator Kimberly Yee (R-SCUMBAG) single handedly blocking the study.
(Sue) Sisley said: "They won't give us a reason and they certainly don't want to admit it's political." She also said her job evaluations and performance have been excellent, adding: "Job performance is not the issue here. It's about the university being fearful of the word 'marijuana' and not wanting their brand aligned with this research."
In fact, Sigurdson says, the university is committed to the study and has reached out to the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS), which is funding the study. "We have been in contact with MAPS, assured them that we want to continue the research and will forward the candidate for the principal investigator."
But MAPS is standing by Sisley: "We told them that we are glad they are interested in the research, but we haven't agreed to do it with them," said Rick Doblin, founder and executive director of MAPS. "Our goal is still to get Dr. Sisley back her job and we will continue to support her in that. That's our preference."
Not familiar with MAPS, but its name suggests an industry group, not a MMJ promotion group?
How much you want to bet they back her straight into a University that DOES want their "brand associated" with the research...
Oh, and LOL!
(28,784 posts)linkey, please! I saw, after the University paper posted the story, it got picked up by bigger and bigger outlets. The story was in USA Today a few days ago.
THANK YOU, AGAIN, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, for being the brave voice that will speak truth to power - who is in a position for such action to matter. Really. He has done a great thing to make information available to the mainstream who are always willing to believe lies from authoritarian sources before studies from scientists just going about their business.
If you have a link and can post, that would be great. I'm very sick right now and not online much. I'm hoping I can avoid a doctor visit, but if I cannot get the pain under control, I will have to see a doctor.
I have fibromyalgia - something I don't talk about here because usually it's fairly manageable with medication. But I ran out of medication, had not yet changed my health care provider, and so I am in a world of pain. Cymbalta helps with fibro, major anxiety, major depressions and ptsd - and the first three are all clusters of the last one.
I have been taking handfuls of ibuprofen every few hours, then looked through boxes with old meds and found some klonopin, which helped stop the intial three days of spasms, but now the nerve irritation has migrated from my right back to my left shoulder. I called the hospital after the first three days but now have to wait for the weekend. I thought I had gotten past it and was so happy - I did some mild stretches to help because where the pain was feels like a giant bruise, but when I started to pick up things, it suddenly kicked in again. This is beyond frustrating.
Ruby the Liberal
(26,368 posts)I have both friends and family with Fibro. That is nothing to mess with. Please get plenty of rest this weekend!
The link is at the bottom of the post - it is a CNN article. Looking forward to watching the special! I'll try to see if they put it on YouTube in a few days, and if they do, will put a copy in here.