Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forum‘NRA’s Sick Jihad': N.Y. tabloid declares war on the NRA
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[div id="container" style="display:inline"]A New York tabloid is calling the National Rifle Association's platform "sick jihad" and the organization's leader "Jihadi Wayne" after the organization fought legislation that would prohibit people on the government's watch-list for terrorists and suspected terrorists from purchasing guns.
The New York Daily News, a longtime NRA adversary, has published two front-page stories during the past week calling out the NRA and its "gun-loving Republican cohorts" for opposing legislation that would block people on the watch-list from purchasing firearms.
The tabloid's response comes after The Washington Post and others reported that, over the past decade, more than 2,000 terror suspects legally purchased guns in the United States and a bill to put an end to it had hit NRA resistance.
"These bills have rarely made it out of committee, in part due to vehement opposition from the National Rifle Association and its allies in Congress," Wonkblog's Chris Ingraham wrote last week.
(15,396 posts)At lest now we know using the washington post as a source is okay.
(18,606 posts)I'm just dumb-as-a-Post.
(2,642 posts)Have terrorist intentions, or even be a criminal to make it on the completely arbitrary "terrorist watch list," I have no idea how anyone would, in good concience, advocate denying people in said arbitrary list, their constitutional rights.
Unless of course you are ok with governors declaring people "risky voters" and denying them the right to vote in their next election based solely on their personal, unevidenced beliefs.
(17,301 posts)All these new rules for voter ID's, the Supremes decision when W got selected president and RepubliCON purge lists do what you describe to voters. But don't worry they can still buy a gun.
(3,863 posts)Terrorism is good for business..gun business that is.
(6,185 posts)I wonder how many of the folks applauding using the Bush/Cheney list to stop firearm purchases will object to using it to block voting and travel under "President Trump"?
The "Terrah Watch list" was started by Cheney and Bush and included such threats to our safety and way of life as Edward Kennedy, (similar name blocked him from boarding a flight at Logan).
No way of knowing who is on the list, how you got there, no way of having your name removed.
The same list that was abhorrent under Bush is suddenly beloved because they think they can use it to hamper gun purchases.
Nothing like selective moral outrage.
(18,318 posts)Da Daily Newz and the WaPo are on my 5th Amendment Watch List.
How 'bout you, Secmo. Do you support denying a Constitutional right based on being on a government list?
(16,974 posts)He will not be able to justify supporting the Bush secret list. Just another one of his Google dumps that he refuses to discuss. Shows the low level he has to stoop to to try and get any attention as the group he hosts is so dead he does not even post over there.
(18,318 posts)benEzra
(12,148 posts)who have pointed out that the Bush watchlists are full of innocent people, and have no accountability and no due process.
"We can't have terrorist watch lists that affect people's rights without due process -- the right of innocent people to challenge their inclusion through an adversarial proceeding and get off the lists. But no such system has been created. A September 2009 report by the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security found that the process for clearing innocent travelers from the list is a complete mess. The consequences of being mistakenly added to a terror watch list can be more severe than simply missing a plane. Law enforcement routinely run names against the watchlists for matters as mundane as traffic stops, and innocent individuals may be harassed even if they dont attempt to fly." ---American Civil Liberties Union
More from the ACLU:
Mother Jones: Nine years on the no-fly list because an agent checked the wrong box
Washington Post: Senator Kennedy Flagged by No-Fly List
San Francisco Chronicle: No-fly blacklist snares political activists
Geez, 'terrorists' everywhere.
Marshals: Innocent People Placed On 'Watch List' To Meet Quota
Infants on the Terrorist Watch List
How YOU could end up on the no-fly list
Various blacklist absurdities
SecMo, do you think 'terrorists' (as you define them) should be allowed to work in medical facilities? Schools? Drive gasoline tankers? Pilot aircraft or ships? Participate in unions? Work for the Federal government? Adopt children? If you think someone is a 'terrorist' simply because their name is on a list of people to check out...
As I've pointed out before, "No Fly, No Buy" is a 2005 Bush admin proposal, and a favorite cause of Muslim-despisers like Peter King.
(15,333 posts)As an aside, why any DUer would ape the PR practices of
a certain notorious "celebrity religion" escapes me...
(16,974 posts)Funny how they never respond and defend the indefensible