Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumGun policy puts public safety first
And for the third time, they couldn't agree, even though both sides have met more than once to resolve their differences outside of Council chambers. However, since police chiefs in this state possess the authority to set firearms-license regulations, their decisions stand.
Gun proponents in attendance still disagreed with every new provision, including one that requires that everyone seeking a license take a gun-safety course with a live-fire component.
Cost would seem to be the main sticking point. Randy Breton, a trained firearms-safety instructor, said this expense would discourage people from applying even for a restricted gun permit, citing a five-day course costing $1,100.

(1,604 posts)Sounds like graduate school prices.
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)for domestic abusers, rapists, robbers, muggers, stalkers and killers.
(24,006 posts)... the rich and connected will still be able to get their concealed handgun permits.
(363 posts)City council needs to pass a regulation that anyone who wants to vote needs to attend a five day civics and government course which runs about $1,200 and is only offered 8-5 during the week and at one location way up by the gated community which is 2 miles from the closest bus stop.
I'm actually for much higher gun training requirements, but the caveat is that it must be affordable. Even to the point of the State providing funding for anyone who needs help paying for it. The State has an interest in assisting in a well regulated militia as do citizens having safer and better trained gun owners.
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)Concealed carry permits cost more than $150.00 where I live so my husband open carries when he carries.
(654 posts)form to the State for the background check. $10 for the fingerprinting and $75 for the one day class.
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)Duckhunter935
(16,974 posts)$25 for the sheriff, $30 for the class and $200 for a 10 year license, could have opted for a 5 year at $100
(18,318 posts)...hiding several other actions with different intent. Expensive licensing, waiting periods, LEO discretion as to whose is suitable, etc.
I favor inexpensive, effective, and short courses for people who carry, not the poll-tax-type of measure proposed here.
(6,185 posts)But if it's about guns, well then local sheriff's and their ilk are not only free to make up prejudicial and restrictive rules that target certain groups, but encouraged to violate any annoying state preemption laws.
Situational ethics at work again.