Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumTrump Distorts Clinton’s Gun Stance
Trump made his remarks at a rally in Lynden, Washington, eliciting boos from his audience. As we have written before, Trump made a similar remark in a TV interview on Jan. 6, when he claimed Clinton wants to take everyones gun away.
Trump, May 7: Hillary Clinton wants to abolish the Second Amendment. She wants to abolish it. Hillary Clinton wants to take your guns away and she wants to abolish the Second Amendment. She wants to take the bullets away. She wants to take it.
Clinton has a gun violence prevention proposal on her website, which would deny gun owners from buying certain guns and block or delay the ability of some to purchase guns. But it does not call for taking any guns away.

(15,539 posts)distorting something, if not outright lying.
(2,493 posts)And the AWB has no chance of passing, which is good since I oppose it. All the talk that she's "taking on the NRA" is just hyperbole.
Nuclear Unicorn
(19,497 posts)pablo_marmol
(2,375 posts)'ll let Kamala Harris know about her inept handling of firearm-related databases in California, and her unwillingness to actually put to use funds earmarked for mental health.
(18,318 posts)What Hal Holbrook said to Charlton Heston when the latter asked when the last time the Navy's code breakers had a bath.
"Midway," (1976)
(1,558 posts)I also remember how loud the movie was.
(18,318 posts)Kang Colby
(1,941 posts)I support Clinton, but I think she made a small mistake a few months ago during one of the town halls when Australian gun control was mentioned. She makes a nuanced statement that doesn't mention the mandatory nature of the buybacks but goes on to say that the Australian model is something that we should consider.
Anyone who praises Australian or U.K. like gun laws in the context of what the U.S. should do is ultimately talking about confiscation. In any event, a Clinton election will be very good for the cause and the industry. Keep in mind, it was George W. Bush who signed off on the Brady and NRA supported NICS Amendments and Improvements Act of 2007. Obama on the other hand had the ATF remove CLEO sign off on NFA items.
(12,148 posts)a fact which she may not be aware of, but of which Bloomberg et al certainly are. Gun owners do not oppose "assault weapon" bans because we see them as a slippery slope, but because "assault weapon" and magazine bans are the pile of rocks at the bottom of that slope that we are trying to avoid. "Assault weapons" are even legal in Canada and most of Europe, for Pete's sake.
As to the Second Amendment: If a ban can be enacted on guns that are among the most popular civilian guns in U.S. homes, yet kill fewer than 5 people per state per year, then what's to stop a ban on guns that are vastly more misused?
(1,558 posts)Reality: 5 shot J frame Smith or Ruger LCR
Ban-speak: Dirty Harry Magnums
Reality: Any handgun larger than .38 special
Ban-speak: Wonder-nines
Reality: any handgun with greater capacity than 7+1
Ban-speak: Sniper rifle
Reality: Hunting rifle
Ban-speak: Military grade hardware
Reality: AR-15 heavy barrel target rifle, M1 Garand, K98 Mauser, Enfield Rifle Musket, Pennsylvania Long Rifle......