Gun Control & RKBA
Related: About this forumAs a collector of older rifles I have a question for the group.
Many of my long arms are pre 1900 Winchesters ans Marlins, all lever actions. Many have 12-24 round tube magazines on them. These are 100+ year old rifles. The question I have is what happens to the tube magazine if there are restrictions to 10 round or less? Will I, and others be forced to cut the mags off, or disable the rifle?

(34,226 posts)Maybe plugs?
(10,136 posts)As that is what the current state hunting laws normally prescribe.
But then, logic and legislation don't always play well together.
(1,117 posts)I think wed all be pretty happy with Canadas gun laws.
There, most variants of semi-auto long gun are restricted or prohibited and have constraints on magazine size if allowed. Lever actions are allowed with any size magazine.
That seems like a reasonable law and one we should advocate for.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)NY's law does not exempt lever actions, or pump actions, or bolt actions. It does not exempt non-removable magazines. The only exemption is tubular magazines for .22 rimfire. IMO, NY's SAFE Act is not "a reasonable law." I would hope that the federal law does not similarly overreach.
(1,117 posts)I know some laws will impact your life, but people who support guns or the NRA in any way helped get this little girl killed.
Link to tweet
Lay down with dogs, get fleas. Few Americans who know what's going on with the NRA are now going to be swayed by arguments about "reasonable gun laws". People who love guns should have thought of that before deciding they loved guns more than they love kids.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)"People who support guns in any way" get kids killed? That's a ridiculously broad brush and a bullshit charge. It's the kind of extremism that drives rural moderates into the arms of the Republican Party. And no, by the way, it doesn't save any kids. Not a single one.
Nobody "love[s] guns more than they love kids." Spare us the virtue signaling, and never, ever, whine about the unwillingness of gun owners to compromise. That would be hypocrisy of the rankest sort.
(1,117 posts)No more screwing up our children with active shooter drills because NRA wants to make money and GOP donors want votes for tax cuts.
Ill own that.
I stand with that.
Will you own the deaths of schoolkids if youve ever donated to the NRA directly or by buying guns or ammo from a company that does donate to the NRA?
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)Last edited Thu Aug 15, 2019, 03:13 AM - Edit history (1)
That's the part of the law I'm calling unreasonable.
No. I won't. As I've said before, it's a bullshit charge. Should weed smokers own the deaths of those murdered by the cartels? Should everybody who has taken a sip of alcohol own the death toll that drunken drivers inflict on the public? Bullshit.
Every single gun and ammo manufacturer has donated to the NRA because it's a lobbying group that represents their interests. Making the NRA the boogeyman isn't going to save one single kid. Not one. If anything, gun-control overreach and overblown rhetoric have sold more AR-15s than all the efforts of the NRA and gun manufacturers combined. Your wedge issue isn't saving lives.
(15,333 posts)*They get to feel all self-righteous and morally superior to "those people"
*It's a handy virtue signal
And probably most important:
*It leaves them feeling like they've Done Something, when in reality all they've done is put wear on a keyboard...
(1,117 posts)No, they dont.
The difference is that the NRA has been taken over by Republican donors FOR POLITICAL ENDS.
Thats why the NRA is a terrorist organization.
And thats why if you buy guns or ammo you are complicit in kids deaths. Because you support a political terror organization that supports kid deaths to get Republicans elected to office.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)... and see how politically active alcohol producers get.
So donating money for political ends is now called terrorism? You missed the part about advocating violence to achieve those aims. Hyperbole is not your friend.
You want Canadian gun laws, yet people could still be killed with the guns that Canadian law allows. Would you not, then, by your own definition, also be a terrorist?
(1,117 posts)In failing to respond to your assertion, youve made my point clear: the NRA functions as a terrorist organization. And alcohol companies do not.
Thank you for confirming that.
(15,333 posts)And so far, all you have is repeated assertion.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)If there were an active movement to reinstate Prohibition -- comparable to the current active movement to implement much greater gun control measures -- the alcohol companies would take massive donations to advocate for whichever party seemed favorable to their industry, via "alcohol identity politics" (whatever that means) or whatever politics they could find that would further their business interests.
Is that clear enough for you?
(4,058 posts)with perhaps a bit of butterscotch flavoring...
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)But butterscotch?
Vacationed in TN this year, bought some butterscotch everclear. Goes down smoooootttthhhhhh.
Buzz cook
(2,689 posts)Yes they should. If they buy marijuana illegally they are financing the men who control growth and distribution. Those men use deadly violence to maintain and extent their control. If marijuana users restricted themselves to legal or home grown products that would mean there would be no money going to the marijuana cartels and no reason for them to use violence.
This is pretty much econ 101 supply and demand.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)By that logic, then, gun owners who restrict themselves to legally purchased or homemade firearms should also be left in peace.
Buzz cook
(2,689 posts)Because A therefore B is not a logical argument.
Nowhere in the supply and demand argument does it state how marijuana users should be treated.
You're trying to be clever.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)I thought that much was self-evident. Apparently it wasn't.
Perception fail.
Buzz cook
(2,689 posts)Given how contentious this subject is do you really expect me to believe you simply misspoke?
You made a bad analogy. You made a poor inference from my response. Own it.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)If in the context of this argument you didn't understand that "gun owners should be left in peace" was equivalent to "gun owners should not be expected to own the actions of killers," that's on you.
You don't want to blame legal/ethical weed smokers for the bad acts of drug cartels. I don't want to blame legal/ethical gun owners for the bad acts of spree killers. What's so hard to understand about that?
I did not misspeak. You failed to understand a simple and obvious parallel. That's on you.
(4,058 posts)background check, waiting period, etc. They have not committed any murders, mass or otherwise. Nor have they been violent. (Well, some of the big boys recoil a good bit.) Therefore, I should be able to keep them, right?
(15,333 posts)The question remains: What else have you done, aside from putting wear on a text input device?
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)There, most variants of semi-auto long gun are restricted or prohibited and have constraints on magazine size if allowed.
These long guns are unrestricted in Canada. Note the numerous semi-autos with "assault" features. These are no longer legal in NY State.
(15,333 posts)..their political acumen.
(6,091 posts)bottomofthehill
(9,040 posts)But they are not detachable or interchangeable so if it is similar to 94 there will be no impcat
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)... but nothing else. Your antique rifles are technically illegal here unless they're the above caliber.
I have yet to hear of anyone being prosecuted in this state for owning such a rifle, of which there must be thousands. I would like to see some DA try it, if only to show how ludicrous the statue is.
(24,009 posts)If so, your lever-actions are fine.
Plus, the restriction may only apply to removable magazines/clips.
If it applies to your guns, a gunsmith can probably permanently reduce the tube capacity without affecting the appearance, but harder to reverse than simply removing a plug.
We'll have to see what language passes, if any.
(49,445 posts)Look at you, stockpiling assault weapons like that. And only a child-hating monster cares the slightest about how a gun law actually works, or questions anything about them because THE CHILDREN.
{normal tone of voice}
Well, see, now, if the people proposing the laws either knew anything about guns we would have some reason to have hope of an intelligent discussion about this. However, since those people believe one or more of the following:
- Gun culture must be demonized at all levels until it is destroyed
- Anything pissing off a gun owner is a good thing
- The only good gun is a destroyed gun
- Objective gun-related facts are NRA propaganda
- Gun owners don't care about children
- No gun law is unreasonable
- No gun law is ineffective
- Following the law as written is immoral and proves you hate America, children, and apple pie.
- Questioning the effectiveness of a law, ditto.
So, good luck. It's only a matter of time until you own an arsenal of high-capacity assault weapons because your magazines dare to have a capacity of more than 2 rounds.
(18,630 posts)
(49,445 posts)
(18,630 posts)...any noise from any supposed group of 5,000,000 pro-control, bullet insurance, assault weapon ban fans is just the sound of 4,999,993 knees jerking.
(21,598 posts)What sort of spree killing are you planning on going on?
Single shot only, it will require a tool to reload so the minimum time for your second shot is at least 30 seconds.
Now you probably hunt so need ammunition to practice and to hunt so we can allow that. You will be allowed to buy 14 rounds per year. That lets you shoot every month plus two for hunting. It will be a minimum of $10 per round with an initial $100 per round deposit. To buy your 14 rounds you must bring all 14 cases back. If you don't you will forfeit the entire deposit plus pay a $500 penalty.
If you don't support this common sense measure you love your guns more than any person on the earth and probably should have to get a psychiatrist to sign off that you are ok to own guns.
I won't use the sarcasm smilie because there are some out there who would say this is "a good start"
(49,445 posts)The anti-gun people are trying to put us in 1853, hi-tech wise.
(706 posts)I don't think you even have to go through an ffl to buy them.
(18,630 posts)Individual states can be another issue.
(706 posts)For all the people that say "here's your musket that the 2nd Amendment allows" ...
We won't even be able to have a musket by the time they're finished.
I think the UK has moved on to banning kitchen knives now so there's always work to be done. Rocks after that...
The Mouth
(3,332 posts)should be forced to communicate with quill fucking pens and town criers.
(18,630 posts)...the up close and personal effect of a morning star but I won't be bringing one to a gunfight.
The Mouth
(3,332 posts)i have a 'Bastard Sword" hanging in the living room, just because I used to make knives and studied swordsmithing.
My guitarist dropped by and asked "why the hell do you need that thing?", to which I replied "If the Zombies keep coming after I run out of ammo".
(18,630 posts)When you won't have time to reload.
(8,614 posts)During the last " magazine ban" there was no exemptions for any rifle except 22rimfire. That would mean that some of my rifles would have to have the magazine tubes cut down. And possession of unmounted tubes would have been a Felony.
(10,625 posts)100+ year old rifle wold be.
(3,268 posts)depending on jurisdiction " Shotguns must be "plugged" to prevent them from firing more than three rounds before reloading." I figure that can solve the problem...
(17,502 posts)Migratory Birds Act and a treaty with Canada. The three round rule is federal, and probably applies to Canada as well.
(836 posts)Weld a plug in there.
Straw Man
(6,848 posts)To completely destroy the collectability and historical value of a 100+ year-old rifle of a type that has never been used in mass shooting? You must be joking.
The notion of mag capacity limits as some sort of answer to the problem of mass killings is flawed from the get-go. Is 10 an acceptable number of deaths? Would you consider the problem solved if spree killers were limited to 10 victims?
(34,210 posts)
I reality so called Assault Weapons Bans are a bad idea.
Response to oneshooter (Original post)
micDROP Spam deleted by MIR Team
(7,579 posts)Maybe you could get a Teddy bear to sleep with at night.
Please explain how your life would be ruined or destroyed by having to cut the mags off, or disable the rifle.
(706 posts)Trying to see where he said his life would be ruined or destroyed. Not seeing it. Your sour reply is sour.
If it wont harm him, what's his problem?
Historic NY
(38,605 posts)not even in already know that, and you know that your limit to the number of rounds when your hunting. The restriction for hunting has been in effect for decades....included shotguns too. I've hunted with an 1898 lever action and had a wooden block for it.
(706 posts)yagotme
(4,058 posts)that means the magazine could be "readily convertible" back to original capacity. His problem, as I see it, is taking a historic arm, and making a permanent modification to the magazine, severely destroying the collector value of the piece. Therefore, it would "harm" him, by reducing the investment value of it. Like buying a house with a swimming pool, and the community passes an ordinance banning pools, and you have to have it filled in. Cost of filling the pool, plus loss of market value, is "harm".
The Mouth
(3,332 posts)Think of the Children!
Obviously, if you even have ONE, or want one, you are a racist, Nazi NRA member who loves seeing kids killed!
You evil gun humper, you