Related: About this forumAndria Mitchell Doing Sit Down Interview With Bernie Sanders In 3, 2, 1....
Just kidding. The game is rigged. Ignore, ignore, ignore.
Sure Hillary has her scandals, almost 100% bs. Still there
is no Bernie scandal, just because. Shining the light on
Bernie is the last thing the powers that be would want
to do.
His message might get out.....

(97,964 posts)chance
Meanwhile, I know he requested that DWS schedule more debates? Is there any doubt how that's going and why?
George II
(67,782 posts)Wilms
(26,795 posts)And an argle bargle to you too, sir.
(5,141 posts)except to a certain demographic that still has home phones and watches telly and reads newspapers. That is not how MOST people get their information anymore because most people have figured out the that media are paid shills for corporations in whose best interest it is to promote THEIR candidates.
I think the biggest issue in this campaign is the lack of debates, and the control being exerted by HRC vis a vis DWS. Its a disgrace that instead of having an informed electorate they just want to enthrone their candidate. Kinda smacks of the Divine Right...isnt that what our forefathers rebelled against? Its almost as though the Glorious Revolution never happened!
Definition Dissident
(2 posts)The industry that practices issue evasion and suppression on a massive scale, while showering itself with awards for accuracy and integrity, is ITSELF the issue.
"The idea that (NBC-CBS-ABC-CNN) are interested in journalistic credibility or integrity...or that these entities even DO journalism, is absurd...When something doesnt happen, THEY INVENT IT. Thats extremely common.
These people are entertainers on behalf of Empire....on behalf of covering up or mythologizing narratives to cover up the CRIMES of empire. Thats why theyre highly paid, thats why theyre highly coveted."
~ Chris Hedges, Pulitzer prize winning reporter