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This message was self-deleted by its author (marble falls) on Wed Mar 6, 2013, 11:26 PM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(7,822 posts)Imply that Fox ever had any credibility?
marble falls
(63,640 posts)nothing to see here."
(794 posts)marble falls
(63,640 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)Pox has been a sick joke for a very long time, appealing mostly to bitter old retired white men. Those men are dying off and the brand's name as Wingnut Central just isn't selling as well to Gen Xers and the youngest Boomers no matter how many leggy, jiggly bottle blondes they have reading the scripts.
I'll believe they're doing an actual housecleaning when they finally dump Ailes, not before.
In any case, it's too late for Pox, they've lied too transparently and all those predictions of a Romney landslide in contradiction of actual polls being done completely destroyed any credibility they ever had with their none too bright target audience.
It's also too late for the GOP, they've been whipping up hate and living on pure spite for far too long to be able to convince any fence sitters that they're moderate again.
Few people trust either Pox or the GOP and that's a very good thing for this country.
(4,192 posts)Of course that will blow over all their watchers' heads. But they aren't really all that interested in digging for the facts anyway. The network has been proven time and time again to be liars and absolute partisans for the republican party, yet they keep on watching. That sure paints an ugly picture of the people who do the watching as much as it does about the freaks they put on their shows. It's absolutely pathetic in my mind, yet the network is still rated number one. That's truly damning evidence against the intelligence of the American people. They are being played for fools and they keep coming back for more.
(507 posts)Palin and Morris are old news.
Fox wants fresh contentious meat for the next go-round.
It isn't about them being a legit news source, it is about feeding the masses the scripted drama they so desire.
(31,182 posts)They will find some new issues to get their fans in a frenzy about.
(8,821 posts)How about that? Faux News finally admits its commentators are expected to work for, ". . . the betterment of the conservative movement, or the Republican Party," otherwise they will be fired. I'm glad they've decided to be honest about that fact at last.
(4,835 posts)Fair to the conservative community and balanced between conservative and republican.
It kind of makes sense.
(153 posts)..."openness to the "idea" of immigration reform", "These seem to be the seedlings of change".
Yeah right, sure sure, more weapons grade red elephant dung disguised as bullshit.
The Wizard
(13,092 posts)Pox News is in talks with Ted Hitler as a prime time commentator.