Related: About this forumSitting here laughing thinking in the service you meet some real characters
Went bed 23:30 was wide awake 01:15 decided to do laundry cleaned kitchen ran the dishwasher. As Vets we all served with some real interesting people I do not look at my time in military as defining moment of my life it was all peace time and even then I just didnt take shit that seriously. This morning I started thinking of Staff sgt G just came to me having coffee or coffees.
Here is example of my not taking it serious my mind set a dumb ass. OSUT training Benning were on ambush range learning how to be tactical most of us 18 year old kids. So I release a big fart were supposed be silent waiting to light up the boogey man.
Wouldnt you know it in middle night the one range NCO somehow knew it was me that passed gas next thing Im getting dragged by my B.D.U. Collar or maybe my LBE flipped over by range NCO.
Starts Chewing my ass in loud whispers under the moonlight of Georgia telling me poking me in the chest with his finger that I just gave it away squad position and in real world the NVA by now would be going through our pockets of our dead bodies.
I dont know why I just started thinking of Staff sgt G great paratrooper my squad leader in the 82nd dude was Ranger tabbed served in regiment Eagle claw /Grenada alumni he was fine leader cared for us all I respected him he was all warrior no lifer .
Personally I would have followed Staff G anywhere anytime even into downtown Fayettenam Fayetteville N.C. on pay day weekend to get Chinese takeout if we caught that on rapid deployment. Yet G had PTSD I doubt it was from Eagle claw or Grenada G hated rats.
PTSD was from tour in Panama he was bitten by a rat yep and now fast forward to our Sinai MFO our O.P. had rats lot of them reason the LEG units before we took over never burnt their garbage. Ssg would shoot them Im ok with it Quick draw with his colt 1911. So this is where this morning Im laughing over memories our L.T.who lived on another O.P. came to bother us by deciding maybe spend a day with us.
So anyway LT loses it cuz SSG G just got him another body count scared LT made him jump the 45 going off. So the LT launches into a God dammit SSG what the fuck are you doing us enlisted guys thinking oh this is gonna be good.
SSG G just says to the LT what the fuck does it look like Im doing Sir as he was standing there in jungle boots and boxers dam I remember that peninsula was hot. Im killing rodents protecting my men do you want me to explain how filthy these things are this is how the plagues started in Europe.
Yep dude was a character I am or was fortunate enough to have served with SSG G.

(30,235 posts)a vivid image.
I worked with a man close to your age I think he was in the 82nd. Still lives here in NC.
I wish i was more like you Duncanpup. I wake up in the middle of the night but am never doing anything productive, just looking at videos, reading DU, and playing games on the iPad.
there was a rat in my apartment when my kids were young it nearly drove me out of my mind. the management didn't believe it. when my son and i actually saw it with our eyes I called them nearly hysterical and they finally got someone out to take care of it. ended up dying in the wall, smelled gawdawful and then came the flies.
my house was never as clean as it was during that time. my knees will not allow me to do all the down on the floor scrubbing I did through the nights when we had a rat. I think I'd get PTSD if i was bitten by one. i hate rats
(2,274 posts)2nd Lt. L was the character I remember most vividly. Great guy who cared about us enlisted men. Fresh outta College ROTC. No particular story I wish to share at this time as they all would take too long to tell. But even with his obvious newness I would have followed him into hell because I KNEW he had our backs. I hope he kept it that way too. Great guy. Had some senior NCO's I felt the same way about and some I wouldn't follow to the landfill.
(14,134 posts)Redleg
(6,380 posts)I was a field artillery 2LT at the time and we were burning unused powder increments in the burn pit, which was unusual since we normally turned in the unused powder. Anyway, the chaplain wanted to take a look so he drove up in his jeep (we had humvees at the time but not all elements of the battalion had them) and parked about 50 meters from the burnpit. The safety officer told him he should move the jeep farther away but the flames and heat were too intense and the so plastic windows of the jeep melted down.
The moral of the story for us was to post more guards at checkpoints around the burn pit. I'm glad I wasn't the safety officer on that one.
(69,306 posts)Short, ugly, chinless bastard. Looked like he should have been working a basement desk in 'Office Space'. Utterly charmless.
He had the air of someone who had been called a loser his whole life, and was determined to prove everyone wrong. He made E-7 at a relatively young age, and was ticking off all the boxes on the climb to Sergeant Major; staff NCO, training NCO, drill sergeant, etc. His accomplishments didn't soften his abrasive edges, or give him insight into the thoughts and emotions of other people.
He tried, without much success, to affect an air of 'magnanimous superior bestowing largesse on his subordinates'. But he was too touchy, and hypervigilant to possible insults or derision to ever be truly genial.
I remember he offered me something once; I can't remember; a soda, piece of gum or candy, something like that. I didn't want it and responded with a polite "No, thank you." He just about came unglued, calling me rude and thoughtless, and suggesting I learn the particulars of getting along with people. I remember thinking how emotionally immature that made him seem. If you offer someone a choice, you do not have the right to be offended if they make the choice you didn't want them to.
Six months working for that hammerhead. Then he rotated back to the States. I only saw him once more. After Germany, I was re-assigned to a tank company on Fort Knox, and was re-visiting my old training grounds on a day off once, when I saw him, in the Smokey Bear hat of a drill sergeant, Jody-calling a marching platoon of tanker trainees.
He saw me, but I don't know if he recognized me.
I've never forgotten that asshole, even though I've tried pretty hard to.
I so understand you in reading this lifer NCO as in no chance outside in civilian world.
Im up heading to M.E.P.s this morning Im gonna take physical space force is now taking prior service. Im looking at lawn garden MOS.
I did ok on my ASVAB our friend Dash one bravo beat me out he qualified for the MOS of engine room coal shoveler to power the space ships Im kind of being petty and jealous some guys get all the glory.