For Price Of Iraq War, US Could Power Half Country With Renewables

For Price Of Iraq War, US Could Power Half Country With Renewables
April 8, 2013
Zachary Shahan
Discussions of how to respond to climate change often involve Very Large Numbers the needed investments to transition to a fully renewable energy system are in the hundreds of billions. The brain sort of shuts down when it encounters numbers like that. They are too big to fathom. The one thing that does seem true about them is that nobodys ever going to spend that kind of money on anything. Right? It seems hopeless.
So I always enjoy it when someone comes along to provide some perspective, a comparison that can give us context and help us see the numbers afresh. Today, wind analyst Paul Gipe asks, how much renewable energy could we have gotten from what we spent on the Iraq War?
The total cost of the Iraq War, including future costs to care for veterans, is $2.2 trillion. If we include the interest we have to pay on the debt we used to finance the war, that figure rises to $3.9 trillion by 2053. (See Gipes article for sources and details.)
For David Roberts full piece, check out:
For the price of the Iraq War, the U.S. could have gotten halfway to a renewable power system.