Service Chiefs Critique Hagel’s SCMR: ‘Rosy’ & ‘Dangerous’ Assumptions
Service Chiefs Critique Hagels SCMR: Rosy & Dangerous Assumptions
By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.
on November 08, 2013 at 11:30 AM
CAPITOL HILL: Weve had nearly two years of hearings about how hard the automatic budget cuts called sequestration would hit the Department of Defense. Yesterday, we saw something new.
For the first time, the uniformed chiefs of all four services publicly told Congress that they have big problems with their civilian bosses plan to cope with sequestration, the Strategic Choices and Management Review.
The SCMR, they said, makes dangerously optimistic assumptions about how big the next war will be, how long it will take to win, how big a force we need to win it, and how quickly that force can be made dready to fight.
Secretary Chuck Hagels SCMR pronounced skimmer or scammer depending on your degree of cynicism laid out a range of options that are supposed to guide Pentagon planners as they thrash out two alternative budgets, one assuming full sequestration and one assuming lesser cuts, for fiscal year 2015 and beyond. Its also become the de facto first step of the congressionally mandated Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR).
With the Armys money, manpower, and missions coming under the heaviest fire inside the Pentagon, its no surprise that the Army Chief of Staff, Gen. Ray Odierno, has already made public some doubts about the SCMR: It makes somewhat rosy assumptions that are somewhat dangerous, he told a House Armed Services Committee hearing in September. But at Thursdays hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee, Odierno went much further and was joined, for the first time that Ive seen, by the other three service chiefs. Literally sitting in a row, they chimed in one after the other to back Odierno up.