Related: About this forum77 years ago on this day operation overlord
Fine Americans and our allies to those who lost their lives or were wounded or who made it through the war we remember you and the sacrifices , the women and men that put their lives on hold either willingly or unwillingly to save our world.
The greatest generation.

captain queeg
(11,780 posts)As you can imagine they were stunned. Besides the enormity it was interesting to hear what really surprised them. No horses were mentioned by many. We have been shown so many pictures of the German mechanized army but in reality the vast majority were on foot and used horses extensively. Another thing that amazed them were the DD Sherman tanks that came directly ashore and entered combat after swimming in.
(35,071 posts)Anti-Fa group that saved us from Hitler.
(108,317 posts)May their spirits somehow help us return to a nation of truth, courage, and staunch belief in democracy.
(11,055 posts)Sacrifice and honor.
(1,246 posts)and their conspiracy minded constituents.

(1,246 posts)seems about right.
(49,131 posts)Great photos, newly discovered are destined to lead Twitter
Leader of the Free Golf Cart
(40,915 posts)My friend N... 101st Airborne. Parachuted in.
D-Day, N's day. In the few days after D-Day, N said he and a buddy chanced upon some bar in a small town. The patrons kept asking 'did you capture this town, that town, some town over there?' 'Oui' was the answer followed by a drink. By the time they had liberated half of France they were in poor shape when they walked out.
(14,134 posts)bucolic_frolic
(49,131 posts)were impacted by the war. Those who lived through the Great Depression and WWII learned to be docile to some extent, they were not in control of their lives entirely no matter how successful, world and national events were larger than them.
(1,402 posts)I was proud to have known them and to have heard the stories that they told me. A special thanks to our code talkers.
(18,967 posts)was a Captain in the Rangers who scaled Point Du Hoc under constant machine gun fire.
Six years ago I got to spend an entire afternoon with him while he answered every question I could ask. He was just one of a very, very special group of men
He passed away two years ago and was given a full, military, burial in Arlington National Cemetery including having his casket carried on a horse-drawn cason.
I am forever grateful I got to know him and relieved that day with him. It solidified my appreciation for what he and others endured to free Europe from Fascists....and stop their spread throughout the world.
(14,134 posts)FeelingBlue
(767 posts)Go to the WWII Museum in New Orleans on June 6. On this day, every year, they open up the Higgins boat to visitors. You can enter it and sit, listening to a docent describe the boat and the experience of landing that day on the edge of Europe. The Museum is amazing, too.
Our National WWII Museum is in New Orleans?! I do not know why its there.
Doc Sportello
(7,964 posts)Ambrose is the author of Band of Brothers, which the tv series is based on.
(11,342 posts)Those photographs he brought back and entered into his private collection were really hard to look at. We were not allowed as kids to view them but I snuck them out and studied them.
My dad destroyed them after he caught me.
They inspired me to join, entered the Army thinking we were going to put an end to all that war crap. It kinda didnt turn out that way.
(14,134 posts)Last edited Sun Jun 6, 2021, 09:36 PM - Edit history (1)
The Jungle 1
(4,552 posts)So this morning my father put on 100 pounds of equipment and waddled to a C-47 cigar tube. Took a flight across the channel and stepped out of that plane and floated to earth. Then the shit storm started.
(14,134 posts)Mysterian
(5,397 posts)Uncle Clark was killed; Uncle Ward lost a leg to a mortar shell; my dad was in Czechoslovakia when the war ended and made it home in one piece.