Related: About this forumI've noticed that lately, emotional stress tires me out more than it used to. Your experience?

(38,613 posts)Redleg
(6,380 posts)A lot of the comfort foods that people like to eat when feeling distressed can also interfere with functional coping with stress.
(65,540 posts)It is hard to take.
And watching our democracy die is not helping matters.
At age 76 I cant handle stress as well as I could when younger.
(18,434 posts) telling me shes feeling that emotional burnout already. I think it would be hard to be young these days. I worry about my grand daughters dating and having health care.
(3,964 posts)Post-Covid fatigue adds to it.
(58 posts)is that stress knocks out those who care and feel compassion, those who are affected by the suffering and dishonesty in the world. My solution is to remind myself NO ONE knows what is happening and we are all confused to the point of fear. So I ignore it. I tell myself "it will be alright". I feel much better now.
I'm 74 and have chronic insomnia plus a chronic illness. I quit watching the news a few years ago and generally read the title of news articles online to determine if I can stand reading it. I am very selective about what pictures to see and videos to watch. I watch 'slice of life' kinds on series or movies,,,, don't want to see violence of any sort.
(18,434 posts)..cuz we all know how those turn out.
If I get to sit in one place and coil my baskets and watch Ozzie and Harriet all day Im fine.
(3,723 posts)More frequent headaches and higher blood pressure occurs more often today.
(18,434 posts) he has a way of irritating people. I also have severely limited my time from the tv news and I consider my weekly craft class at the sr center as my Mental Health time. I check my phone maybe once an hour to get any breaking news ( Im hoping for news of the Trump plane going down over the Pacific).
(7,892 posts)on a regular basis. Get a check up if you haven't in a while. It will help to let your love flow and think clearly.
(35,282 posts)To paraphrase (or repeat as best I can from memory) my heroine Eleanor Roosevelt, "You gain strength when you face fear. You can say I have lived through that thing; I can face the next thing that comes along."
This, to me, is the best part of having lived a long time. I have a great deal of experience at surviving what seemed intractable and terrifying.
(16,344 posts)If I start thinking too much about what I initially think is a problem I say, "this too shall pass". If you've lived long enough you have a lot of experiences to look back on and reflect that somehow you got through them and are still standing. Getting ready to turn 75 soon.
(19,706 posts)In my case, it's life experience together with the fact that my depression and anxiety are under better control with medication than than they ever were in the past. I still have my ups and downs, but they're more like little bumps and dips in the road than the roller coaster ride to hell I was on at other times in my life.
Being free from the stress of having to go to a job every day helps, too. It's wonderful not having to worry about pleasing anyone but myself and my very undemanding husband.
Faux pas
(15,570 posts)between fibromyalgia and arthritis I'm wrung out most of the time. Turned 75 the 29th.
(3,668 posts)Mind body fatigue is a vicious cycle. Just forced myself to the yoga mat today and that seems to help. The threat of violence in November is real. We have been abused emotionally by TSF and he continues. Time will tell. In the meantime I try to move and if that isnt possible I listen to healing meditations. Take care. You are not alone!🙏🏼💗
(13,867 posts)even little stressors issues but me on "hold" so to speak... I relate it to always having to be on my guard socially/publicly as we can't seem to trust the normal things... Even our phones bring in stressors with scammers, as do our computers... Driving on the highway, look out for road rage and very stupid/careless food has NO customer service and prices are ridiculous....
I could go on....The tRump MAGA administration created this loss from normal social interaction, honor, truth and kindness is a rare experience now...
(2,706 posts)The is emotionally and physically tiring. I I find myself dreading the future.
Midnight Writer
(23,491 posts)Nowadays, long retired, even relatively little things can throw me. Sometimes I just want to go back to bed and pull the blankets over my head (and sometimes I do).
(15,547 posts)Now I'm easily overwhelmed now