Related: About this forumI recently joined the Hearing Aid Crowd
and have been going back for adjustments to get them tuned in and all seems to be going pretty well since yesterday. I have come across a place for batteries online and thought I would pass it along.
I got a batch of 60 Ray O Vac's for $20.00 and free shipping.
Might be worth a look as these rascals can add up over time.

(15,145 posts)True Blue American
(18,430 posts)It is important to Seniors.
(15,145 posts)to look into what alternatives, if any, I should consider. I'll probably hold out for as long as I can, but I'm already experiencing small "signs" that my hearing isn't what it used to be at age 72.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)is about all I can suggest.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)People who have hearing problems are not sure where to go.
But you are happy with yours so do not listen to me.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)What is being done to Seniors. They all need to know. Unless you have full coverage and many Insurance companies are cutting back.
$6000 to $9000 when electronics have become so much cheaper. The profit is making providers wealthy,plus the company go betweens.
It is said $2000 is sheer profit of each one. COSTCO is selling pairs for $1599 but they can not get in the Insurance field. So it is out of pocket.
(67,112 posts)Scarsdale
(9,426 posts)I told my niece in the UK about my costs for hearing aides. She was shocked, they are provided free under the NHS. They are so thankful for the NHS, and would not like to see the US version of "healthcare" implemented there. We really ARE fools to tolerate this system. Since crooks are ripping off Medicare in the Billions of $$$, how come they keep saying we can not afford our own system? Money seems to be no object when it comes to the military, flights overseas for politicians and their families, golf trips that cost millions. We are being royally screwed.
(67,112 posts)when people vote, but many just don't seem to get it. I fortunately do not have hearing problems, but must get one or two hearing aid come-ons each day in the mail for seminars, lunches, etc., etc., etc.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)You do not have to answer.
Do you have insurance? Most Medicare Advantage plans do now. They give batteries and you can get new ones every year, which is really foolish, as they last much longer.
Congress passed a law so OTC Hearing Aids can be sold. The variation of prices is terrible. I think it was a Grassley /Warren bill but others signed on. Problem is providers are gouging. It has not helped those who have serious hearing problems.
I would love to hear others comments.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)hearing aids. In my case about 1/3rd. Batteries were not part of the package in my case which is why I did some looking around and passed along what I had found. The place where I bought the hearing aids said that they charge $1.00 per battery and that while they had them I would be better off doing some looking.
I did some research prior to getting a test and getting fitted. Attended a presentation at the local library by an audiologist and Yes, the law changed allowing "Hearables" to be sold, but I chose to go the more traditional route with mine as it is my first go around. Yesterday I got a software update, changed the upper pitch a bit to take the edge off and they also steam my phone calls direct to my hearing aids. Maybe I could have gone a less expensive route but really don't know.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Me for being upset. When you have a serious hearing problem you need the best.
I have contacted Sherrod Brown,also had a conversation with the go between and Insurance company. I know younger people who have serious hearing problems. Most do not have Insurance so they go to COSTCO!
It is not just a Senior problem. Younger people are having serious problems.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)and I am not sure that the new law on hearables didn't make it less of a guess. I understand your frustration with the current system as it is very much a guessing game.
The ones I received were not necessarily top of the line. The audiologist indicated they to be more entry level, but so far so good and they seem to help. Not in every situation to be sure but I am better off than I was.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)But what I have found over the years with Insurance many providers give you what Insurance will pay for. Charge those who need extra volume do not get it.
My post was not to make you think yours are wrong. Nerve loss is better with behind the ear. Other losses can use in the ear. That is what you are seeing today in all these miracle ads. If you are pleased they can be a miracle. You actually have to retrain your brain to hear the sounds you have been missing.Patience is needed.
It is totally confusing for the aberage person.
An engineer on AARP checked to see how much the parts would cost for him to build one.$250.
I just saw a 65 inch Smart TV for $599.
(35,071 posts)I've been wondering about hearing aids. Got a letter from my Union provider that it covers all to most of the cost. Medicare doesn't look like they cover any of it.
Going to hold out a little longer. Right now I can hear folks talking fine, just can't understand what they are saying. Learned to just shake my head up and down.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)They cover $3000, but they gave 2 basic. To get the best is another $3000.
Fine for those with mild loss.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Why I am on a crusade. There is absolutely no regulation in the industry.
(26,329 posts)...jet engines, and has definite hearing loss. He knows this, but is not ready to take the big step to hearing aids. I may have to start nudging him, as things have gotten to the point where he needs the television volume high enough that it is uncomfortable for me to be in the same room. He also tells me that I am talking really softly, when I am speaking as I always have, and he cant hear me if I am facing away from him.
I am soft-spoken, but I dont think it is fair to expect me to shout in order to carry on a conversation.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Then when they get them they complain everyone is talking loud to them! Truth is they are now hearing.
Trainer at the Y went to the VA. They paid $6000 for 2. They are now in a drawer and he keeps saying what?
I also have a soft voice. Pre-hearing aids my husband would ask me something; I would answer, he would say what; I would answer again, and he would say what; By the third time I had to answer I would raise my voice so he could hear me. His response: You don't have to yell, I just couldn't hear you. (oh, the irony) No matter what I did, it was wrong. I had also stopped watching tv in the same room as him. Now he has hearing aids, but now he complains about hearing things--cupboards are too loud, doors are being slammed (no they're not), but my voice is too soft and he thinks the solution is for ME to change for HIM. We go back to the hearing aid place to have them adjusted, but only when I suggest it. I think his problem is more than just hearing loss (possible dementia) and that's a whole other issue that will not be pleasant to face.
(34,502 posts)I had to hide my hearing aids from my dog who eats anything that smells like me. Watch bands...he leaves the metal parts, lol. Anyway I hid them so well I could not find them for 3 years. My husband did not notice but I could not hear and was not going to tell him since, my god they are expensive (I needed special aids for my music with directional control). I just found them!!! I can't wear them because the plastic parts that go around your ear have deteriorated. Need to get in and get them revved back up. This will be good to know, those batteries are expensive.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)Happy to be of any help I can and happy that you found them. Hopefully they will be back in working order before you know it.
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)Music keeps us normal today
I know a newspaper reporter whose dog ate his. That did not turn out well.
(26,329 posts)...hearing aids very attractive. We discovered this a few Christmases ago, when one of our cats made of with my moms hearing aids - she had neglected to put them in their little box. We found one of them that day, quite well chewed up. Over a year later, we found the other one, completely unharmed.
Interesting and costly lesson.
(17,554 posts)I recently found that you can get the receiver tubes on Amazon. I buy the wax guard and battery and the domes there also.
I am hopping they last long enough for the new over the counter aides to hit the market.
I also keep mine in the storage box with a package of the silica gel to absorb the moisture that might be in the aides
(24,954 posts)long enough until you use?
I usually limit myself to get 10 packs of batteries (package of 4 batteries each) which will last me usually a minimum of 6 months or so (at least). These cost me $3 for each package.
These batteries will last for about a month or so, which is very good compared to my first hearing aids, which the batteries lasted only a day or so! So, the technology in batteries has improved substantially too. My hearing aids are custom made too, since I have a profound hearing loss, thus the aids cost me about $4000 each, which only $1000 was covered by insurance (now its $4000, every 3 years).
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)having worked Retail Grocery, I am very used to checking dates on everything and they are apparently good long beyond the expected dates I will use them up so I believe I am good with these. Time of course will tell. You point however, is a very valid one.
(24,954 posts)me an email or line and I'd be glad to try and help you w/ your question. Take care!
Side the way I used to buy my HA batteries via Walgreens, but I was running into batteries no longer good, etc., buying them at Walgreens, so I started buying my HA batteries through my hearing aid place, SW Hearing. This had the added benefit too, of them be able to clean my HAs when I visited too, to buy more HA batteries.
Take care and happy hearing!
True Blue American
(18,430 posts)AAARP had 3 pages on them in the last issue.
My provider checks me every 3 months, gives me batteries if I need them but my last company sent me a years supply when I got my new one.
On the OTC bill that does not take affect until next year. I d hope that makes it easier to understand, be able to make the right decisions.