Related: About this forumI remember when you never saw Christmas decorations until at least after Thanksgiving.
Our town put street decorations up 2 weeks ago.

(54,447 posts)Rorey
(8,514 posts)Never have I ever put it up so early, but I'm very much enjoying it this year.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)The Mrs. isn't interested at all.
(52,669 posts)have The Christmas Shop finished by Labor Day, then we went onto the rest of the store which had to be finished by Thanksgiving. We had no choice. I used to love to decorate from the time I was a kid, but not so much after that job. The sad part was on Jan 2, when we had to take down 4 months of work in one day.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)I know what you mean.
(4,613 posts)my city would put them up Thanksgiving week, but wouldn't light them up until Thanksgiving night.
I understand trying to get things up on nice days and I understand shopping centers and stores needing to get things up as it takes time to do so.
When I ran a small gaming hobby store I would not allow the decorations to go up until the week of Thanksgiving and really wanted them to wait until afterwards, but there just wasn't time or staff to get it all done and service the customers over the after Thanksgiving weekend.
I do remember staying one Christmas Eve late to reset displays after we closed, but then that was during my divorce and there was no where to go that night anyway.
regnaD kciN
(26,815 posts)...because, even when I was a teenager, I can remember some stores putting up their decorations a full three months (September 25th) before Christmas. By the time I was in my early twenties and living in Los Angeles, it was more like mid-September.
Granted, those were the stores. Private homes tended to decorate later. And, to be fair, in our own neighborhood (in a fairly secular region where lots of people don't decorate, period) it was pretty common to see the lights go up the day after Thanksgiving. This is the first year when I've started seeing more than just a few people put theirs up around two weeks before Thanksgiving. I can only wonder if it's a coincidence that this seems to have occurred just after the election was called for Biden.
(54,273 posts)
(2,234 posts)I was so grateful for early Christmas decorating. Moms favorite things were trees in full fall color, snow, and Christmas decorations. The day I took her to the doctor and we got the awful diagnosis of liver cancer, October 29, the trees were still in full color, and the hillside across from her doctors office was spectacular.
A week later, I took her in for tests. When we came out, it was snowing. November 7, snow. It was wet, heavy snow, and we spent the afternoon on her sofa enjoying it, even though it wasnt cold enough to accumulate.
A week later, November 14, another doctor appointment in the late afternoon. For some reason, I made a wrong turn on the way back to her house, and we ended up in a neighborhood where almost every house had their decorations up. I parked on the street so she could enjoy them as long as she wanted.
Two days later, she was admitted to hospice and died two days after that. Since then you cant decorate too early for me.
(54,273 posts)And (whatthehell) MERRY CHRISTMAS!
(2,234 posts)Hubster is Jewish, and Im the daughter of The Athiest Who Loved Christmas. We celebrate anything and everything!
(54,273 posts)I've always thought that odd, but what's the difference?
I'm an atheist or maybe an agnostic; it's confusing to me.
I can't prove there is and I can't (obviously) prove there isn't.
I go along with it for family.
I try not to be a Scrooge or rain on everyone's Christmas tree.
(11,115 posts)I_UndergroundPanther
(13,027 posts)Nowadays comes out before halloween.
By time Christmas is here I don't wanna see Christmas anything and so glad it's over.
By new years I feel a longing for no more holidays. And thankfully the next holidays aren't big ones.
(54,273 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,427 posts)Christmas decorations were all up, and I remember thinking, "I'm so glad we have Thanksgiving to put off this nonsense."
In the years since, Thanksgiving, and even Halloween, have become invisible.
(3,482 posts)After one of the worst years in human history.
Totally Tunsie
(10,887 posts)and I have to say it was pretty exciting to see them last night.
In recent years, I've really scaled down my decorating, but may reverse that a bit this year. I think we all need some color and joy in our lives.
My younger d-in-law is a Christmas junkie and usually puts up at nine trees in their home plus her Christmas villages, and window and stairs decor. They've relocated to Sweden this year and had to leave much of their trimmings behind, but their decorating is already in progress. If you're in their home, you WILL have Christmas spirit!