Related: About this forumCannabis oil vape pen w/ oil
Grandson got me one for Xmas. After getting it home and figuring out what it was, I'm embarrassed too tell him I don't know how to use it.

(6,672 posts)It will mess up your lungs. Then if you get covid, well... nuf' said
(6,672 posts)Very mellow...
Peregrine Took
(7,567 posts)I feel dopey with one (THC) or nothing at all with the other one.
(6,672 posts)with a ratio of 2:1 CBD to THC.
It's a very mellow relaxed feeling that lasts about 4 hours. Good for housecleaning, gardening, bike riding etc. Then I'm ready for a nap.
(33,643 posts)It's a scare piece.
For example:
"Diacetyl is frequently added to flavored e-liquid to enhance the taste"
It's basically considered banned by all makers of e-liquid, nobody uses it since they found out it causes popcorn lung ... like 5 years ago, at least.
"The substance at the center of investigation is vitamin E. Its often used as a thickening and delivery agent in e-liquid"
"vaping-related lipoid pneumonia is the result of inhaling oily substances found in e-liquid"
Absolutely no e-liquid should ever have any oily substances in them (apart from cannabis oil which is the same thing you put in your lungs if you smoke weed). The problem with the vitamin-E oil being referred to here was a result of unscrupulous drug dealers 'cutting' cannabis products with vitamin E oil.
Yet this article makes it sound like all vaping fluids contain oils. THEY DON'T. Vitamin E is not 'often used', it's NEVER used by anyone but street dealers.
This article is fucking BULLSHIT.
(72,174 posts)never have. it's the new reefer madness.
(13,964 posts)I will not partake.
(6,672 posts)Thank you for not taking any unnecessary risks. Your lungs are precious.
My sister is an overwhelmed nurse. They cannot handle any more lung emergencies.
(33,643 posts)Honestly. I follow all this very closely, that's all friggin' garbage. See my post above.
(25,124 posts)legal, licensed retailers don't sell the blackmarket stuff that is dangerous.
(33,643 posts)That statement is about as accurate as the crap in this 'contribution'
Arkansas Granny
(31,944 posts)Another one I've seen has a button to activate the element.
If all else fails GTS (Google that shit).
Start easy. Too big a toke can bring on a coughing fit. 😉 😉
(15,317 posts)like pax. Easy on the lungs and no additives at all.
(4,613 posts)you just draw (these are the all-in-one disposable kind). And they are from licensed manufacturers in the state where I live so I don't worry about the whole issue of adulterated liquid.