Women's World
Related: About this forumBreast reduction surgery
Has anyone done this or thought about it? I developed early and fast. I think my boobies were starting to sag while I was still in my twenties. I'm in my mid-sixties now, and have developed major shoulder issues (torn ligament on one side that I know about). I'm 5'2", and am busting out of my 40D minimizer.
I went to an orthopedist this week, and asked his opinion. He said it could definitely be a factor, and that he would write a letter for me recommending the surgery. It sounds as though the insurance company is very nit-picky about approving this procedure. I have an appointment with a plastic surgeon this Tuesday, and I i'm really excited and hopeful.

(68,644 posts)I don't think there's any question but that large breasts take a toll on a woman's back health, balance, posture, etc.
I hope that all the medical care providers and insurers see the logic in moving forward with appropriate procedures.
(55,655 posts)I'm quite a bit bustier than you but also taller. I don't think I could do the hold the pencil thing at 12.
I watched a program on the discovery channel that put me off breast reduction. It's possible that techniques have improved since then, but that program showed them removing the nipple completely and when they reattach it, all sensation is lost. It's a far more invasive surgery than getting implants. Have you looked on YouTube for videos on how it's done?
If you want information on how to better fit a bra, see this site: http://www.plussizebras.info/fit.html
(2,318 posts)Last edited Sun Nov 24, 2013, 12:12 PM - Edit history (1)
I am not planning on watching any surgery videos. But I do have an idea of what happens with the nipple...I think they can keep the nerves attached. A lot of lift would definitely be required. I've read a number of comments here and there about the recovery, which does sound as though it ranges from moderate to very painful. I have done one natural childbirth and had a hemmorhoid removal operation, so I do have a bit of experience along these lines.
I am just sick and tired of having these gross lumps on my chest. Not an issue much these days, but back in the day, it was all a guy looked at when he saw me...and of course, I was a dumb slut. The dumb horny guys were the ones who were attracted to me. I swear, it is as though they think that if you're trampy, those things are the physical manifestation of it. And it was never the impression I wanted to give...I was the smart, snarky girl!Hey, Janeane Garofolo did it I feel like I now have a chance to present the image I want to.
(55,655 posts)but I just want to say that if guys see you as a "dumb slut" because you're busty, that is entirely their problem. I know what you mean though. I don't get the dumb part, but some men definitely regard women with certain kinds of bodies as best suited for sex. I won't change my body because of that though. I like my breasts, but I understand that you feel them cumbersome, especially if you haven't figured out how to get bras that fit. I'm guessing at 5'2" your don't need a band size of 40. You're probably need to go down in band size and up in cup size. I'm 5 ft 7 and wear a 38 band size, and if I were the weight I should be it would be 36 or 34.
(2,318 posts)I know they usually say that women should go down a band size, but 1) I have broad ribs, and 2) if I wear a smaller band size I get the dreaded "back fat!". In fact, the style I wear is a minimizer that has the back designed to reduce appearance of back fat...and my chiropractor agreed with me about not going too tight with the band size.
As far as not letting what men think shape my opinion of myself, my point is that it felt that the ones who were attracted to me were looking at two things only, and that the smarter men shied away since I "obviously" was a sex object. Now this is my feeling, and it may not be correct.
In addition, I have a closet full of black tops. I LOVE fashion, and there are whole categories of styles that just don't work for me! I sew and no style or pattern works without major adjustments. It would be so nice to be able to look at clothing without having to think whether it makes me look bustier. As the years have gone by, my breasts have drooped, and my biggest horror is that someone see me without a bra...and at this point, there's comfortable, and there's wearing a bra.
(20,582 posts)My niece had this done about 10 years ago and noticed a huge difference in her shoulder and back pain immediately. She's a stick-thin girl but was always self-conscious about her breasts .... when the pain started, that was it for her. As far as I remember, her recovery was smooth. She's happy to this day she had it done.
Good luck, I hope whatever you decide to do gets you feeling better.
(2,318 posts)I got my breasts measured from every angle you can imagine! He also took photos. We looked at pictures of before-and-afters, and he showed me what I could expect. He submits the request to the insurance company and we should get a reply within six weeks. If it's turned down, we re-submit with any and all medical data showing why the procedure is needed for my health. If it gets rejected at that point I would have to pay for it myself...which I'm ready to do.
(8,312 posts)It will be years before I can afford a lift, which is never medically justified by itself. No implants, even if the lift makes them smaller, though. I'd rather be a perky A than a saggy D.
(4,035 posts)I really hope you get the surgery approved - it may sound like elective surgery, but when you're having problems with your shoulders and back, it is necessary, not cosmetic. Big breasts make it difficult to do physio-therapeutic exercises too, in my experience, so I hope they don't think that just treating your back and shoulders will be enough.
I am also quite generously endowed, but just this week I discovered that JC Penney measured me completely wrong for bras (probably because they didn't want to measure me out of their assortment of bras.) I'm not 40DDD, I am in fact 36I. I went out and bought two bras that fit, and can already feel the difference. Apparently this is a very common tactic at most of the chain stores - producing proper bras in cupsizes D+ is more expensive, so they'd rather you wear a 40C than a 34F, even though they have the exact same cup volume. Suffice it to say, I've given myself quite the bra education after I got sick and tired of not having my bra gore tack!
(8,312 posts)Dillards carried Quad-Ds, and band sizes down to 32, Macy's might as well.
But there's a local lingere store that I went to for my fittings first.
OP, if the 40 band size is to make up for a huge cup differential (if you have an underwire, does it lay flat against your breastbone? If not, the band is too big and cups are too small), then my advice about weight loss may only be so you don't run into my sis's SIL's issue of being afraid to lose weight because her lovely girls might droop again.
(8,312 posts)I'm down from a 34 quad-D at 150 lbs to a 32 D at 110.
I still want a lift, though. My sister's sister-in-law (is she my sister-in-law too? heh) had a reduction and says she loves it, that she doesn't have to wear a bra at all and they're still perky, so she likes the way she looks in swimsuits better. It has made her afraid of losing weight, though, because she's afraid they'll start sagging again.
So if you do it, I'd recommend losing to your goal weight if you have a weight loss goal in mind, then doing the surgery. (It isn't as easy as it sounds, but I found Nutrisystem to be a very helpful plan -- not buying their food, just eating the foods off their list of "grocery items" and then small portions of whatever everyone else is having for lunch or supper, or a lean TV dinner (soup was my favorite at lunch). In restaraunts, I would eat the veggies first, then the meat, then the starches. It helped so I didn't have to deprive myself, and I happen to like broccoli and cauliflower steamed (two of the "free vegetables" you can eat as much as you want of).
(2,318 posts)I realized that this could be my big chance to have the body I really want. I'm about 20 pounds over my ideal weight...5'2", but I have a wide frame, and my goal is 130, currently at 146.. I'd hate to have perfect breasts and still not look good. The plastic surgeon made sure I knew I was overweight. Thanks, dude! I hadn't noticed.
Regarding proper fit: it's true, I might not be wearing the correct size, but it would still be the same weight dragging me down. A smaller band size would just make it hard for me to breathe. I'm also concerned that I might end up having to have shoulder surgery before I do the reduction...the orthopedist gave me a cortisone shot and it really hasn't helped.
(8,312 posts)130 sounds about right -- I'm 5'1 and I was very healthy at 125 per my doctors. I'm too skinny now, really, and I got down to 97 lbs last December. So maybe my variant on NS worked too well.... heh.
(2,318 posts)I could never make it down there. Seriously, with my body type, 130 looks good. And I'm going to have to quit smoking at the same time. You weren't insulting; we're all different.
(8,312 posts)They fit better than the equivalent ladies' shoe because I have a narrow heel but a wide toe area, they're usually designed for a developing foot so they're not as constricting or likely to give me blisters.
My ring is also a 3.5. So yeah, I'm tiny boned. And have a case of the gone-ass. But no, 97 was sickly, that was an 18.5 BMI. I was not healthy at all. 110 is in the healthy range, but my boyfriend likes how i looked better in the 115-125 range.
My younger sister is smaller-framed than me, and she hovers between 105 - 110. And she's big-busted, I think around a 32E. My two daughters have small frames too. Even my mom has never gone above 34B. I ended up inheriting the "peasant" frame of my German granny. Thank goodness I also got her great ear for music!
(2,318 posts)I had to re-submit my claim for reconsideration. I included copies of my recent mammogram, letters from my chiropractor and my orthopedist, and a personal appeal for relief for a very uncomfortable and painful situation. Sent it registered mail, and well, we'll see!
Finally! I got the OK from my insurer! Next step, schedule the surgery. I am aiming for June, as I am going to have lots of visitors between now and 'til then...and I understand the recovery is slow. I have to get a lot of tests done before and this will give me plenty of time. I also quit smoking (switched to vaping), so all I'll need to do in advance is switch to zero nicotine juice.
So, 100 days to lose 1-15 pounds before the operation. Then I'll have my best body. So happy!
(55,655 posts)I wish you the best of luck with your surgery.
(2,318 posts)July 2nd will be my date.
That gives me about 100 days to try and lose weight. I was low-carbing, but maybe adding too many "iffy" goodies. This week, I cut way back on dairy (cheese and cream in my coffee), and even the sugar-free Popsicles seem to have some carbs in them. So, mainly proteins, salads and some-but-less fat. Just have to keep telling myself, whenever I want something I shouldn't have, that that craving I have is actually my body getting thinner LOL.
One great benefit of vaping is that you can "vape" your dessert; sweet e-juices like Cafe Mocha and Kahlua and Cream scratch the sweet urge.
(2,318 posts)I have my pre-op appointment this coming Wednesday.
Starting to get quite nervous! So many questions to ask my doctor; I actually don't know yet how much smaller I'm going to be. He'll be letting me know what I will need for after-care...I think stretchy sports bras, button-front shirts (of course I own none), a wedge pillow. I will also have to prep some meals for my husband and make sure to have some easily digested stuff for me.
I cut down on my nicotine, and as of next Wednesday I will cut that to zero, which will not be easy.
Oh! I've managed to lose five stinkin' pounds.
(16,600 posts)Good luck and keep us posted!
(2,318 posts)Surgery was yesterday and I seem to have come through with flying colors. No nausea and the pain is relieved with the prescribed meds. I feel great. had my follow up visit with the doctor today and he removed most of the tape; I just have some over the incisions. Showered today and I feel so relieved.
(16,600 posts)What's your overall impression so far?
(2,318 posts)My next visit to the doctor is tomorrow; I'm hoping he'll remove the tape and I can actually see what's what. I still have a bit of discomfort but cut my pain meds way down. The only real issue is underneath, where the main incision is...where the bra hits gets really annoying as the day goes on...and I seriously miss sleeping on my side.
It's incredibly exciting to see how different my shape looks! I am super motivated now to lose any excess weight and get into the best shape of my life. And I know it may be months until my breasts reach their final place, but for now I'm really happy. No more big saggy boobs. I'd recommend it to anyone thinking about it.
(16,600 posts)I have never heard of anyone regretting it either. It sounds like your recovery is going to be really fast!
(2,318 posts)Hands down, the best thing I've ever done.
I feel reborn without those horrible things hanging off me.
The healing goes so well and scars are less by the day!
I feel and look perky and pretty now.