Race & Ethnicity
Related: About this forumYoung white dancer with her two black instructors handcuffed by Houston Police. Racism?
A young 13 year old dancer, Landry Thompson, came to Houston from Oklahoma. She travelled with her two dance instructors over the weekend. The intent of their visit was to train all weekend with some of the best in dance industry.
When they left the studio Saturday night they stopped at a gas station very exhausted as they searched for their lodging. They were trying to locate their hotel on the GPS. Out of nowhere they were surrounded by the Houston police.
The Houston police dragged them out of the car and handcuffed them all.
I was kind of freaked out and surprised by it, said Landry Thompson.
They just pulled us out of the car. Put our hands behind out backs like we were criminals, said Landrys dance instructor Emmanuel Hurd. He asked me; who is the girl? She is my student. I said I have a notarized letter from her parents stating that I have full guardianship over her while we are here.
Landry Thompson and the instructors said they pleaded with the police and told the police their story repeatedly. It did not matter to the Houston police. Landry Thompson said, They still put handcuffs on me. And it really scared me. And they put me in the back of the cop car. I was terrified. Landry Thompson was taken to Protective Services.
I doubt very much that this would have occurred if the instructors were white. In fact, I doubt the police would have even given them a second look. It is total BS.

(44,900 posts)I was horrified. She was with the people I wanted her to be with. She was with people who were safe who I knew would take care of her, said (h)er mother... Yet they had taken her away from those people and now she was in a shelter, wherever she was with people I didnt know.
She goes through the trouble of making sure that she wouldn't be surrounded by strangers, yet that's exactly what happened.

(5,239 posts)did not have any cause to detain any of them either. Nothing like police who put a young girl that had been perfectly safe in danger.
(13,971 posts)2 male adults. Either I or a family member would've gone with her or she wouldn't go.
You specified two male adults, and not just two adults.
Why does their gender matter? Perhaps you are assuming they are heterosexual?
(6,810 posts)eom
(109,763 posts)they're of the same gender.
Do you really think a 13 year old girl should sleep in the same hotel room as an unrelated male? Or by herself?
(5,239 posts)had to sleep in rooms without an adult present. There are safety locks on hotel rooms and that is just one reason why.
(109,763 posts)appleannie1
(5,239 posts)themselves. As I said, with 7 kids we always had kids without adults in some rooms.
(109,763 posts)Your situation was the exception, not the rule. We have traveled as a family and it was made very clear that an adult had to be in each room.
Young adults, particularly those 18 to 21 years old, sometimes run into difficulty with travel in the United States. Booking a hotel room may be particularly challenging, since many hotels set a minimum age requirement for guests. Laws vary significantly in other countries. Advance planning is critical to avoid disappointment at the check-in counter.
It is virtually impossible to rent a hotel room in the United States if you are under 18, the legal age of majority in all states. The two basic reasons for this are liability and contract enforcement. Contracts signed by minors are not legally enforceable, putting the hotel at risk if underage patrons do not pay. Also, hotels do not want to take legal responsibility for minors. If something should happen to a minor during the stay, the hotel could be held liable.
(6,810 posts)You're comparing apple pie to orange juice (hilarious turn of phrase from a climate thread a few days ago). Hotels are free to make their own policies; they don't necessarily all have the same policies.
Edit: DU can't do the "does not equal" sign properly.
(109,763 posts)for reasons of liability.
(6,810 posts)As pointed out, you're assuming based on nothing in the article, that they were in the same room as the girl. Who are you to tell this girl's parents who they are allowed and not allowed to trust with their child? There's a deeper pit you've stepped in here too: If these 2 men are gay, are you equating gay = pedophile? Of course I don't think that of you, but that is the corner you've inadvertently painted yourself in with your snap judgment of these parents and who they've entrusted their child to.
How about we just focus on the undeniable racism displayed by the cops and stop tut-tutting the victims?
(109,763 posts)Obviously, if they were gay they would not be a particular risk for this girl. (Why would you think I think they're gay?) But you can't tell who's a pedophile by looking at them. So I don't think any child should be going on an overnight trip alone with unrelated adults.
None of the schools my kids attended would have sent two men on an overnight trip with one 13 year old girl. When my kids went on overnight trips, there were always chaperones of both sexes and multiple children.
All that being said, I don't fault the police for checking on them, since the 13 year old was sleeping in a car with an adult at night. But I DO fault the police for not listening when they were told about the notarized letter. They should have asked to see it and that should have been the end of it.
(6,810 posts)Wasn't my intention, but be honest here: Two male dance instructors escorting a young dancer to dancing lessons with world-class dancers? Pings my gaydar and my gaydar is rather shit (and naturally no longer under warranty).
Anyway, this is all moot. Unless you intend to talk with the girl's parents, there isn't really any point to chasing each others' tail here because neither of us have any details beyond this article. I enjoy your posts too much to let this thread detract from that.
(34,540 posts)Baitball Blogger
(49,477 posts)Blue_Tires
(57,596 posts)DallasNE
(7,710 posts)Rogue cops are not held accountable so police abuse is commonplace. As I have said many times, the recruiting process is not select the right type of personality for police work which means that it will take decades to correct this problem. It is obscene that child protective services were brought into this. Why would they even agree to be involved given the letter of guardianship. Where does the Mayor stand on this? So much for the GOP talking point that racism ended with Rosa Parks. While she was a hero that helped end segregation in America it simply meant new tactics to support racism would surface and this is a prime example of how it plays out today.
(159,627 posts)I hope that the Mayor gets involved
(6,913 posts)That happens more than we would like to think.
(7,710 posts)The police would have quickly segregated the 13-year old from the dancers and then compared stories to look for differences. It sounds like there would have been none so that should have been the end of the story. At minimum this was a case of racial profiling that then evolved into full-fledged racism. The cops thought they knew better than the mom and they should not go there.
Blue Owl
(55,553 posts)
Historic NY
(38,599 posts)and its going to keep costing money in legal settlement until they straighten themselves out...its actually like they kidnapped her from her guardians.
(5,239 posts)would bet they would be going wink, wink, snicker, wink.
(159,627 posts)MADem
(135,425 posts)That's a rich, stinking lawsuit, right there.