African American
Related: About this forumWhile the focus has been on all the whites without college degrees who voted for Trump...
...let's not forget that a majority - albeit, a smaller one - of whites with degrees also voted for him.
A lot of those were Republicans who swore up and down that they would never vote for Donald Trump. They even told pollsters as much. Yet when push came to shove...
Speaking for myself - and myself alone - as a white guy, in many ways I would rather face the openly ugly racist rants that seem to be more common (though I question HOW much more common) among whites who didn't go to college or didn't graduate from college than they are among whites with degrees. The alternative that, in my experience, is more popular among college-educated whites - of ALL political stripes - is the more insidious, indirect, intellectually rationalized racism that isn't as easily picked up upon (at least, for white guys like me - I'm willing to bet that it's far more easily detected by persons of color). This is the "I'm not a racist, but..." crowd. This the crowd who are eager to condemn more crass forms of racism - particularly if that racism comes from working class and poor white people - but are so fucking blind to their own race and class privilege that they don't even realize how bigoted, elitist, and yes, racist they are acting. And the worst thing is - these are the white people who have the most power, the most influence, the most ability to shape and control the cultural and the intellectual and political climate of the country.

(18,124 posts)I been sayin it, it just wasn't the white poor that voted for the POS potus-in-waiting.....the rich white folks love him. He's going to lower their taxes, remember? So those types who always will throw blacks under the bus to hold on to their $$$$$ will laugh as they and their fuhrer-in-waiting throw the city poor, rural, evangeliKKKal whites under the bus also. Those people are are in for a huge shock delivered in a year or so from their fuhrer and 'representatives'. Through my hunger and pain, losing SS AND Medicare you know, I will be laughing VERY LOUD at these trumfuhrer chumps as they sicken and die also. Hospitals will be overwhelmed, local social services will be overwhelmed, children will be dying in greater numbers, abortions in back alleys will become commonplace, AGAIN!!!!!!!!! PoC will be back living in the poverty of the 30's, 40's 50's and late 19th century. But you know what ? We goin' to make it again, no matter what comes our way. Good luck ameriKKKa.
(1,151 posts)Establishment Republicans would have actually voted against a guy who doesn't think any different from them, he's just more vulgar about it. Can't believe I thought Mitt "self-deportation" Romney would actually have principles.