African American
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(119,319 posts)Thanks for posting.
(90,335 posts)I know he will not be far away. He won't leave us alone in the darkness ahead. Yet I will miss them both.
(3,147 posts)Thank you, she!
(16,181 posts)What a joy to have had their grace, their inspiration, their intelligence, their wit, and their hard work for eight years. We have experienced a President and First Lady of whom we can be very, very proud. They are leaving the White House, but the high standard they set will remain, and we can be grateful for that as well. Whether or not his successors achieve that standard remains to be seen.
I will say "Thank you!", but I will not say good-bye.
(90,335 posts)He will not leave us to fight alone.
(24,047 posts)A form of good-bye has been spoken since the sixteenth century. It comes from godbwye, which is a contraction of God be with ye.
So it really isn't final after all
(11,348 posts)Such grace and love. Going to miss The Obamas very much.
(90,335 posts)At least until Sasha finishes HS~
Yup. I will miss them dearly.
(11,649 posts)Thinkingabout
(30,058 posts)sheshe2
(90,335 posts)They are in their prime and I know for a fact they have a hell of a lot more to give us all.
(30,058 posts)Staph
(6,381 posts)/end
You're making me cry again!
I just don't know how I'm going to get through the next two weeks, and then the next four years. Thank you for reminding me how beautiful and elegant and glorious the last eight years have been.
(90,335 posts)Hard times for us all.
(3,424 posts)I love all the pics, but the one where she's fixing his bowtie is just so darn cute!
I felt proud with him in office, and secure, someone we could trust, depend on to do his best for us. Plus funny, handsome, awesome smile. Aw, I could go on and on.
brer cat
(26,838 posts)We are going to miss them terribly. Thanks, sheshe.
(5,376 posts)I first heard Andrea Bocelli perform this beautiful song a few years ago when a friend of mine was going through a difficult breakup and divorce. I cried then, for her, and I cry now for what we are losing. Words cannot fully express the depth of my emotion, but it is comforting to know you and so many other fellow DUers experience the same feelings. These photos are exquisite. There will be many tears shed in the days to come, for what we have had and what we will lose when the Obamas exit the White House. Let us be eternally grateful for Michelle and Barack, and the way they have lifted up our nation and its people. We won't see the likes of them again, I fear. Sadness overwhelms.
Blessings to you.
(11,061 posts)MFM008
(20,036 posts)Always in our hearts!
(43,628 posts)They can be the forces they want to be in this world. God are we going to need them.
(12,448 posts)Beautiful pics. Thanks sheshe
(90,335 posts)Love you.
(85,376 posts)Pretty melancholy day all around.
Thanks for this, sheshe. Shit - I miss them already. Love you!
(25,577 posts)sheshe2
(90,335 posts)It is a long sad good bye.
(11,857 posts)That last photo is my favorite. Thanks for putting this together.
(90,335 posts)
(85,376 posts)after another miserable day being disrespected by the fucking CONS & idiots & know-nothings.
(36,594 posts)kcdoug1
(222 posts)these two amazing people will be with us forever. They have not yet begun to fight, but it's CLOSE. I am so honoured to have supported this couple for eight amazing years. Now, I've rolled up my sleeves and am ready to join them in the trenches... goodbye? HELL NO!
(90,335 posts)Which I admit grieves me yet the Obamas will be with us forever,
but NOW we get to join them in this amazing fight. side by side arm in arm...
(90,335 posts)Snackshack
(2,541 posts)Certainly going to miss them very very much.
They certainly deserve a break away for while. However I hope that after their hiatus they come back and continue to be active leaders in Democratic / Humanitarian causes.
Thank you President Obama for all you have done! You are without a doubt the best President I have had the fortune to vote for during my half century of existence.
Thank you Mrs. Obama you are by far one of the most elegant First Lady's this country has ever had the privledge to have.
I wish them and their family the very best!
I feel very fortunate to have been alive during this window of the past eight years of this administration.
(90,335 posts)
(2,541 posts)Been posting here since 2006.
However I had to create a new account after the hack in Nov. The original email account/address (Hotmail) I original signed up with had been compromised long ago so I no longer had that address to confirm thru.
Thank you for the kind welcome, and thank you for the posts you contribute here. They are thought provoking and a benefit to this form.
I hope you have had a nice weekend 😀
(90,335 posts)
(177,384 posts)We'll be seeing him around, I am certain. Still wish he could serve a third term.
(3,147 posts)Instead, we are facing a nightmare.
(90,335 posts)Hold on to the ones you love, Kath2 and anyone else in need. We do this together or not at all.
we need to constantly remind everyone that this racist and sexist LOST the popular vote.
(90,335 posts)And lost America all sense of decency and pride.
(3,147 posts)BTW...welcome to DU if I have not said it. It ain't easy to be a newbie here. Hang in there Kath2.
(3,147 posts)I was formerly Kath1. Had to change because of complications after the hacking.
Love you, sister.
(90,335 posts)huge hugs sister!
01/21/17 we march!

We fight on, my sister!
Peace and love above all else.
(90,335 posts)Love it and the disease that will spread without it.
Right on, sister, as always. LOL.

(21,083 posts)NanceGreggs
(27,835 posts)... the ten-tissue warning - okay, the twenty-tissue warning - okay, the hundred-tissue warning.
(90,335 posts)Try this one and bring a couple boxes and then some.
(1,499 posts)there will never be a time when they are not part of many of us.
Great people are like that.
(6,013 posts)after the misery of the Bush/Cheney years.
(27,995 posts)
(69,316 posts)And pride.
Pride that we elected such a gifted man to the Presidency. And he brought with him such an astonishing family. The most beautiful, gracious, well-educated, empathetic, progressive First Lady in our history. And two of the finest young ladies ever to grow up in the White House.
I will say no more about our loss here.
He is being succeeded by someone who is unworthy to have his name mentioned in the same post.
God grant that in four years, we may once again have such a worthy President...
I'm always love to see you here.
It was an exquisite 8 years. We have been blessed by this family.
(4,477 posts)When I think of how these two wonderful, bright and amazing people were treated these last eight years, it breaks my heart. To think of the piece of garbage that is coming words.
(71,265 posts)grantcart
(53,061 posts)sheshe2
(90,335 posts)pdxflyboy
(824 posts)Hey DU, I don't post much, but I love all of you!
(90,335 posts)Tears running down my face.
Luv ya too.
(26,332 posts)Intelligence, compassion, grace. Humor, perseverance, patience. A thousand other great qualities
I cannot shake my sense of incredulity at what is about to happen. The contrast is so stark.
I have been too distraught even to cry

(124,931 posts)Last edited Mon Jan 9, 2017, 01:32 AM - Edit history (2)
the world for the better. It has been buried under so much GOP bull****. But it will come out how very brilliant and kind they were to all Americans some day soon. I mean more than we know now. I mean already they are saying that the prison population went way down under Obama. That is huge. Think how great that is for growth of the economy and for families. I look forward to their next 50 years of leadership.
Dark n Stormy Knight
(10,272 posts)Makes the incoming travesty even more obscene.
The Wielding Truth
(11,428 posts)world where making government work means not working with those who have reasoned a solution to help raise all boats.
What the Obamas did was to restore our country to a fine standing in the modern world. It is unfortunately temporary because of the
grand workings of those greedy SOB's who have infiltrated our land and propagandized and corrupted everything they have touched for many years to gain their personal lordship over this country and the world's resources.
There are still more of us than them. If we rise up every time they speak they will not win everything they want.
(15,146 posts)Thanks, sheshe.
(159,706 posts)BlancheSplanchnik
(20,219 posts)

Walk away
(9,494 posts)
(92,507 posts)Eliot Rosewater
(32,674 posts)over, is sickening.
I dont know enough about the new first lady to criticize her, but it isnt necessary to anyway.
People who would elect such a good man as Barack vs people who would elect such a terrible man as Trump, the left and right.
(1,151 posts)They are #RelationshipGoals.
No infidelity
No distance from each other
Not many fights I can see
Just true love and partnership.
Everyone should want to be a couple like Barack and Michelle, unless they're aromantic.
(36,517 posts)To go from the sublime to the ridiculous, from the Classiest First Couple in History to those no class vulgarians is just too awful to contemplate.
(122,596 posts)WePurrsevere
(24,259 posts)lovemydog
(11,833 posts)When you find it you just want to keep sharing more warmth and joy. Thank you Barack and Michelle. You changed my life. You helped transform me into a more open, more happy, more empathetic person. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you and will always have your backs.
On a side note to my friends here, a highlight of my recent vacation was visiting my dad and his new wife & her family. His wife's new daughter-in-law works for the Task Force on Childhood Obesity. I asked her if she's met Michelle and she has indeed. So I gave her a big hug. It felt so good to hug a person who has hugged Michelle. She has a radiant smile and is so thoughtful & kind. Then I met her mom and guess what? Her mom has a radiant smile and is thoughtful and kind. Love is contagious!
(90,335 posts)Sounds like you have a great new family. Kudos to your dad for finding a Gem. And you got a hug from Michelle by proxy.
(52,083 posts)
(5,644 posts)