Donald Trump Will Not Drain The Swamp. He Will Segregate it.
Fulfilling his promises to voters will require Donald Trump to oppress Americas ethnic minorities.

The effects of tyranny will not be spread evenly among the masses.
It is not mandatedor wise, evenfor a tyrannical government to be indiscriminate in its oppression. Tyranny cannot survive for long on universal oppression before descending into anarchy, so it is critical to the survival of tyrannythe tyrant, more specificallythat systems of hierarchy be installed to pacify those who may otherwise be driven to dissent.
Our nation wades these waters today.
By now, the story has grown old enough to become legend. The official declaration of presidential candidate Donald Trump last June has been reimagined in numerous ways, and a great many of them excuse the outright bigotry in his first statement to the public in favor of recollections more rosy. The world hes since birthed makes this task not just herculean but literally impossible. Donald Trumps presidencyhubristic, clumsy, and disinterested in the minutia as it ismay well crash and burn. If and when it does, however, it will not have done so before its figurehead took steps toward fulfilling his campaign promises of exclusion and ethnically-based social stratification.
Donald Trump will not drain the swamp, as he claimed. He will segregate it by clarifying its beneficiaries and banishing whoever remains.
Donald J. Trump
✔ @realDonaldTrump
If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!
9:25 PM - 24 Jan 2017
Trumps behaviors tell us the primary beneficiaries of his vision will be those among his racial kin. He has expressed his own personal bigotry and has empowered several whove garnered infamy for the oppression of, or apathy toward, ethnic minorities.
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