ameriKKKa, the exporter of racist hate
Last edited Sun Dec 24, 2017, 10:11 AM - Edit history (3)
and dare I say, one of this modern Eras, hate based on race, creators. Naw, ain't no goddamn "goodwill toward men/women" this fucked Xmas season. When S.AfriKKKan racists needed a model for segregation of the races, well ameriKKKa had everything in place to teach and they did...Hitler studied the racism in ameriKKKa and went on to.........and now, STILL, we are the preeminent force for racist hate on the world stage.....the goddamn demigod this country has as potus opened a Pandora's Box of hate that all racists worldwide are sipping on like a fine wine. Look to ameriKKKa for leadership all you white racists out's always been in place, just ask all the 'Strange Fruit' picnic goers, James Byrd, Brandon MacClelland. Ohhh sorry, you won't get an answer from any strange fruit like Bryd, McClelland, Trayvon Martin et al;. Naw fuck tis the season to be merry.....Xmas is just that, more of the same BS that's been peddled for generations with one motive in mind...profit from sales of now inferior chinese made products.
Thanks Nixon/Kissinger.
Buy, buy.