no surprise
Last edited Sat Jan 7, 2023, 03:45 PM - Edit history (2)
yet 1 person at a time is taking too long. Racial reconciliation will never happen in ANY recognizable form. In any country. Ever.
The other day I was waiting in a rather long line for my prescription. A white man took advantage of an opening in the line ahead and just pushed his cart from another direction into that space. I don't like it, in my book everyone must wait for their place in line. There were some Hispanic people directly in front of me. I had been moving up slowly. There were 3 males 2 older and one teenager. 1 female 12 or thirteen. I spoke up, "sir the line starts back there" I pointed to the 4 behind me. He looked at me and swung his hand as to say the gap in the line was there and he took it. So f... you. I said again, "sir the line starts back there" pointing to the rear. The female looked my way and looked back at me and gestured for him to stay there. I was flabbergasted. I mean what's fair is fair always.
First, she stole a quick glance at me with a smirk on her face. Her male members, whom I assumed were father and two brothers one at a time took a look in my direction but never made eye contact. No one behind spoke up. So I had to suck it up and stay still. Yet I looked at the Hispanics and they were all light bright damn near white and it dawned on me, they saw a man with light brown skin and figured n***** as the white man has. A great question always on my mind is how African-Americans can be slighted at any time with not much if any blowback ever.
to qualify me as to skin colour, my birth mother was German. My father was Cuban and African-American. My grandfather found his true love in Cuba during the Spanish-American War(Hearst's incursion). And since my grandfather was one of the soldiers that got recognition for winning at bloody Kettle Hill and immediately needed at San Juan Hill to pull Theodor Roosevelt's troops out of what was turning into a defeat for TR's troops. And he was rewarded with bringing grandmother Lola to America. Yes, the forces from the Kettle Hill battle helped turn a certain defeat into a rather bloody battle victory.
So like I said, I left it alone and just turned my sad heart to the resolve to at least speak up when slighted. And at 75 this month in a CCW state if I get beat up or shot so be it. For reference to the doubters out there, my father and I had a rather long conversation in Saigon over drinks when I visited him with a 2 day pass out of the boonies in Vietnam-68-69. He told me about Grandfather. My father, rather light-skinned himself was one of the few black officers to go on the beach at Normandy. He ended up in Patton's Red Ball Express, a unit very instrumental in helping relieve the german siege at Bastogne. And history passes over the fact, the Red Ball Express was a black unit. So my father was also at 'frozen Chosin' when the Chinese joined n. Korea in the Korean war.
So hurt feelings or not because no one had my back, trump's loosening of restrictions on disrespecting POC with help from even lighter-skinned Hispanics was revealed to me in spades.
Here I am a Vietnam vet having served deep in the Mekong Delta in a unit during the Tet Offensive, I do not understand open, open racism STILL!!!!??? Even with the Confederate flags flown openly in some tents But what am I but a naive idealist who must accept that RACISM, in my life as it affects millions of POC worldwide and especially here in this land, will NEVER END? And don't believe worldwide or especially in my AO America with trump and his hateful, racist, sexist minions running things from now into perpetuity?
Okay. This is not a rant just soul-cleansing at 75.

(528 posts)Your experience reminded me of a forgotten experience long ago, around 1968. I, a young white guy, was in a long line in a store in a predominantly black neighborhood. A hostile black man encouraged an arriving black woman to go ahead of me in line. She declined. No further issue.
The persistence and intensity of present racism can be discouraging, but I have hope that it will get better after we are gone. The present level I believe is because the old racists are losing ground. The young are doing better. Be well.

(4,128 posts)An what is extra bad is the gap could've either been you trying to social distance during yet another upswing or you leaving space for cross traffic. No matter cutting is cutting. I'm angry with you.
you are angry for what reason?
(4,128 posts)That is who I'm mad at. I was trying to make the case that even if there was room it was extremely wrong for that person to feel entitled to cut or if they didn't see back out when called out for it. Sorry if I wasn't clear I was angry and taking your side.
(6,269 posts)is meaner now. Wars, starvation, dumpster trumpsters hating all they encounter. Just saddens me. Sorry if I didn't get your meaning. I'm slow like that somehow.
(4,128 posts)I was trying to articulate how there are reasons for gaps and for people to take a cutters side is infuriating.
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