Science Fiction
Related: About this forumKevin J Anderson - Anyone familiar with him?
When I was coming to Colorado from Mass, a friend of mine had given me a box of old books and I just finished reading Resurrection Inc. Wow... What a really good book. I'd never heard of the guy before but it seems he has written a bunch of... Spin off books for Star Wars and X Files. Has anyone read any of his other stuff... Is it any good?

(2,135 posts)Some of us stuff can be decent, but he's by no means one of the greats.
That said, the finest work he did was the Knights of the Old Republic arc for Tales of the Jedi comics.
getting old in mke
(813 posts)for an ever-flowing series of Dune novels, prequels, sequels and fill-ins.
(23,156 posts)The Trinity Paradox, a novel I particularly like.
(9,753 posts)Since my experience seems to be only with his turds.
I'd rate him as one of the leading hacks in contemporary SF, and guilty of a thousand sins for his and Brian Herbert's pollution of Frank Herbert's Dune legacy. IMO he's guilty of some of the crappiest writing in the English language.
In fact, the notion that he wrote something people enjoy is hard for me to imagine. I'll take your word for it, though, because I'll never touch anything that has his name on it again.
(8,608 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,427 posts)Great guy.
He once defended my honor when I got into an argument with some guy at the hotel bar for the con. Because I'm a woman, despite my screen name, that guy thought he could intimidate me into backing down. I no longer recall the specifics, but Kevin was great.
He will be the Guest of Honor at MileHi Con in Denver, in 2022, if you can possibly consider going.