I want to see 45 destroyed.
I do. I have fleeting fantasies of him doing an OJ- White Bronco attempt at fleeing, and having his toupee fall off as the cops tackle him. I see him in Turkey - thinking he is safe from The USA until Erdowan takes a deal w/ more $$$ and cuts him loose. I see him with extensive plastic surgery (badly done) in Argentina - spending the last of his liquid assets on teen prostitutes. I see him in a dementia home shitting in his diapers and throwing it at people.
I NEED to NOT have these fantasies invade my reality. It does not shine a favorable light on me.
HE IS ONE OF THE MOST DEEPLY DISTURBED members of the species 'Homo Sapien Sapien'.
I am also Homo Sapien Sapien. His father and mother were both DEEPLY disturbed. Could he have come out any differently? He took their psychological disturbances and did an exponential dance. Perhaps a 'dance with the devil' if u r of that belief.
This pathetic, damaged and damaging, insecure to the point of insanity, DESPERATE DAMAGED creature became PRESIDENT OF THE USA in my lifetime.
This is my country - how did I fail??? I went to all the anti-war marches !!!! I did all I KNEW to do !!
E-mail lady told us we needed a village to raise a child. We no longer have villages, just gated communities and those trying to get in. A gated community is not a village - it is an enclave.
We are creating THOUSANDS of 45's.
Malignant narcisissts that have NO interest in Homo Sapien Sapien aside from what they can suck out of them.
I try desperately to see 45 as the pathetically damaged soul that he is. I try to see him as that 2-5 year old that was destroyed by malevolent parents - seriously - I try !
What is sad is that I have not yet been able to see him as Homo SAPIEN SAPIEN.
I feel the need to accept 45 with all faults - but it literally makes me feel sick to my stomach - like really sick - like whenever I try I feel nauseous.
If anyone here has a 'go around' I would be very grateful.

(16,903 posts)
(24,478 posts)Combined. Anyone who supports him ashamed they ever voted or supported him.
(18,963 posts)He is lower than a dead cockaroach, but he came FROM US.
(5,923 posts)You did what you could. You are not in charge. You want to accept him as a human like the rest of us. He is a human but you admit he is not like the rest of us. That is a fact. So, what else do you want, again? If its not to have him taking up space in your head rent-free, thats a choice, right? A choice of where you will place your attention?
(18,963 posts)I would like to stop that situation. I posted my OP for suggestions.
(20,036 posts)"rent-free" he should be, his appointees and minions are destroying our individual rights and he is continuously stirring up the hornets nest.
I want to see him GONE in the worst way because until he IS the fruitcakes have that rallying point.
Yeah I know they are always there anyway but the 2 legged goldfish needs to GO.
(8,491 posts)They are causing you suffering, although they are not causing him suffering.
Don't try to stifle them. Just notice them and let them go. "I'm having that thought again about TFG being violently arrested. Oh, there it is again."
Also: the thought that you need to accept him is also a fleeting thought that you can hang onto or let go.
(But I do empathize with wanting to have compassion for him and for all sentient beings, and finding it difficult.)
And be kind to yourself. Your anger and fantasies come from being upset at the pain he has caused so many, and wanting it to end.
(18,963 posts)I am looking for help ameliorating the damage.
(8,491 posts)It's one thing to think that someone--either TFG or Mr. Femmedem--is an a-hole or deserves whatever.
It's entirely different when you say to yourself, "I'm having a thought that TFG is an a-hole or deserves whatever."
It helps you recognize that the initial thought was just an electrical blip of brain activity, not something to take too seriously.
I hope that helps. That technique helped me survive a fiance's suicide.
(3,861 posts)
NH Ethylene
(31,046 posts)Hating him only hurts ourselves, and yet how can you NOT hate him? How can you NOT wish for his utter destruction?
If he was a regular guy next door with all those terrible characteristics, I could feel a little sorry for him. Instead, he wields immense power and is happy to use it for cruelty and destruction.
At this point, I avoid thinking of him unless necessary for keeping up with current news. And when I must, I try to put up a 'shield' that will prevent his toxicity from invading my inner peace.
(18,963 posts)I needed that.
I have the tools - just need to plug them back in.
(6,447 posts)the mark of the beast
his believers will wear the mark on their foreheads
MAGA - the red hats
Now If I really believed in that stuff it makes perfect sense
Donald Trump is the Antichrist
Ask yourself what human being could achieve such a following and destroying a democracy from within
That's the only answer I can come up with
(18,963 posts)BRIGHT LIGHTS surround Magas......
(13,028 posts)One feels regarding trump is normal.
When one actually comes to terms about sociopathy,malignant narcissism and realizes they wont change,or grow empathy or stop being abusive cruel or grifting you have to face the fact some people are toxic. And to feel utter revulsion at these dark triad monsters is your own psychological self preservation kicking in.
telling you that person is toxic,hence the nausea.
The dark triad assholes like trump
Create traumas and enjoy abusing others and ruining everything they touch. They know what good and evil is and they choose to not give a shit about that.
Likewise hate can have a positive purpose because after some bully narcissist asshole makes you sick because thier dangerous and toxic behavior Hate is what makes you want to destroy the sociopath or stay the hell away from them.
Some people are so disgusting toxic hating them serves another function,helps people who associate with you recognize the toxin in a human suit is a problem to avoid. Most people dont express hate who have empathy,the hate can be both a pressure valve and a warning.
To destroy a psychopath is part of recognizing a psychological toxin.
You'd feel no shame in destroying a tick you found in your hair.
Or uprooting the poison ivy in your yard .
Destrying a psychologically toxic asshole is a job because karma only works when you yourself become the karma these monsters need to keep from poisoning all you hold dear.
Magically just kill the fucking psychopath malignant narcissist,and sociopath.
It will help not just you but all of creation.
(18,963 posts)I keep thinking 'it's OK'
It's not.
(13,028 posts)When I hate its cathartic,once I have been honest to myself about my feelings I express it to Sekhmet
After that,I dont feel it anymore.
Yeah I hate things but its not all consuming. Once it is expressed I dont feel that way anymore.
However if someone is toxic I know exactly what made me feel such dark things and I learn why I have to stay away from them and protect the ones I love from being hurt by the toxic person.
My way of coping with stuff isnt for everyone.
Hope your nausea has gone away.
(18,963 posts)I am in awe and need to sit on this for awhile.
Beastly Boy
(11,784 posts)He is no longer a homo sapien sapien, although I suspect he once was one. Losing one's humanity is a terrible punishment. Your wishes and fantasies, hopefully to your relief, had nothing to do with it. He did it all to himself.
To see that your wish had already come true before you ever wished it, all you have to do is to pause your outrage for a while and become a disengaged observer of what is happening to him.
Response to alittlelark (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(52,672 posts)I have the same hopes. And not just for him but also McConnell. Where is the Mafia when you need them?
(18,963 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,672 posts)known for. Sort of like Putin and his enemies....same tactics.
Blue Owl
(55,555 posts)I can't stand the very sight of that goddamned miserable fat fuck anymore
(2,541 posts)So many times over his 4 unholy yrs as president I wanted so badly to see that fucking smirk of his wiped off his face.
You are definitely not alone.
(122,596 posts)helpful in any number of situations. Visualize the inside of an eggshell. Now visualize that human excrescence in it. Furnish it, if you like, in something not comfortable for his lardness. Possibly with some really obnoxious (to him) music. Strobe lighting. And mirrors all around the inside, facing him, so that everything he sends out bounces right back to him. The mirrors have the added benefit of forcing him to truly see himself.
You can play with it as you like, or just set it and forget it.
Such visualizations have helped my sanity more than once. Well, that. . and the tennis racquet thing.
(6,630 posts)will cause his cult to disolve into the political-zombie dust that fills their blackened hearts.
(2,158 posts)say to yourself "some day he will be dead and I won't." Then the day will come. And you will be free to enjoy it.
This is only a band aid, a temporary fix to painful thoughts.
Another helpful way to deal with painful thoughts is gratitude meditation. "Today I am grateful for...." Replace the thoughts that are hurting you with thoughts that are not hurting you.