What is your particular brand of wishcraft
for creating your own reality?
I know... let go and let God,
And I have used the I Ams to a great extent,
But I feel there is something key I am missing, lately.

(29,414 posts)and expect to learn more about manifesting.
These days, my gf and I like to use "This or something better, Lord." Also, for some things in my life, I seem to have the manifesting knack in backwards. That is, I will make plans and goals based on my current situation in life only to have the opposite happen. This occurred recently when I was laid off, and, expecting some time off between jobs, I made different plans for having a little income. I got tens of recruiters calling a week later and landed a new job within three weeks after the last one.
Yeah, it's great to have this job, yet I have had to put those other plans to the side due to less time to work on them. I don't know why my manifesting works this way for me.
(8,423 posts)the I Ams from....but I'd forgotten about the This or something better, Lord...that's really good...which has a gratitude flavor to it. Me likey! Thankee!
(29,414 posts)
I'm not Christian; I just like the sound of that phrase and believe it will work. I hadn't thought of it having gratitude in it, but you're right

I wasn't sure if "Wishes Fulfilled" had the "I Am" stuff or not, so that's good to know. I have so many books to read, and just bought Davidji's book "Secrets of Meditation". Should be fun to learn about that, too.
Oh, on Dyer's show today he had one caller that knew him and of course Wayne remembered him. He just let the guy talk as he was going on about all the times he's found money in ever-increasing denominations while jogging/walking. He had been using the "I Am" method and attributed the "found wealth" to that technique. Wayne then told a short story of swimming in the ocean and seeing a ten-dollar bill twenty feet down. He said he almost killed himself diving for it!

(8,423 posts)with Dyer. Everything stops and I get in a trance, practically. I should have some of his cds to listen to in the car.
(18,186 posts)when things seem out of control, and I have so much piled up I don't know where to start, it's easy to spend too much time contemplating and lamenting the scenario. Then I get distracted from working toward goals. I call that a "trance."
So when I catch myself escaping into worry and too much negative meditation, I say "get out of the trance!" and start on something productive.
I don't want to waste the rest of my life worrying. Or in some trance where I'm thinking of all I lack. Or scared to death of what COULD or MIGHT happen.
Also I am just going with the flow of this wacked out universe - so far so good. I'm not where I need to be, but I am working more and more to get there. I am working on being there for people who need someone to be there, trying to support people with few options and wondering how to get ahead to help more people.
But getting out of the trance, getting more disciplined, opening myself up to the moment and expecting to be okay are all helping right now.
Hope you find your missing something

(8,423 posts)Yes, just keeping busy usually leads to the next thing you are supposed to see that leads to ....???
(5,510 posts)the thing I'm usually missing is patience.
I guess that's an ego thing again getting in the way. I also know it's one of my most important life lessons this time around, but I'm having a very hard time learning it!
Good luck w/your manifesting!
(8,423 posts)I think I used to have gobs of patience, but there are parts of my life that seem urgent and more insurmountable than my seemingly previously pampered life seemed to notice.
Huh? Wait...sometimes I get carried away!
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)One problem I've had with the show is inevitably I see it on a dark, cloudy, drizzly Sunday afternoon, so tend to doze off during the fund raising and miss portions of the show.
I picked up on a critical element that I've been really piss-poor about lately, but had figured out instinctively a couple decades ago.
If you judge, criticize or condemn *any of God's children* you will put a choke hold on anything you are trying to create for yourself.
We are all only doing the best we can.
So that's something else that falls into the "let go; let God" category.
I had figured out not to begrudge anybody their wealth decades ago, which enabled me to earn much more than I had previously. But then it was stolen from me through fraud and unemployment, no matter what I did, and a lot from people who were better off than I. And when abundance has become as out of balance as they are right now, it is really, really hard not to hold anger. Also when you are in the process of being tortured by somebody (such as when the sex offender and his gang of thugs harassed me 24x7 before I moved up here).
Also when you show up in a new environment shining a big light, the first thing the rats and cockroaches do is not scatter, but start throwing rocks to put out that light. So it's easy to become a target for co-worker and manager abuse when outside the private nest. And very hard to remember to keep up the mental "do not trespass" signs, if you know what I mean...
(8,423 posts)Wonderful and very useful info. Thanks for posting this.
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)
Meanwhile, I did run across this old thread about manifestation! It has some good posts that you might enjoy reading. See what you think.
(8,423 posts)I like the idea of a spiral..the leaps in the next step theory.
Yes, and it is good to make sure the language is accurately used.
I'm really enjoying this link! I'm off to explore some more.
(8,423 posts)I tried to find any kind of link for Vywamus that had the "lack" meditation or practice. But I couldn't find it. I'll keep looking.
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)I don't know anything about that entity. And I don't recall if I looked at that website back then.
I just found this page with more current articles ..