Is it my imagination or is this group quieter on DU3 than it was on DU2?
It seems that way to me and was wondering what others thought.

(23,664 posts)There are quite a few unfamiliar names. New faces/names are great, but given the often confrontational vibe at DU, it has made me wary.
Perhaps it has others as well until we develop more familiarity with this new space.
I'm not sure how I feel about the overall vibe here yet, either, so I'm simply not on DU as much as I used to be.
(713 posts)that's how I feel too. I miss DU2. I keep hoping that this new place begins to seem familiar soon. And didn't someone say that all of our posts show up on facebook and google etc? I don't know if I like that idea either. And true, it is the holidays, and people are very busy. Maybe it will pick up after they are over.
(5,780 posts)would even work. And I can't see how inadvertent sharing with facebook is "improving" DU...
(23,664 posts)Unless you turned it off in your profile, you'll see four boxes at the bottom of an OP, one of which allows you to share to Facebook with just a click, the same for Google+ and Twitter.
Before you had to copy the link and paste. This just makes it easier and thus perhaps encourages people to share things to other sites now.
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)DID get posted to facebook, I'm thinking we would have the opportunity to either delete it there, or at the very least report it as personal intellectual property.
(23,664 posts)in the TOS of DU.
If it's posted to this public forum, it's public use, not like a magazine or something.
I've seen people post things to FB from here -- like McCamy Taylor's and H20 Man's OPs and stuff -- and I'm sure they didn't get her permission.
(15,812 posts)The positive side is that you no longer need a star to post in a group. That leads to more people. Others, though, may be around less because they don't like the format.
But with the holidays comes a lot of travel, being busy, etc., so I truly don't think you can judge until we are well into January. People always come and go here, but the trend seems to have accelerated.
All is good, though, I feel.
(14,722 posts)and that has me still wary...
(14,803 posts)I don't see our posts there when I log on anymore, and I just tried it listed as "Latest" to check for my new posts here and they did not show up. I think you can still choose to see our posts listed from the drop down menu, but it isn't automatic anymore; and that seems to have helped quite a bit.
(4,225 posts)Everyone is busy with the holidays.
Flying Dream Blues
(4,484 posts)I don't yet understand how widely our posts are transmitted (this is the wary part), and am also a bit hesitant to "speak up" in front of people I don't know very well (not wary as much as shy). This is just me IRL and nothing against any newcomers, who all seem very nice so far!
(14,803 posts)Run run run.
This is the first day I've taken to really chill out in about two weeks. I'll be around more, January and February are always the hardest parts of the year for me...cold, dark, quiet, and husband is not here very much at all.
(4,225 posts)That always cracks me up.
Mr Howler always gets me a big bag of the candy hearts to eat while I stalk across D.U. looking for 'Victims" to give hearts too unexpectedly! Big BIG fun is that!
(8,423 posts)What a lively, lovely lady you are!
(4,225 posts)Of the pot callin the Kettle black I don't know what is! ((((Hugs))))
(8,423 posts)tastic!
(5,510 posts)Change is never easy, but as others have stated, we are not sure exactly what or where our stuff is going.
Personally, I simply dislike the new format.
Perhaps it's my moving into 4/5D, but I feel the need to leave all the political crap behind. Sense that all is rigged & I'm wasting my time.
I do miss y'all, tho. I connect on FB now.
(2,649 posts)You've just described exactly how I'm feeling as well. I do not like the icky feeling of politics in general, and I'm really not interested anymore.
We've had people scoff at our posts. Yes, I know it's just settling in stuff, but I don't care. If I wanted to be scoffed at, I'd post in General Discussion.
This place is no longer the cozy little safe-haven we had before.
FB will do for now.
(31,747 posts)I hope that changes as things become more familiar.
I have participated in juries, but I am not sold on the system. Other well-run websites rely on moderators to keep things under control. Why not DU?
I am not against change. But any of the religion groups are quite vulnerable to mockery and confrontation. I worry about Christian liberals, and the ancient wisdom and pagan spirituality, too. Are they still safe havens?
I am more concerned about the power the hosts hold in Groups. The first host can theoretically become a dictator, for example, in one of the state groups. Maybe all hosts should be retired every few months.
Let's hope we find our footing soon.
(23,664 posts)I feel bad about doing that, but I realized something very important: Whether or not it's "right" or "wrong," it seems that in the cases I was asked to judge, the incident in question wasn't the only factor contributing to other jurors' decisions. They took a poster's history into account, often with the post in question being the final straw for them.
I am not aware of other posters' history. Perhaps I would have voted differently if I was more aware of their tendencies and history, but I'm simply not, so I was often at odds with other jurors as I was solely focused on the post in question.
I think this is one reason a moderator system works best; they do tend to be aware of someone's history, previous warnings, etc. to discuss amongst themselves. Random, myriad jurors make this difficult.
It just felt like pure ick to me. I greatly admire moderators.
(6,811 posts)no, i am not happy with the change. and i am afraid it played far too well into the hands that will lead to really bad fissures to this place as a community. sort of obvious result too, but it hasn't fully played out, tragically. i recommend bemused disinterest as the primary season warms up, by the way.
oh well, everything has its time. it was fun while it lasted. at least we can find each other outside of here, too.
(31,747 posts)I don't imagine this time around will be bad for Democrats. Some of us are disappointed in Obama, but I really, really doubt that he will be primaried. It would be suicidal and stupid. He should be the nominee, with no challengers. He is the President, warts and all.
But I can't imagine what this system would have been like during the last primary. Surely I, and many other Hillary supporters, would have been banned. We were treated badly by DU as it was. I think there are too many novices here who do not understand how politics works. That is why some of them are so viscerally disillusioned with Obama right now.
I wonder how things will go in some of the state groups, as politics, recalls and primaries heat up. So far, things have been okay. But those groups could be ripe pickings for trolls and authoritarian hosts in the near future. I haven't been to the Iowa group lately. I should go see how they are doing. I like that group of people. Also, since I am only forty miles or so from Iowa, I get their TV stations for ads and news. It is getting interesting. My daughter was a caucus leader when she went to Iowa State. I learned so much from her! Wisconsin has been hot for a long time, but the recalls are approaching. We need open discussion and mutual respect there, too. I get the Wisconsin TV stations, too, since I am even closer to that state border. I can check in on two key states during the next crucial political period.
I may have to join facebook, so I can find you guys. I know how to contact Ric, but not the rest of you.
Stay sane, friends.
(4,225 posts)That quite a few of us that are viscerally dissappointed with Obama are NOT Novices and understand politics and the system quite well !
Please tell me that you aren't leaveing ASAH!!!!! That would truely suck!!!!
I really think if everyone would give D.U.3 a chance and allow yourself to get used to the new format it will be great1!!
Please tell me that your post isnt a good-bye!

(31,747 posts)I love this place. Like other DUers, I want to see it thrive. Maybe there are some bugs to work out. I will be here, and try to help, not undermine, the new system.
ASAH will bounce back. Is all this going out over facebook, and other places? I know that anything we say on the Internet is public and permanent, but it sounds like it has become a lot more public. I am not sure I like that.
(4,225 posts)But I'm very glad to hear that you are not leaveing murielm99!!! YAY!!!!
I really like the new system! Its got lots of bells and whistles! I'm not very technically inclined but this D.U.3 ROCKS!!!
I also love the Idea Of group hostesses! And I think Lucinda and Magical Chick are perfect for those positions. I really can't see either of them getting "Mad with power" LOL! So I'm happy to see them be Hostess'es till they don't want be hostesses any more which I hope is many many years from now!
I also LOVE the idea and current implementation of D.U.'s Jury system. I just love the fact that the jury's are much less likely to censure posts then the moderater system was. I also feel that its much more democratic. It offers the D.U. members a real investment in this cummunity.
As far as the moderaters knowing more about a posters history I feel there is a reason that a persons history is rarely admissable in a court of law!!! LOL!
I think there is something to be said for each post or set of posts standing on its own merits instead of the poster's past history or personallity. I also think that, like the Democratic party, this place is going through an evolution/revolution that is much needed. Change is good. Don't ever be afraid of number 5! some folks in Numerology just give it a bad rap.
(8,423 posts)And others that used to be really quiet have perked up!
A topsy-toiv-y woi-ld we live in!
Maybe we would be louder if
to play with!!
I have tried and failed! Argh! Argh!
cosmic _mind
(95 posts)

(29,414 posts)That way, I just right click in here, find the right one(s) and post:
(4,225 posts)SPELL CHECK!!!!!!! for the love of everything that is holy!!!!!
(18,186 posts)Here's the link:
I have it saved to my faves so I can access when needed.
(999 posts)unfortunately, has often wandered off the topic it was meant to serve. I personally have found it to have become less interesting and visited it less and less. Too bad.

(23,664 posts)
(4,225 posts)My bad! (((Hug)))
(8,423 posts)Take the bull by the G--damned horns and MAKE
M A K E !!!!!!
DU3 ASAH exactly what you want it to be!!!!!
Create what you want in life, DU3 is what we have now, so we must continue to use ASAH and lift our spirits where they are meant to be!
I see you shining.