Empaths...have you ever met someone who you cannot 'feel'?
Or maybe I need to say "Intuitives...have you ever met someone who (whom?) you cannot suss out?"
I seem to have run into such a person. A close friend. I am so used to my intuition/empathy being RIGHT, that now, when it seems I am erroneously reading the signals coming from this person, I come off as 'crazy woman'. Not that he's calling me that, I just feel like I'm giving that impression, and he gets irritated as all get-out because I keep asking about things he's already assured me about.
I've even been re-reading the Mars & Venus book just to get my mind straight. But I'm tellin' ya..it spooks me out that I could be SO very 'off ', but just about one person. Karmic stuff coming up with this one, maybe?
I iz confuzed lion. Meow?

Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Some things are just relational. It's a big wide world out there and all kinds of karmas exist. Even if you generally very clear and neutral, the infinite is bound to feel compelled to throw us a 'curve'. All in service of our growth, I'm sure.
(14,803 posts)also.
JAFOFG. (Just another F*&$ing opportunity for growth)
But it makes me feel...like a crazy woman! Arg!!
Also, we both have Native in our blood,although mine is about three more times diluted than his (his mother is full blood, it was my great-grandmother on my mother's side, although I think there's more in there somewhere that family is not telling about!) I wonder if that has anything at all to do with it.
Yes, I do think there is some karma/past life stuff going on here. I have not had predictive dreams since my fiance died in 2001, and I had one about this person last year.
Wonder what it is I'm supposed to learn from this?
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Perhaps Coyote at play?
Mercury also has this trickster aspect. The shadow period of this merc rec seems almost worst than the Merc retro this time around.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)

(3,794 posts)the person may have heavy Scorpio or Pluto markers; it's not uncommon with people who are "hard to read". And it doesn't mean its intentional either. Keep digging.
(14,803 posts)I have not been able to get his actual birth time, so doing a chart has been slightly challenging, but I assume a correct day and place should give me a good indication, right?
I didn't think it was intentional, it's just very frustrating. LOL.
Keep digging? So you think I'm not completely "off" with what I'm sensing?
Thanks for your insight as always, Rick...
(3,794 posts)It is "natural" for Scorpio types or those heavy with Pluto to "not expose" themselves. Keeping their cards close to their vest. Not all though. That's one way I know right away if it's Pluto related. Pluto digs and ASSUMES that everyone else is digging too. (Usually not) therefore the poker face.
Hope that helps!
Gotta be careful not to be too general, but that is a common theme.
You are a sensitive Cancer, one the zodiac's best intuitives, if not THE best. Don't doubt yourself, you probably are feeling accurately.
(14,803 posts)I *gotta* remember this. I'm doubting myself way too easily.
Let's see..Pluto is in Ascendant; which is Virgo. It says Lilith is in Scorpio (3rd house).
He's very skittish. Lol.
(3,794 posts)That makes him very Plutonian, secretive possibly.
(3,794 posts)Lucinda
(31,170 posts)to deal with this person. It feels like a big opportunity for growth, for both of you...
(14,803 posts)you are exactly right. Except now, after this thread, I believe I've been giving my power away and that *he* is the one who needs to open up and relax a bit.
I appreciate all of you so much on days like this..
(2,185 posts)but there are some who just don't broadcast.
Those are the ones I give a wide berth to...
sometimes they wall themselves in for a purpose,
sometimes they run high on sociopath scale.
That often screams: "Stay away!' to me.
There's a reason why they can't be read.
I understand the scorpio/pluto connection,
heck, I have pluto on my ascendant,
but there is something else hanging there besides a thick curtain...
be careful!
From another 'crazy' woman.
(2,649 posts)If I cannot read a person at all, I usually take that as my sign to stay away -- there is something about this person or going on with this person that is not good for me.
(14,803 posts)see my reply below..I *can* read him, he just is very insistent that I am completely wrong. To the point where I am afraid I'm gonna piss him right off. It's very worrisome and I feel like I'm walking on eggshells. Not sure how to approach this.
(14,803 posts)He broadcasts, it's just that he is EMPHATIC in saying that what I'm sensing is off,that he is not feeling the way I am sensing.
So I believe him, and then get confused.
Arg, seems I've answered myself in this thread. Duh.
He's a good guy, an old soul, and we most definitely have some karmic work between us. It's just that I trust so much in him that I want to believe him when he says other than what I'm sensing. I guess my challenge is to remember my own truth here. And maybe for him to let me in a bit. LOL.
(2,649 posts)Here's what I'm picking up:
Either --
A. You're reading him wrong, which, to me, suggests that he broadcasts something that is certainly not authentic. That feels almost like a sociopath, and kind of scares me.
B. He has no idea about his true self, and although what you're picking up is correct, he'll never admit to it, because it's not what he wants to be correct -- and especially doesn't want anyone to be able to "read" him.
-or -
A little of A and a lot of B
Does that feel right to you?
Doesn't sound to me like he wants you "reading" him; nor does he understand that empaths really have no control over what we pick up.
Might be worth it saving your nerves and giving him some extra space.
(14,803 posts)I think it really is mostly B, but I will keep my eyes open for A. I think this whole situation is part of him *finding* his true self.
But he's ignoring me at the moment anyway (not answering phone for last two days) so giving him extra space is not any problem at all. Sigh.
*bang head*
Feel like saying "LOOK. We planned this ahead of time..I'm *supposed* to be helping you (and you me); so let's DO that already!"
LOL.I *IS* crazy lion.
(29,135 posts)I don't just feel that they are energetically weak. When I try to get a tangible sense of their life energy, I can't pick up anything. When I try to visualize their emotional energy, (usually comes up in colors in my mind) I see nothing, or virtually nothing. It is freak-y.
I think this sometimes happens when a person is very closed off emotionally. The "size" of the energy field often fluctuates depending on how emotionally secure a person feels. Someone who is very repressed, or simply scared and insecure on a particular day, may have an energy field that is crumpled up next to the body and therefore difficult to read.
One of them is Dick Cheney. I think I'll refrain from posting the other (don't ask.)
(14,803 posts)I can vouch for the 'very scared' part..I call him skittish. He's very wary of being hurt again. He's not a sociopath or anything, just very protective of himself. He's also half-Native (mother full-blooded). I'm not sure what, if anything, that has to do with it.
I think I know the other person you are referring to..but I won't ask.
Good to see you..
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)but there was one guy who I could not feel when I tried Reiki on him. I couldn't feel a current either coming or going. It was a dead zone over his head. This guy never smiled. NEVER. I went out with him a few times, and frankly had to resort to crazy to get rid of him. But that was creepy.
(14,803 posts)like that, he just INSISTS that I am completely wrong when *I* insist that something *is*. So then I start to doubt my vibes and etc.
Eh, I guess I'm too easily swayed from confidence in my own abilities, yes? Ha. Erg.
What you experienced would freak me the hell OUT. Brrrr.