Special birthday dream
My mother passed away ~6 years ago. I miss her still, but sometimes feel her around me and every so often she comes to me in a dream. And there are hummingbirds that come to my windows and look in and I think that she has taken on their form and is saying hello.
I got up early this am to bottle feed a lamb and then went back to bed- it is my birthday darn it! - and in the dream that came to me I was able to kiss my mother on the cheek good-by before she died. Something I had not gotten to do as she died all alone in her apartment (quickly and painlessly, the doctor said- she was almost 89 and still lived independently), although I had spoken with her on the phone the night before.
Anyway, it was special to have that dream and I wanted to share the wonder of it with you, my friends in this group.

(21,363 posts)

(4,225 posts)I hope this day brings you the best of everything because you are just the very best!
Heres Your Birthday forcast and in the daily one it looks as if your right on track when you went back to bed!
weekly Birthday
New energies move you forward this Sunday. Regardless of your place in life, anything you do just now that causes you to look back or step back into old ways will do nothing but slow you. If you are in a negative frame of mind--begin again--the day is yours! Professionally speaking, you are in the right frame of mind. A new person you meet this Monday will be most important to you in the future. A co-worker you had not really known very well before this Tuesday makes an effort to get to know you better. You learn something new from your own work project this Wednesday. Some sort of money clip may come to your attention this afternoon. With your creative talents, you can produce this item and take orders for more. This Thursday begins cheerfully, with a strong feeling that all is right with the world. You may have the opportunity to add your thoughts to some professional discussion today. You can't get away with sitting still this Friday--work is profitable and it takes your skills to really make the cash register ring. You may be sought after as the perfect person for a particular job. You really must consider slowing down a bit and having a good breakfast before your day begins this Saturday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Daily Birthday
You really must consider slowing down a bit and have a good breakfast before your workday begins. You can work better with some protein to start the day. Co-workers may need your input today and you are on your toes with quick answers and help wherever you are needed. Customers have questions and you are needed. You are a good teacher and many times the new employees learn by watching. There are so many funny and unusual situations during your usual work day that you could write a comedy show for television. Why not begin now to take a few notes and see how your writing develops. You enjoy talking, writing and keeping a finger on the pulse of all that's happening. Tonight is for enjoying a special celebration. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
(6,507 posts)How kind you are- I enjoyed sharing this with you.
Thanks for the fun links.
(14,707 posts)that's a sweet dream... reminds me to be more aware in the next few days too.
BTW Happy Birthday!!! Here's to many more loving and wonderful visions this year!
...and it's my bday tonight, too! (15 seconds after midnight, hehee)
(6,507 posts)I hope comforting dreams come true for you this new year!
(23,659 posts)First, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
I love that you have a lamb to feed, and that you got to experience your mother's passing in that way, and that you had a dream about it, and that it's on your birthday!!!!
Thanks for sharing.
(6,507 posts)I should get off this computer and get back outside!
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)All of your experiences takes my breath away.
(6,507 posts)Happy New Year to you!
Flying Dream Blues
(4,484 posts)I find these visitation dreams so comforting, and I'm so glad your dear mom came to you on your birthday.
(6,507 posts)I guess this is why I wanted to share this with all of you.
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)It's truly lovely.
(6,507 posts)I am still sort of aglow from it.
(6,086 posts)You know Tumbulu, my mom has been gone almost 8 years and I miss her so very much . I completely understand your feelings and I want to you know that that was no dream. Your Mum came to visit you and you know what?? Noone...NOONE EVERY DIES ALONE!
Someone always comes to take the sweet soul cross to their new life. Even people who are less than desirable never cross alone, (although I sure they'd prefer to not see what comes for them). I want you to know that your mum and mom are in a BEE-YOU-TI-FULL place where they are in perfect, gorgeous bodies and no doubt are chatting and going about their lives there. You have a sister in me who understands completely. Happy Birthday, honey chile, bless you and may you be granted EVERY THING YOU HOPE AND DREAM for!
(6,507 posts)You are so kind and comforting.