Bodhi Tree Bookstore to close after 40 years (Los Angeles)
This makes me sad. Spent many a Saturday browsing the beautiful books in their stacks and then enjoying lunch at the Urth Cafe down the street. It was a big part of my spiritual awakening.,0,1892209.story

Remember Me
(1,532 posts)First --
Daily customer sales have fallen from about 1,800 at its peak in the 1990s to about 175 today; annual revenue dropped from $5 million to $1.7 million during that same period.
Alas, between digital reading devices and the internet itself, traditional publishing AND bookstores will soon be mostly a thing of the past. Like pay phones. CBs.
Former aerospace engineers who had fallen away from their family traditions of Christianity, Madson and Thompson became intrigued by Buddhism and other Eastern religions that were starting to filter into 1960s pop culture. They wanted to build a "Library of Alexandria" that would gather under one roof English-language tomes on the world's wisdom traditions.
I must've been deeply wounded by the burning of the Library at Alexandria when it happened because I've always had a horror of throwing away ANY book, and a fascination with the whole notion of that Library, and at the same time have marveled at the NEW, 21st Century Library of Alexandria and indeed of the World: the Internet.
My sense is: they did their job well, holding the energy and creating that sacred space and spreading enlightenment. But now their job is mostly done, for the reasons I stated.
(1,400 posts)Just waxing nostalgic for the early days of my awakening. For the seminars and books and group channeling. Everyday was like Christmas morning then.
This was before the Illuminati/dark forces found out so many of us lightworkers had gathered here to shift the planet and started pushing back. The past few years of this pushing back energy has not been fun.
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)and even I find myself sad because I never got to go there. I missed it. Wish I could've seen it.
(3,747 posts)I have many happy memories of my time there.