My heart felt offering to all the members of ASAH!!!!! Happy 2012!!!!
And for you purist of impeccable taste Cydi

Rainbow Sunrise
(39 posts)Howler
(4,225 posts)Or better yet a Rainbow Sunrise!!!!! !
Perfect! Happy New Years to you!!!!!!
Rainbow Sunrise
(39 posts)I wish I knew how to put up smilies. I tried copying yours but it didn't work. So, I'm huggin you back in parentheses. :-D
(4,225 posts)All you do is copy and paste the writeing next to the smiley and wella!
Rainbow Sunrise
(39 posts)

(4,225 posts)Now if i could only find the spell check!!! LOL!
(8,423 posts)HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU,TOO. May you have many fine meals and wonderful company in the great new kitchen of yours!
(4,225 posts)everyone here on ASAH is going to have a very happy,healthy,and prosperous year.(((HUG)))
(8,423 posts)and the urge to give a major hug to the universe of love you have unleashed! You go, girl!
(4,225 posts)

HHHHOOOOWWWWWLLLLLLLL I brought back the wrong smily !!!!!!!! Man I'm getting a pretty good buzz here in Howlerville. I corrected myself.
(8,423 posts)You make me feel very special!
(2,649 posts)And to all my ASAH friends:
I wish you a Happy and Prosperous 2012!!!
(4,225 posts)We loves us some Kookaburra!!!
(31,170 posts)Nice choice of music too!
Had Phil loaded up in my C.D . player. Just had to share!
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)This year will be a great year. I feel that deeply and firmly inside me.
(4,225 posts)I think this year is going to be one for the record books in terms of Happiness,Growth,wealth,health,ect.
It already feels lighter somehow....even with a slight hangover.LOL!
(8,423 posts)I had sparkling cider with my daughter and her friend! A first for many years w/o champagne!!! It was really really okay! BUUUT we stayed up late and the rich food made me feel like I had a lil hangover anyway..heh!
(4,225 posts)Mr Howler had a few of my famous White Russians because he doesnt like the taste of alcohol.
My brother brought over my little three year old niece (so cute) but he forgot to bring diapers. LOL!
But luckly the doggie diapers we have for our three pups fit her just fine except of course for the hole for their tails!
Though before we thought to try the puppy diapers on her she managed to pee on our lazyboy chair which really confused our puppies! HAHAHAHA!!!!!
this info will probley ding her psychic when my niece finds out we put her in doggie diapers when she gets older but will make a great story to tell her first date when she brings him/her home to meet the family !!! HHHOOOOWWWWLLLLLL!!!!
plus We may have to go back to the drawing board on potty training our puppies now too! Can you say pee pads anyone.????
Yeah I am moving kinda slow today myself! But I'm so glad you had a goodtime last night Kimmers.
I think we all need more Laughter from time to time. And that cider sure sounds heavenly.Yum.
(8,423 posts)OMG that's too funny!
(4,225 posts)My Brother has to pay for any counseling sessions she made need to counter act All the brain damage we cause!!!! :rofl
Mr Howler is Screaming "Emotional damage!""" We didnt beat her about the face and head! LOL!
Jokeing People! None of us practices corperal punishment!!!
Its all good!!!!
(3,747 posts)my future/present.
Dancing through our lives. Here's to the other side!
Happy New Year!
(4,225 posts)"My future/present dancing through our lives" How beautiful!
(10,453 posts)~~~~HAPPY NEW YEAR~~~~ to all the wonderful folks at ASAH.
(4,225 posts)I can feel it in my bones!!!!!
Big positive blessings to all you and yours!
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)I'm eager to see how it unfolds.
(4,225 posts)I'm eagar to see the potentials unfold too!
(18,186 posts)Cuz you're beautiful.......beautiful like a rainbow..."

Love the doggy diaper story

Did you duct tape the tail hole?

Have a maaaahvelous 2012, Dear Howler.
I am sitting here fighting old demons, trying to stay positive, and having a hard time. I do not want to bring these old nagging doubts into a new year, but those suckers followed me dagnabbit!!!!!

....but when I see a Howler post, I know it's all gonna be okay

Last edited Mon Jan 2, 2012, 06:57 PM - Edit history (1)
I'm so sorry those old damn demons are trying to present in this new year!
Fuck em!!!!
You are a Renaissance woman! My god the things you have accomplished and the places you have seen.....
Try not to let them get you down!
Putting smiles and happy for Tsiyu out in the Ether !!!
So warm hugs are here for you and on there way too!
You have a MAAAAAAHVELOUS New Years too! ((((HUGS))))
p.s. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Nope didnt think to tape up the hole for the puppy dog tail!!!! We do have pictures to show her when she gets older though.
I fully expect to recieve a little "Payback" from all three of my brothers daughters when they get older though. LOL!
One is a Taurus,the other an Aries, The third one was just born this last August is a Leo like me!
But still there are a lot of Hooves and horns to try and get out of the way of when they start stampedeing has only females can do! LOL!!!!
(18,186 posts)Spent the day fixing my buddy's computer. He's going through chemo, and has had very little TV (really high winds on the plateau the last few days so the antennas are waving all over the place and won't fix on a signal) and having no computer either was really bumming him out.
He does not need to get bummed out right now!
Glad to say I got it on the internet - after about 6 hours of doodling with it.

I'm so tired, I may not even have insomnia tonight!
Thank you for all the encouragement, Howler.

Had some visitors earlier today so all in all has been a nice January 2nd.
Hope your day was sweet, too