Geez, my kid has had one horrible surprise after the other!
It's awful. And just when we think she's found blue skies, BAM! lightning strikes with another betrayal, false accusation, loss, punishment or disappointment. It's like living in a soap opera. And it's not like bad things are happening in response to my kid's actions. It's all weird stuff that we could never have imagined or anticipated. (For example, a fellow student made an unfounded accusation toward several students. Before the truth came out, my kid had already been punished with loss of a major opportunity that she had worked on for months. None of the other kids had any consequences.)
I'm trying to stay positive, but it feels unending and it's exhausting. Can you send her some good vibes, please?

(22,507 posts)It is, after all, HER life where this is going on. I'm sending her good vibes, and the less she concentrates on the negative the less there will be of it. And to you I send meditative peace, and concentration on your own life.
"Ain't it awful" is not helpful.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)We've been doing our best to be positive through two solid years of bad surprises and yesterday was the breaking point for both of us.
(22,507 posts)Glad we could be a sounding board. Sometimes in my life I have to do that too. It's kind of like pulling the plug on myself to let out unnecessary negative emotion in a safe place. Then the fresh can flow in. Anticipate lots of GOOD.
I had a good cry, too which I have not done in a while.
(22,507 posts)i've been toughened by day to day life. When I do it's a real help.
In retrospect
(75,480 posts)of thing. If it can go wrong, it will. I will send what good thoughts and vibes I can though that she has better outcomes from now on,
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)Idk what it is but it's been going on for two years. She is developing tougher skin, so maybe that's the point, but it's just getting overwhelming.
(75,480 posts)Last edited Thu Jan 29, 2015, 04:05 AM - Edit history (1)
unlike those around her. It's awfully unfair. However she needs to push even harder until she gets past those influences.
My little psychic abilities tells me she is rather special and those people who are hating her are awed by her and afraid of her. She needs to stand before them with an aura of how special she is and let them be in awe of her, but not fear her. I know it's an awful challenge for her.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)because one of the top WTF moments was when another parent suggested that my kid should find a new path in life (both of our kids are performers.) The disdain in her voice was so painful to hear because all four of us have been (or, I guess, were) dear friends for years and her kid has had every financial advantage and training while mine has had almost none. I never thought of them being in competition. I had no idea she thought that way.
(12,360 posts)It's hard as a parent when sometimes the very best we can do is just be there for them to give them the support they need.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)True. Looking back on my life, I feel bad thinking of the times my mom must have felt as helpless!
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)I hope that whoever decided to punish your daughter for something she didn't do realizes the error of his or her ways, and makes it up to her with a better opportunity.
Some people view everything as competition. Better that you find out in a hurtful, but not costly, way about the ones you thought were friends. Now you know better. Not long ago I had a long forgotten high school memory resurface of my "best friend"' who offered to trailer my horse with hers to a competition -- and then bagged on me the day of the competition. She'd simultaneously made arrangements to trailer someone else and deliberately left me stranded.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)Thank you. High school sucks.