For Kamala
Source for her birth data - Astro-Databank BC/BR in hand.
20 October 1964 at 21:28 (= 9:28 PM ) Oakland, California, 37n48, 122w16
For planets to be considered for interpretation they must be in aspect to one of the base chart angles or to other planets planets that are. Interpretation is then ceded to the observers definitions for each that is displayed. I do not adhere to the common belief that aspects are to be considered positive or negative but that the nature of the planets making the aspect should color that determination. Thus a square from Jupiter could be considered positive while a trine from Saturn could be considered deleterious.
Although she is not the top of the Democratic presidential ticket she is 1/2 of it and I think the aspects to her natal chart, located to the Capitol Building, on January 20, 2021, and timed to noon could be a fair depiction of the ticket's experience. Her swearing in is actually a few minutes earlier.
The rate of progression I always use for secondary progressions is Q2 Mean Quotidian. It advances the MC 1 degree per day instead of the popular rate used universally that only advances it 1 degree per year. No matter which rate is used only the angles are progressed differently - planets are advanced the same distance.
Kamala relocated birth chart progressed to her swearing in on January 20, 2021,
Her Progressed Moon is conjunct her progressed Jupiter and they both trine her progressed MC and her progressed Uranus which is also conjunct her progressed MC. Transiting Venus is also trine her progressed MC, progressed Uranus, and progressed Moon and Jupiter.

(64,167 posts)Tyvm, Bob!
(6,603 posts)My eyesight needs help here, please. It sure looks like it!
(979 posts)glasses.
Made from various charts. Does it qualify?
"My eyesight needs help here, please. It sure looks like it!"
The statement doesn't equate - ".... eyesight needs help...sure looks like it!" What is the intent?
Ignore may get a workout.
(6,603 posts)Please read my previous posts of support. I will henceforth refrain from posting here, since you take such offense to my question.
(979 posts)not see the intent for the post. Wanting me to take time to answer what you admitted to seeing.
"The statement doesn't equate - ".... eyesight needs help...sure looks like it!" What is the intent?"
Going through my files to resurrect and edit posts that had been deleted was very time consuming today and I could not ascertain a reason for a post asking for my time. The effort was tiring on my nearly 80 year old eyes.
(6,603 posts)I wasn't sure about what I saw, so I simply asked if I was seeing what I thought I saw. MY "intent" was simply asking if what I thought I saw was correct, since, like I said, my eyesight is not something I can always trust. I meant no disrespect, no snark, And I apologize for offending you. I am an old woman well on her way to total blindness, so I realize now that perhaps I should just stop posting here, since apparently I just offend people. I'm sorry.
(979 posts)With your explanation no apology is needed.
Without the explanation of your challenged sight your post seemed to be asking to engage in a discussion I did not want to give time and energy to. Now that you have shared your situation I can understand the intent of your post and tell you that the understanding changes my attitude regarding it. I harbor no offense toward what seemed to be a needless request for my attention but with my being informed is now understandable. No drama is necessary, let's move on.
(308,408 posts)and worse from Macular Degeneration.. it sucks.
I use a magnifying glass.. glasses don't help with that particular malady. Maybe one could help you see better.. Also I have the "zoom" size up to 175.