HOWLER!!!! You get in here RIGHT this instant, Young Lady!!!!
Oh, woman, you have put the biggest grin on my face. First, I get a really funny card that cheered me up yesterday.
Then, today, I went out to check the mail and there was a big box hanging off the front of the mailbox.

Then I see that Ms. Howler's return address is on there and I say, hmmmmm...some Tie Dye

Well, the dog and cats have been watching me pull gift after gift after gift out of the box going "Omigawd, omigawd, omigawd."
I can't believe all of these wonderful goodies! I didn't open anything on Christmas, so this is like my Christmas Day!!!
Thank you so much for everything. I am overwhelmed, I really am. Your kindness is boundless.
Now, I can't wait til I can send you a care package. You are awesome.

And you're getting a spanking

I Love you Girl !!!!!!!!!

Gotta go do chores but I'll be back later tonight to scold you properly!!!!

I Have A Dream
(18,497 posts)
(I love that 'kiss' smiley!)
(23,664 posts)

(18,186 posts)I don't feel worthy....I only hope she knows she is sooooo loved by all of us

(4,225 posts)'Not worthy"?? Are you kidding me?
Please! You are beautiful ,warm, careing,funny,and generally WONDERFUL human being who on top of all that is talented too.
You deserve the very best this world has to offer Tsiyu!
And I love you too!
Can we please go back to normal now ????
Before my head swells to big to get through the doorway.
(4,225 posts)OneGrassRoot ,
You do more in one day in your life for others then most folks do in a year.
You are absolutely The gentle revolutionary who IS making the world a better place not sitting there just talking about it.
When I grow up I am going to be just like you! hug:
(18,186 posts)She totally made my day.
And you should see the beautiful star tiedye hanging up on the door in my room where I can gaze at it and just smile.
Here's a

I Have A Dream
(18,497 posts)Thank you, Tsiyu!
That smiley makes me so happy!
(4,225 posts)Now EVERYBODY here on ASAH knows That is a big case of the pot calling the kettle black!
When I first discovered ASAH I lurked for a while just reading .
My faveriot posters were YOU,OGR,and Rick.
All three of you set the mood and the pace of ASAH for me. I knew that this was a place full of wonderful careing people That I wanted very much to be a part of.
I have come to the realization that EVERY single poster here on ASAH is amazing And I feel so blessed and happy to have found this place everyday!
I don't think you guys relize what an influential and inspireing group of people you all are.
You all leave me breathless with awe! Sometimes.... several times a day!
(8,423 posts)How wonderful!
(18,186 posts)I let myself have one day this week to sob, but after the froggy eyes that resulted that was all I was giving myself.
Today was really rough for a number of reasons, though I was trying to stay hopeful.
Then I open this package of goodies you would not believe....all sorts of fun oohs and aahs and I am good for the rest of the month, just so tickled that someone cares so much to cheer me up and share their love!
Howler for President, I say!!!!!

I've been Howler-bombed!!!!!
(4,225 posts)that 2012 is going to bring more people into your life who bring love and laughter to share with you.
(4,225 posts)I wanted you to have some Bailey's for the Chocolate Shot glasses but they wouldnt let me. LOL!
I had to come back from the post office open the box remove the bottle and go back right back to the post Office.
I mean for petes sake it wasn't moonshine!!!!! Or even 151.
Love you too Tsiyu. Merry Christmas! And I promise you will have those English crackers next year On Time for the Holidays!!!!! (((Hug)))
Now If the post would just deliver to BTTB. I sent that out the Fri before X-mas).
Then I would be posting droonk, too this afternoon! Though I am droonk on loooooove.
Must apologize that I am late to my own thread. I did chores and laid down for JUST a minute and actually fell asleep. ( Insomnia makes for odd sleep patterns.) But I indulged in some of the chocolate first so I had some really wonderful dreams of riding horses in the snow and finding medicine to heal my friends.....just woke up on schedule to be up all night again.
The tiedye is so lovely. I didn't notice the pattern until I hung it on the door and then I went - WOW! It's gorgeous.
And it was going to be a rough day, because I am stuck at home. Earlier I was thinking, "if I just had some chocolate I could make it." Well, ask and you shall recieve!
And all the other lovelies, the many peace signs and the sticker and the bracelet and ring and flipflops and ......I can't express how much joy you have given me. I will be floating on air for a while. Later today I will be going to visit my friend undergoing chemo, and I am going to share the crackers with him to cheer him up. We will both wear our funny hats and have some fun courtesy of The Howler.
You are amazing and wonderful and I just hope you know how appreciated your gift box truly is. Your efforts and love are felt all the way down here. I even loved getting your local paper! (I have a thing for out of town newspapers).
Thank you so much and I crown you Queen of Happiness for the year 2012!!!!

I Have A Dream
(18,497 posts)

dreams of riding horses in the snow and finding medicine to heal my friends
This is a dream of import.
Horse means power and powerful healing! Riding a horse is harnessing both the Subconscious and consciousness. The snow means transition and rest to get ready for the next stage of your development. Kind of like a caterpillar in the chrysalis.
You are getting ready to come into your own Tsiyu.!!!!! WOOT!
(18,186 posts)and rightly so.

Meant to ask you about the CD's.
I've been writing (stayed up all night writing and rsearching) and didn't have a chance to listen to any of them.
There are like 7 CD's here that you sent.
Tell me da story, Woman.....and thank you for your wonderful prophecies from my chocolate driven dreams!
The rest are Stand up comedy C.D.'s
All are Christopher Titus! He is an hysterically funny Man! LOL! I really think you will LOVE him Tsiyu!
I'll bet if you share them with your friend going through Chemo The laughter will take the edge off of the process for a little while.
The "Norman Rockwell is bleeding" is a scream!!!!! snort! I can soooo relate to this one because it describes my childhood growing with similer circumstances My Mother being crazy as a bed bug...But Dad was not an alcoholic he was a perfectionist though just as bad.
And "Neverlution" is very political and hysterically funny!
He also talks about raising his kids,girlfriends,love,..........well EVERYTHING!
If you wanna laugh really REALLY hard just put him in the C.D player girl!!!!
P.S. If one is in a long black case its a D.v.d of Titus Who is very easy on the Eyes!!! Yummy Even!
My dear friend you speak of had to rescue ME today. He came and took me to the gas station to fill up a can so I could drive anywhere. I was afraid if I tried to drive back to town I'd run out. He also paid me for fixing his computer, which I told him not to do but he knows I'm broke as a bone.
So tomorrow I'm going to go and clean his house and cook for him and we will listen to the tapes and pop our crackers and think of you.
Thanks so much...I love comedy and they say it really helps with healing.
Big Fat Squeeze for the Howler

(14,722 posts)that's why I love my little asah fam...we are laws doing cool stuff for eachother!
(18,186 posts)You can't believe all the sweet treats - even a stuffed little penguin with great googly eyes - she put in the care package.
I was totally floored not expecting such a box full o'love as that!

I should expect no less from the beautiful Howler peep of the ASAH group!
I hope for Howler the greatest blessings ever granted, and for all on ASAH great blessings in 2012!
This place is absolutely riddled with folks like that!!!! LOL!
You can come here "But you can never leavE"......Well only because you don't want too.
(21,363 posts)Howler,
(4,225 posts)n/t
Rainbow Sunrise
(39 posts)HOWLER IS GREAT!!!
(4,225 posts)n/t