New MA reading: What's really behind the MSG rally? Militias post election, Butler assassination attempt & more
?feature=sharedI'd have to wonder who in the hell would vote for rump after attending the msg rally.
It' pretty clear to people now what's happening here. Mob & criminal behavior does, project their own behavior onto others. (paraphrasing)
She states she has been predicting all year that something about Epstein would come out before the election.
The latest accusation is that he staged the Butler assassination attempt. Now that would end his campaign if that were to be true.
I think he has internal polling and knows he cannot win the election, so the only way he is going to try and do it is stage a similar type of obstruction as what he did on January the 6th. But it won't be on January 6th. They will get to it earlier than that.
Evidence Musk has been talking with pootin since 2022. Musk will be prosecuted. That was my prediction. It's a legal issue here. Remember that reading? Is it treasonous? Prof. Lawrence Tribe says it's related to treason. he is going to be prosecuted.
Morgan Greer Tarot. Also Astro-Matrix Tarot
The msg rally is about inciting civil war in the US. (She reads quotes.)
Is rump going to incite violence around the election and is the msg rally to incide violence?
ravine is what I'm seeing. He's standing on one side and cannot cross to the other side. He's raging. No way he can cross safely to the other side to win this election. You know what he's doing at msg? He's testing the waters. I've seen him put his hand in the waters to test it. And he's quite pleased with himself.
Will rump cause violence given his msg
Huge tornado over NY. He wants violence to start in NY. to prevent voting? to intimidate them? Now and after the election? What can you show me please?
10 Pentacles. Supported by donors. Very closely donors are on board with this. Insecurity around their possessions and money. gzreed, greed, and more greed.
9 Wands - guardrails have failed. I talked bout this - this is about reestablishing guardrails and boundaries. After this is done, you will have boundaries reestablished. It's no coincidence that CA AG & prosecutor will be elected president. All sorts of legal reform needs to be put in place.
Divine justice.
Young men - taking up swords. It can be light bulb moment as well. Can also be a spy in the camp.
Also a light bulb moment for many others. No light matter so many repugs coming out against rump.
He wants to destabilize the US to sow violence.
Moon - volatility. We will say this is madness.
Harris - they are going all out.
Law, logic, planning, strategizing, the law, moon - volatility. Things coming up from underground as rump opens up the gates of hell - hopes & fears.
Watch the flies come for rump supporters.
10 swords - absolute & utter downfall.
Deceit. I asked what he was going to do. 10 swords energy in outcome.
Also about intimidating voters. Please understand there is hope here and we get moderation coming through.
Bad as they are in the outcome, we have voter & star card. STUPID MEDIA. THIS IS ABOUT BRING FORTH JANUARY 6TH VIBE.
Circles of support. Homes, families. Many will be turned off by this. I wonder how a good christian can justify this level of violence, christian nationalists? Some sort of holy war thar makes violence ok?
Let's have a look at will rump be successful? I am still gobsmacked. Will rump be successful?
I'm seeing somebody _____________________________________ hoping to stimulate protests.
I see whre I'm going with this. Likely maybe to the state certifications of Congress. Protests that might disrupt them.
Will rump's MSg be successful in stoking violence during election? Also, ballot boxes were burned. Will he be successful in stoking some street battles?
5 cups - minor arcana death card. Manifestation.
Potential for people to be killed.
Q cups - battle against women.
Ace pentacles - watch $ flowing into - garland - sleepy garland - wrong man for the job. Hoping there will be a new AG. A judge wasn't the right choice.
Lets take a look at -- there's a couple of things here where we are not easily intimidated. Yes, the answer to that is yes. Aimed at the voter perhaps, ____________________________ Lots and lots of -- it could take you by surprise because they have been working on it for some time.
Joe Biden.
Knight rods - quick moving. Crossroads here. March to victory. There will be - I don't want to say skirmishes, but there will be... just be very vigilant. Don't be provoked. Might target people in voting lines. Let's have a look. Law & order there to protect you. Hopefully they're on the right side.
Will they be successful in the violence?
NO. Paage cups - bombshells / surprises - isolation in past.
Outcome chariot. things getting out of control quickly.
They are paying people right now.
Moving out of troubled waters.
Energy is changing.
4 swords - retreat
King cups.
National guard will be brought out this time. national guard will be brought out.
Ace cups. Inevitability. Abuse. Sabborage. Justice here. 9 Cups. Bound by their anxiety and 5 of wands.
It's not going to be successful. The law is still there. What a desperate person.
Will that rally and these speakers deter repub voters from voting for him?
Getting 5 of swords - moving away from trouble.
aCE Pentacles in sky - truth. Aces - shows the truth - deters common sense type person which it has done. They know what they're looking at: a despot, felong, mob boss. they know what they're looking at.
Did rump attempt to stage his own assassination?
From what I've seen, anything could be possible. I look forward to the day when we can do a reading that is not so urgent.
Someone is running ace swords into a bullseye & now seeing a chess board. Someone running sword through something. Sacrifice? Love? Somebody is ________________________
Whata I'm getting is the kind of dark kind of groups you see in the news. they meet in a clandestine way, they are toasting with a cup. A lot of people involved in this.
They're moving behind _________________________. They're hidden.
that would be the thing that would end his campaign.
8 Pentacles dropped out. Apprentice.
Star card - hope - page swords - young men trying to destroy hope.
4 cups - people are behind these cups
Death in past.
It's adding up.
Grim reaper.
Emperor card - I ordered you to do this.
Cult. Hiding behind cups.
Wish fulfillment.
______________c ups
King rods - bravery / boldness. Someone seen behind this. Coordinating this
7 Pentacles. If 1 doesn't work, try something else.
4 Coins - hopes & fears - standing one's ground insecurity.
The wheel of fortune. - outcome. Look at image on card. the young person has fallen & the king sits atop the card toasting his good fortune! THAT IS A MAJOR ARCANA YES CARD.
3 swords - heartbreak and sorrow. What 2 people were killed that day! Betrayal.
10 Pentacles - MONEY.
Hermit - isolation
Justice. Justice is here.
Ace rods - underneath - a plan. A new start.
Page cups - a young person. Bombshells. Surprises.
3 Cups - circles of support.
And his ship coming in - 3 wands
10 rods - remember his campaign was doing poorly at that stage.
Is this young man a sacrificial lamb? Seeing Mary - in Catholocism. Hand over the cup. Now seeing Harris. So is this young person who shot him in Butler a saacrificial lamb?
Cups again - leading up stairway to Heaven.
Knight rods - moving quickly.
She is very very determined.
Moon - again something coming to surface.
Strength - past
World - major major end of cycle
Chariot coming quickly
temperance - healing moderation
Bombshselles -- 7 swords - lies deceit
Hierophant - universe has last say.
Restriction & paranoia. Insecurity. King rods.
Base of pack - 7 wands - defending self. ship coming in. Young person again and sun card.
something around this boy's mother. Either she has found something.
these are yes cards. Evidence emerging.
Justice & heartbreak.
Don't be surprised if somebody somewhere knows something about this assassination attempt.
1 last question: musk and pootin. musk is going down. You just can't do thta. Adjacent to treason.
We now know after the msg, any semblance of his campaign is over, the only they can wil - well they can't win. When people are frozen in their beliefs. Anyone speaking of arming themselves as militia, please don't.
What have you done, elon musk?
Whta did pootin and musk aim for? Obviously to get rump elected.
What were they aiming for? to take over America in some way?
Ace swords.
Aiming to control America? Control the world?
Hanged man - suspending things.
$ - then we get the dollar. Destroy America.
Fool card.
OMg Pootin is vengeful.
New starts - control America.
Moon -
Hermit - isolation
They spin this. It will be great for America to come into pootin's orbit.
Debts / loans / debts.
they don't want a democratic society there.
10 swords - something coming to fruition in time.
Moving out of troubled waters. Almost like they are taken away. Musk deported? Or sent to some kind of prison.
NY skyline moving out of troubled waters.
Loss - walking away.
the voter - voter can see through this.
Hararis wins, but you've seen what would happen.
Women - money - kind rods - congress. Ace cups - hiding behind cup. If 1 plan doesn't work, try another.
I admittedly missed quite a few cards on this one, partly because she was talking in a low tone and partly because I was in a bit of a hurry. Apologies.
Clouds Passing
(3,404 posts)Ill watch and listen tomorrow. I love her reactions and expressions.
(61,266 posts)Not sure what the outcome of reading was. Another person felt the same way. Pls let us know your take?
Clouds Passing
(3,404 posts)quashed by troops. Joe has said this also. They will not succeed in overturning election. Truth and justice will prevail. Dump knows now he has lost the popular and electoral vote. There is much money being poured into fomenting surprises of violence and chaos, possibly in state houses and congress. My opinion: This cabal of billionaires are insane, yet they believe they are the sanest people on the planet. MA says they hate women.
MSG nazi rally turns some voters away from Dump. The rally was his attempt at stirring up stochastic terrorism.
Dumps assassination attempt(s) was staged. He was losing votes after Joe backed out and Kamala was surging ahead. Dump was furious about this. A secret cabal conspiring to set up the faked attempt.. Truth will come out. Shooter is sacrificial lamb. (I suspect the deposed head of Secret Service was a sacrificial lamb also. She was tossed out quickly and quietly). Shooters mother knows something big about it. MA pulled the Wheel of Fortune card which shows the king at the top of the wheel holding up a chalice in victory, looks like Dump holding up his fist after he stood back up. Dump may have won temporarily but not in the end.
Eloon and Poopin will not succeed at their coup. Poopin is vengeful. Prison or deportation for Eloon.
(12,174 posts)a thread over on Twitter from Rebekah Jones (think that's the correct spelling) that someone in the know gave the story of the shitgibbon's faked assassination attempt to the media and everyone thinks it's too hot to handle.
There were many readers who, similar to Maryann, did not read on it, but Twitter was awash with folks who seemed to be in the know about what his ear would look like if it had been hit, how the Secret Service didn't do things in the right way, etc.
Beyond all that, it doesn't take a trained military person or a medical professional to know that EARS DON'T GROW BACK.