Has anyone here experienced OBE (out of body experience)? Or astral projection?
I've recently experienced the "vibration" or beginning stage of an OBE (locked in sleep paralysis, trying to shake loose), but became uncomfortable and frightened and woke up. The experience was nothing that I have had before, and it really felt much more than a dream.
This is a confusing yet fascinating development in my life, and I'd love to hear anyone's advice or experiences.

(4,225 posts)Please forgive me but what does O.B.E stand for?
The Straight Story
(48,121 posts)Howler
(4,225 posts)Thanks straight story.
patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)I've yet to experience astral projection, but believe I was close to an O.B.E. I'm learning about this, so forgive me if I can't answer to much; I don't know much yet.
It seems, astral projection occurs after separation, when your energy being separates from your physical being and you are able to experience higher levels of consciousness. It can be blissful or frightening depending on your state of mind, and your supposed to be able to conjure entire worlds of vibrant color, fantasy etc...
My event happened while napping on the couch. I was experiencing sleep paralysis (a state of sleep where you're body becomes paralyzed so you don't physically act out your dreams), and trying to shake myself awake from it. It can be uncomfortable though over the years I've grown accustomed to it and a bit of rocking will wake me.
This time something happened that I've never experienced. I noticed I could see "dream" hands and forearms protruding from my chest trying to rock my physical body awake. They were virtually transparent and had faint light trails coming off them. I could control them and tried to reach across the room to another couch, where a "light dwarf" was standing. It was bathed in bright gold/white hair and beard and red/orange cloak. It looked more a painting than humanoid. I don't remember being fearful at this point, just frustrated that I couldn't shake free.
At this point, my voice, or feeling more accurately, said: "if you can't wake up, go the other way", and a violent, vibrating, splitting sensation ripped through my mind with loud plastic like ripping filling and visual my minds eye. This was quite startling, frightening actually and once this began happening i snapped back and shook awake.
I'd never experienced this before, and it has had, I think, a profound affect on me. My "symptoms", I have found, have been experienced by many people in relatively the same manner, except many people make it through the violent vibrations to the astral plane, where from what I've read, wild adventures and fantasies are acted out.
I'm learning but I hope this explains a little more.
(4,225 posts)The dream arms sound like your astral body to me and I have heard of people having astral guides before.Maybe those are even you regular spirit guides.
When you got the advice "If you can't wake up,Go the other Way" It couldve meant to continue with the projection or do exactly what happened to bring you back into your body fully.
Have you been haveing physical sensations of Heat during wakeing hours? intense emotional feelings? Change of thought patterns?,sleep patterns?
patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)was said before the projection began, it's what set it off, light a light clicking on.
I've recently gone through a breakup which involved severing some pretty deep emotional bonds with someone; massive broken heart that I'm finally getting over, I think anyway. I've also recently moved across the country, severing ties to my old hometown, leaving a young son there, too. (Though we do communicate regularly.)
No change In heat that I can think of though.
The Straight Story
(48,121 posts)I woke up above my body, I was in the ceiling (the attic) and could see through the floor beneath me. I watched myself lay there and got scared and wanted to be back in my body. I was instantly back there and woke right up.
I am 46 now and still remember that. Can't remember my exact age (I don't think much else exciting happened that year).
Nothing too wild, don't recall being anywhere else, seeing anything else, but I did feel myself there and like an odd rush when I zipped back into my body.
It was not a dream, had enough of those in my life to be able to tell the difference. I can't really explain it, but it is odd to me that something that lasted seconds has left such an impression on me.
patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)It was a real experience.
I remember as a child having a recurring dream similar to the experience I had with the loud vibrations and I'm now convinced it was that part of the OBE.
Funny that that experience has stayed with me, too.
And that I felt that rushing bounce back too. Weird stuff
(1,593 posts)From much younger, maybe 3-4 years old. In fact, I think they may be my earliest memories. A feeling of vibration or spinning, then opening my eyes and finding myself near the ceiling, and able to see myself lying in bed below. There is a feeling of nonchalance attached to the memory, so I think it must have been a common occurrence. Never been able to manage an OBE in adulthood though.
(4,225 posts)Last edited Sat Jan 14, 2012, 01:43 AM - Edit history (1)
for me, It starts out just that way. If you can just relax into it and not, I repeat do not try to think Lineier you will go!
The vibration slowly builds while it feels like your body is... is not a shake or even a shuffle but its a back and forth movement from the top to the bottom of your whole body.It goes faster and faster, even your inner vision begins to strobe just like the light, then your out! and you will see and experience things until you think a linier thought then.....bAM just that quick you will slam into your body and awareness .But you will remember what you saw and experienced till you thought.
patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)What experiences did you have?
(4,225 posts)when I first started I would go places.
Went down into the ocean and saw ruins with ocean life swimming and living on and around them.
One time I projected out to the aztec paramids.
The last couple times a( few years ago) were very different I meant other people and had an enlightening back and forth with them. That info is still coming into being and manifesting to this day.
I have also Projected into some of my past life incarnations
I didnt create these trips or the experiences (That I know of) they were real and very intensely informative and gratifying because it aLWAYS contributed to my soul growth with just the right information at the right time.
patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)Could you go back in time while projecting into past lives?
Are the memories of your journeys still vivid?
Do you believe this is the Afterlife? or a dream?
(4,225 posts)Going back in time is linier its just not aplicable( Damn I wish i could spell.)
I was just there I saw,heard,experienced, And I just knew....There isnt thinking....while projecting.
I remember every single thing. Some of the things I experienced or saw ,heard are just now being understood.
No I do not think its afterlife or dream life. I feel its real,current,and every experience is directly revelvant to your expanding understanding of you and the universe. (((Hug)))
patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)im scared by that for some reason
thanks you for hugs, i need that
(29,414 posts)but it's "time" to blow your mind!
Time is simultaneous. That is, all moments in time are happening at the same time. I know those stuck in the mindset of linear time have a hard 'time' visualizing it, but I think I've found a way ever since I first read about the concept.
Continue to think of Time in a linear manner, or as a line. Now, in plane-geometry, that line is two-dimensional. It sits perfectly on a plane, which is also two-dimensional. Now, if you rotate that plane around a vertical axis, with that up/down line going through the middle of your Time 'line', what do you think happens when the 'end' of it gets directly in front of your eyes? Well, you should be looking straight down the line with no third-dimension to give you perspective. And that means you should be seeing nothing more than a single, one-dimensional point. You are now seeing Time all at the same time as a single point and through all of the same 'single points' all the way down, in whichever direction you wish to view or experience.
Pick a point in Time, and there you are!
(4,225 posts)Now thats well said!!! Exactly right! I wish I could talk like that!
(29,414 posts)involved AutoCAD layers and I knew no one here would understand that!
I know I heard Wayne Dyer or one of them talking about Simultaneous Time in recent weeks, so I may have to email them that description. He seemed to have a hard time getting the concept across...
(14,807 posts)kentauros
(29,414 posts)However, most people have no clue about how AutoCAD works, or even what it is. So, I use the plane-geometry description to help with visualization. I suppose I could use layers as in PhotoShop, but again don't know the extent of people's software knowledge. Best to keep it as simple as possible
(4,225 posts)It illlisrated it PERFECTLY! I think you should send it on.
(29,414 posts)
(3,621 posts)moving people from the point in time where they are/were to a new possibility(point in time). For the highest and best good.
Thank you for that great illustration kentauros!
(29,414 posts)I'm happy to be able to share useful information around here
(1,798 posts)Line, plane on line, but the rotation? Let's say the plane is flat. Is it staying flat, and rotating around a point?
(29,414 posts)The line on the plane must be at eye-level to be perceived as a point at the end of the rotation.
If that's too confusing, just think of looking straight down the line, as if it's exactly in the "line of sight" of one eye. If you keep the other eye closed, then you can't see the sides that way, whether left, right, or top, bottom. All you should see is a point.
Or, forget that analogy all together and try the layers example. If you've ever used Photoshop, then you know a little about layers. AutoCAD layers all all transparent, but you have to make Photoshop layers less opaque to see through them. Each layer is a single moment in time. If you focus on a single layer, then you are in that moment.
I don't mind explaining this further if you need it.
patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)yeah, I have definitely been looking at the world differently since this happened. things are "popping out" that i haven't really noticed before. Subtle little things, synchronicities.
(4,225 posts)It sounds like you are getting ready for a major shift in consciousness! RELAX! You and your guides are ready and will know just what to do. Go with it!
patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)I don't understand
(39,220 posts)I'll tell you about one. I lived in a condo in CT that was architecturally very interesting--built on many different levels. I fell asleep in my sunken living room. I "flew" up to my kitchen and looked down on my refrigerator top. Then I flew up the other levels. I remember noting that it was a completely different viewing experience from standing on the various levels. I loved it. Felt so free. I wasn't scared, in fact it was exhilarating. I wanted to do it more often.
I didn't look down and see myself, though.
patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)That sounds awesome, really. Have you encountered any beings or magical lands?
This is fascinating stuff, I'm both excited and nervous to try.
(39,220 posts)Hmmm, you're giving me ideas.
patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)This is new and weird and talking with you and everyone on here has calmed me down.
(29,414 posts)I would like to state, first, that as far as my definitions of the two terms, OBE and Astral Projection, are concerned, that there's no difference between the two. You're experiencing being out of body and it's all astral. If it wasn't, you wouldn't be out of body
For me it started when I discovered some books in the library about them (old, turn of the century and earlier accounts of OBE, then only called "Astral Projection" and began having them as if I'd triggered something by reading about them. I probably had more experiences in those first few years than most of the decades later on. But I think I had more profound experiences in my 20s and 30s. I still never got to those places you define as "astral" or the higher "Focus Levels" Robert Monroe describes in his books, yet it was still fun!
The fear that comes with going OBE is pervasive, and for me has only gone away slowly and with age. One technique I learned along the way is that if you are having trouble either getting out of your body or out of your home, that you "ask for help", and you will more than likely get it. It can come in any form, and one time my fear was too much for the "help" to handle. That is, I asked for help, and a 'portal' of golden light appeared in my bedroom ceiling and a hand that looked like the golden tanned hand and arm of Doc Savage reached out to take mine. Had I been able to let the help continue, I'd likely have had a different story to tell now. However, in recent years, I've surmised and had confirmed in personal meditations that the one that had been helping me was one of my spirit-guides. I think I say something about that on my blog, but you'll just have to go and look for it. You might like what you read anyway
Two authors of books on this subject are recommended reading for those wanting to get out or are having trouble with their OBEs. I've mentioned Robert Monroe, and his first is "Journeys Out of Body". It's a rather clinical retelling of his beginning experiences, but it's worth slogging through them all as his writing and storytelling does get better. The other author to look for is Bob Peterson. I can't see my copy of his book from here, but I think it's titled simply "Out of Body Experiences" or something like that. I'm sure it's on Amazon, and he might have more books. Robert Monroe is deceased though he started an institute to study and help people have OBEs among other spiritual talents, and is also worth investigating.
Also, there are several sites out there that are good places to start, such as Astral Dynamics, Astral Pulse (forums), and Near-Death.com. While NDEs are not OBEs, the experiences are similar. Plus that site has some information on OBEs.
patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)there is so much to take in. I'm trying to understand
(29,414 posts)It's a lot to take in and experience once you are able to do so. I was sixteen years of age almost 35 years ago, so I've had a while to get used to it all. I have noticed in the few times I went OBE this past year that I had no fear. Still can't seem to go places, or not like Howler. I'd say she's pretty adept at this. You should self-pub an eBook of your experiences, Howler
(4,225 posts)LOL! I'm a two fingered typist that can't spell worth a tinkers damned!!! Writting anything lengthy is what very scary nightmares are made of in my world! snort.
(29,414 posts)and "auto-type" by dictation
(4,225 posts)Because i'm so technical!!!! NOOOOOO! LOL They are either gonna have to come to me or call me on the telephone1
(29,414 posts)from using a headset/microphone that types what you speak?
Because I have been speaking on the telephone for mANY MOONS NOW LOL!
You know I don't have a cell phone don't want anything to do with them I'm keeping my land line...It is hooked up to cable along with our road runner. I'm happy just as it is. LOL!
(29,414 posts)We can't get cable here ("landlord vs. cable provider" so I'm stuck with the landline and the cell, when I remember to use my cell at all
The way you tell stories though, well, it would be a fun read, and likely very popular
They would come at me AGAIN with pitch forks and the notion of a really big bonfire! and that was in this life!!!
West caroltton ohio is chock full of very superstious Folks as I found out THE HARD WAY!!
And Believe me when I tell you I wasn't really even trying! It was 1975! (((Shiver))) LOL! Nooooo thanks I'll stick with the people I love and trust myfamily and friends which include all the good folks here. I stay under cover now. More freedom that way anyway.
(29,414 posts)You'd be able to sell globally, no longer worried of or restricted by a tiny local community. In fact, you could bypass them entirely and they'd never even know you tried again!
(4,225 posts)Na I defer to well spoken and articulate Folks such has your talented little self.
I've had quite enough of The "Monkey Shines" LOL! I'd much rather just go on and do what i'n gonna do and not worry about others reactions.
I really cherish my freedom.my family,friends and You Kentauros! what else is there really?
(29,414 posts)
You may yet change your mind. Or have your husband write it

patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)i just don't know what to do. it's scaring me right now.
What is it all? life? death? both?
I don't understand
(29,414 posts)Perhaps the best thing for you to do then is to slow down and stop trying to go OBE. Read books on it, and just become informed first. If you continue to have the beginnings of OBEs, just let them happen and try to calm yourself as it happens. Like I said, the fear eventually goes away, but it takes time. No need to rush it
patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)And I'll research the books and authors you mentioned. i hope to remain in contact and tell of my experiences
(29,414 posts)Good luck with it all!
(17,456 posts)You'll be just fine. As mentioned throughout this thread what you experienced is known by many names. As a Rosicrucian student we are taught how to project our psychic bodies elsewhere.
The most important thing to remember is to enjoy the experience. There is nothing to be fearful about. You are learning an important lesson. This could be something that could help other people. You could visit your son, or other loved ones. This sounds like an excellent opportunity to learn about yourself, so embrace the skills you are experiencing.
Again, you'll be just fine. I promise.
Hun Joro
(666 posts)My brother used to have them almost every night after partaking in a few Ayuhuasca ceremonies in Peru. They terrified him to the point that for over a year he was afraid to sleep. He believed he had brought some dark entity back with him from the Ayuhuasca experience. For some reason the OBEs finally stopped, then resumed on a more infrequent basis after a few years, and they no longer frighten him.
(31,170 posts)several times over the years. I don't have the physical response that I see mentioned in the thread, it's more like I am a camera at the distant location. If that makes sense.
(18,775 posts)which I think of as a gradation of the same thing.
(31,170 posts)but my body doesn't have any odd reaction.
(19,288 posts)But about 15 years ago we watched "Flatline" about inducing near death experiences and then reviving the person. Didn't have a big reaction watching the movie but it must have sparked up my subconscious cuz I had hella dreams that night.
I was flying all over my house checking stuff our from all angles.
I have been close to OBE's but always from the dream state. Usually flying dreams are the start. I get scared, too. I hear a roaring in my ears that is like a night terror and I can't move or wake up.
(18,775 posts)A long time ago I was working very hard (with the exercises in Robert Monroe's book) to be able to do it consciously. I had a number of successes, which were very very cool, but after a while I had a few experiences that were scary to me and my ability to do it stopped
In retrospect the fear was probably just part of the process for me that I should have worked through.
Some of my successes were verifiable experiences - I would go visit a friend and describe what they were doing at the time or give them a message (in their dreams) that they would relate the next day.
(6,086 posts)
(14,722 posts)Let's start with a good book on the subject, sort of an old school how to of sorts : https://www.dmt-nexus.me/Files/Books/General/Journeys%20Out%20Of%20The%20Body-Robert%20Monroe.pdf
It's robert monroe, journeys out of the body
Second, i suggest you first learn how to work with the energy inside your field before venturing out. If you can look up grounding meditations and get bto know your four directions, so you are at home in your own field, body or not...
My friend and I had a summer up here in Tahoe where we worked on OBE's specifically, we'd meditate in front of the fireplace, and sometimes go up the chimney...come back awake at 3 am and realize we forgot to go together...
When we went home from vacation, we had left behind a notebook with a journal of our time there, we were both worried my folks would find it and we'd get busted for hanging out with the guys across the street (lol)...so in the meantime we are going to sleep with the intention of traveling together or meeting up , etc...
One night I woke up (or became aware) about 3-4 feet above my bed, and m,y friend was floating by my window, I was immediately outside next to her above my house and we 'flew' over the sierras back up to Tahoe...Inside the cabin, we tried to pick up the notebook but realized we'd forgotten our bodies! I still have the most vivid memory of flying close to the surface of the Lake, moonlight and starlight visible on the water, and how free it was, joyful...
the next morning as we drove to school, she began to tell me about the 'dream' she had...and described the whole thing, i was crying by the time she finished, it was a real affirmation for me that we are SO much more than this body-suit
lastly - I have heard often that flying dream are our rememberance of being 'out' at night, and that we instinctually do it more often than we realize...the key is to become aware INSIDE the dream and realize you are in another reality... it is a trip!
patrick t. cakes
(1,783 posts)it sounds wonderful. I haven't left completely yet, but the signs are close that I'm almost there. Lots of vibrations, electric type energy surges that I could see running down my body (felt so good) but haven't been able to make the break yet.
I've been having so many new experiences, like a veil being lifted form my eyes, it's been a roller coaster of emotion these last few weeks, but love and light seem the final destination. I see it there, at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks again, I hope to share with all here when I make the jump into my dreams
Love and Light
(14,722 posts)Fwiw... i think you are on the right track and it's more about the shift INSIDE you than 'getting' out etc... you are experiencing what I think many of us are sensing, that this 3d world isn;t ALL there is to life, and the veil between those possibilities is becoming thinner... if you are grounded and open in your heart, that's all that any of us can hope foir. and that's when we can 'see' the multitude of possibilities and dimensions and guides that are right here, waiting for us to befriend them. ....and it happens when we are wide awake.! that's the coolness of this 'time', we can see the probability even when we are walking down the street!
hugs to you and blessings on your journey of discovery, keep us posted!
love & light to you too
(17,045 posts)...so I'm not sure I can offer much guidance. I don't believe I have had an experience since, and I didn't even know I had this experience for a long time. I had thought it was a childhood memory. I went with my aunt to the store and she had a terrible accident and had to go to the hospital. I asked my family about it many, many years later and it turns out I indeed knew every detail, but it all happened while my mom was about 8 months pregnant.