The Double Slit Experiment and the Observer Effect
Last edited Tue Jan 17, 2012, 01:58 PM - Edit history (1)
Okay, I am not sure why this was in Creative Speculation, but it must have been due to the other two videos, which I have not watched. This is pure science, actually, but I would rather post it here than Science. I am sure most of us have heard of the double slit experiment and the observor effect (whereby merely observing a particle going through two slits changed its behavior). But this is a very simple explanation of the experiment and the outcome. It is because of this and similar results that the "Shit New Age Girls Say" video included "I love quantum physics."
Here is the entire Creative Speculation thread.
But, I would like to highlight this particular video.

(14,807 posts)I have my thoughts on this in regards to re-incarnation and other ideas of "human perception" and energy but what are your thoughts. I have often in the past studied science and philosophies.
(15,812 posts)Last edited Tue Jan 17, 2012, 01:59 PM - Edit history (1)
is proven now in quantum particles. Shamans, and energy practitioners work through fields that are comprised of quantum particles. They influence those fields with intention. It is a really mysterious world out there, but people are influencing it on a quantum level. I love all these experiments that show anything like this, but particularly the distance stuff, because I do energy work by distance and create slidehows for energy clearings. I love science anyway but the edgier the better. But the really cool thing is that this is totally mainstream.
Of course the detractors say, well, the observor effect only has been proven to work on particles, but we are all swirling around in this stuff, and it is swirling around us. We can influence it! While we have no proven mechanism there are enough hints that the whole thing is just, well, enticing.
Okay, I am letting my Scorpio sun sign show!
(14,807 posts)
I think we are getting this Scorpio thing RIGHT!
(110 posts)I was aware of this theoretically, but this video maked it more understandable to me. Thanks for sharing this. I know the awareness of being watched changes my behavior, so I guess these electrons and I have something in common.
(4,225 posts)The electrons or Particals have An awareness or Consciousness i.E To change or not to change ? Or are they influenced by the electrical magnetic waves of the observer?
Wow!!! This is an excellent video Celebration! It explains in terms people can understand instead of banging our heads against a wall. LOL! Thanks.
(15,812 posts)A camera is the "observer."
(4,225 posts)So The particles and waves left to their own dance won't neccesarily follow an expected pattern the Observer is looking for.
But the epectation or act of the observer observing will produce an expected pattern BUT!..........
Wonder if you get an observer that doesnt have any expectations and is aware of much higher potentialities say like a Tibetan monk or a christ,or a Budda.
??? It could literally change the fabric of known or accepted reality?????
BTW! Yours and Glinda's enthusiasm its wonderfully Contagious !!!
(15,812 posts)They should carry the experiments further (insofar as the double slit experiments go.)
Take two different cameras, and put them each under pyramids for over a day. But under one camera, put one set of instructions for the particles, and under another camera, a different set of instructions. (something like go left, go right, act like a wave, or a particle, (whatever). Then could do it separately for the camera cards, and or use a laser to shine the intention on the lenses or whatever.
Then do some sort of double blind thingie and see if it makes a difference in how the particals act.
I'm actually serious about this and the idea comes from my reading a book called The Science of Real Magic by Tiller, a materials scientist at Stanford. Most of it was a bit dry, but I loved the idea of intentionally imprinting electronic devices. He calls them IIEDs. Very cool. I love stuff like this.
Seriously though, I think the camera does sort of "catch" the intentions of the person who put the camera in place, or something--maybe the experimenter. (A Buddhist, hmmmm. Good thinking!)
I don't know if these experiments would work out but they are worth trying.
Yes, I get really enthusiastic about things like this, probably because I am not able to consciously figure out anything about my "spirit guides" and things like that. My bad!
(4,225 posts)And I would love to see the results too!
(14,807 posts)

Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)does his presentation, he shows how light can produce particles and waves at the same time. Since his work has won several awards, I often wonder how long it will take to become well known.