Kindle version of "The Exquisite Zodiac"
Apparently, it's not that simple to just "throw a new book up on Kindle." It will be ready in approximately
3 weeks. I'm sorry for the delay for those of you itching to use your new machines! It should be around Feb 11 or so.

(29,414 posts)I'm still trying to figure out how to keep my first-line indents. The converter I use likes to remove all tabbed indents, so you better have an extra carriage-return between paragraphs or it all looks run together
There are some good ebooks out there on self-publishing, too. The one I'm reading (and learning to use) is "All Smart Cookies Can Self-Publish" by Emily Hill. Her advice in the formatting chapter to keep tabbed-indents is to set Word formatting to automatic "first-line indent" and then whatever measurement in. I usually go for 15-18 pts. I'll be buying J. Konrath's ebook "A Newbie's Guide to Publishing" soon, too. His site has a wealth of info for self-published authors:
And if I still can't get things formatted on my own, then I'll pay the fee to have Amazon do it. Good luck with your formatting. Definitely proofread it when they're done
(3,794 posts)then I'll get to read it for the 55th time. lol
(23,659 posts)It was especially tedious on my end because I was converting a PDF. Oy. It's definitely easier when you start off with the document in Word.
Still, it takes time and is quite laborious. Hopefully something has gotten easier since I went through the process around two years ago.
Good luck!
(2,185 posts)Got the Nook tablet for Christmas,
and it is the shiz!
(3,794 posts)I thought I'd get the Kindle done first, then Nook.
You don't like the Nook? What's wrong with it?
(22,298 posts)
Please please pretty please have your book ready on the Nook as soon as you can!
(3,794 posts)as soon as we kindle it
by hook or crook
(22,298 posts)Thanks!
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)My mom got a Kindle for Xmas and is anxious to read your book, after I gave it to my sister for Xmas who is swearing up and down it's changing her life, in understanding herself and all the damn Taureans in her life, and may have saved her marriage...LOLOLOL! The Exquisite Zodiac is causing minor havoc in my family from outright jealousy over not having it to downright longing as I've promised to order another copy
(3,794 posts)that they are much more than their Sun sign. I hope that helps.
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)That is the one thing I know for sure about astrology, thanks to you
(3,794 posts)everybody has one
There are SO many, many ways that we all pick up major influences from other planets and signs. It's too hard to explain. I have an old newsletter that explains this with graphics - if I can locate it. I wish I had an index!
(21,088 posts)All I can say is wow! I'm still reeling from the reading. Deep breath - 2012 is happening.
(3,794 posts)Keep reporting in.
(8,423 posts)I thought you had said something about it at one time.