Lining up to dive over a cliff
I've been watching the clown show from the perspective of someone who sees the fundamentalists fundamentally selling their souls in service to the lust for power of a Newt called Gingrich. After our national adventure in murder, mayhem, torture, and greed thanks to the last "christian" administration, I didn't believe it was possible for these folks to compromise their values any further. But now, because of the righteous, insane hypocrisy of a Newt called Gingrich, the macro has shifted to the micro, so that accountability for harm done to loved ones is something to be shunned if it gets in the way.
In a life of over 60 years, what I've seen time after time with no exception is that operating from destructive impulses ultimately brings about self-destruction. You can't abandon your values and expect a good outcome. "What profits it a man to sell his soul and gain the world?" These hateful, power-hungry fools are falling in line to be led off a spiritual cliff. What are they going to hide behind once they've destroyed all of their values? It's like burning the village to save it. Idiots.
I hope this makes sense.

(8,423 posts)I feel like everytime I happen to catch any part of the race between goon number one or goon number two, I'm watching some ancient newsreel, perhaps titled, "This is the lunacy that prevailed!" I just can't stomach general politics anymore. It's all a joke. It's the old way. They are all big-time losers bought and sold by the corporations that put them there. I feel like I'm watching some long, horrible commercial for a product that only the completely ignorant will buy.
The Blue Flower
(5,762 posts)Watching CNN's intro to today's SC coverage, it was done exactly like an American Idol promo, complete with music and editing. Absolutely insane, as well as insulting.
Flying Dream Blues
(4,484 posts)It's as if I'm embarrassed for humanity, and especially our country, on so many levels. Embarrassed for the naked greed our leaders operate under and for the blatant denial of destruction we've caused, embarrassed that all of that is hypocritically draped in the spreading of freedom or the defense of ours, embarrassed for how easily duped or bought we are, ashamed at how little we've (I've) been willing to do about it.
It's not as if this hasn't always been happening, but there was at least a veneer of civility and caring that is no longer bothered with, or needed, apparently, in order to be successful. Truly embarrassing and shameful, what it's come to. It's almost hard to believe the lack of outrage at what comes out of these people's mouths!
(12,190 posts)with what everyone has said. It is so good to hear your words speak what is in my heart; I know that I am not alone.
(2,151 posts)I just read it, then came right to your post.
(15,888 posts)Thank you for the laugh!
(15,758 posts)These candidates are pandering to the lowest common denominator, giving them more power than they deserve, making the ignorant, the hate-filled, the small-minded the priority. On that path lies the ruin of our society (and it's pretty far down that road already).
It like how I viewed stories about the '50s and '60s--the actions against the civil rights movement and the anti-war movement--from my perch in the '80s--"How could anyone THINK like that?" I truly hope that when our children learn about the Aughts, they have the same reaction. I hope they can't fathom how stupid our country was for a (hopefully) short while.
(273 posts)In an age of information, ignorance is a sin, and an easily corrected one at that. To be so proud of such willful ignorance is appalling and insulting to those of us who go to such great lengths to not be stupid.
I think we're getting ready to grow past this as a species, but there will always be pockets of it left. The area I'm currently in is especially bad in that regard. -.-
The Blue Flower
(5,762 posts)Very well put. Charles Dickens wrote that the only real sins were want, ignorance, and greed.
(23,664 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)is going through a NEPTUNE return, 7 years from now. That means it's going to get much worse since it's not being used properly now. Don't touch them with a 10 foot pole. They've become a pathetic joke. You can't kid Neptune.
You may kid American voters, but not Neptune.
They are dissolving like the wicked witch. 7 years is nothing considering it's a 186 year cycle. It's going on well now and will get much worse. We have to hold up the country.