I have a date today, my first in forty-three years.
I'll explain why I'm posting in this group. It's a bit of a tale. About six months ago my former boss convinced me to sign up for one of the free on-line dating sites. I refuse to pay for this kind of thing and can't really afford the luxury anyway. Well after a few weird messages I wasn't really enthused with the results. Then I got a message from a guy who lives close by who stated that he was a conservative and wondered if it would make a difference. I answered back, that it could, but in the meantime we could have some spirited conversations.
He then told me that his son died and he believed that his son's spirit had been taken on a UFO with ETs. Well, is he crazy? So we did message a couple of times. He seemed very nice other than the conservative and UFO thing. So we progressed to talking on the phone. I don't believe he really is a conservative because he is pretty much on the same page as me on social issues. I think he is probably poorly informed.
But get this and this is where it gets interesting. He told me he loves to go to the beach and do light work because he is a lightworker. He believes his son has become his spirit guide. Well, so much for the ETs and UFOs. Now it's making sense. He is into all kinds of spiritualism and believes in the ascension to fourth dimension. Now I'm interested in meeting this guy. So we are going to meet for coffee this afternoon at one of the local coffee houses to get to know each other better.
I'll report back later about how it goes.

(4,225 posts)Sounds like you guys got ALOT to talk about!!! I can't wait to hear how it went!!!!
(75,480 posts)elleng
(138,761 posts)Hope it went well.
(12,263 posts)and some fun!
(8,423 posts)This is wonderful. I Hope it works out!
(15,812 posts)love to hear about it.............
(6,163 posts)I will be watching for the next installment of this interesting tale!
My hope is that this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship and it will be everything you wish it to be!
(75,480 posts)He was a little too out there and some of his conservative views were in a place I couldn't go to, homophobia and racism. I won't be seeing him again.
(138,761 posts)but it was an experience, I guess.
(75,480 posts)I don't know if I can do this dating thing at my age. I forgot how crazy it is to try to meet people and figure them out before you plunge into a relationship.
(138,761 posts)I happened to meet someone at Starbucks some years ago, which later evolved; don't think I would have thought of 'dating' again.
(46,179 posts)I had one date after my last marriage ended in 2001, about 4 months into single-hood. The whole thing repulsed me to the point of literal nausea, and I slammed the door. It's probably wrong to give up, but I finally decided that I simply no longer have anything to offer to a relationship.
Is it an age thing? Maybe that's part of it. I've discovered that I like the freedom being alone brings me, even with the costs. For me it's more of a trust issue; I just can't seem to interact with the world with any sort of trust any more. I carry so much baggage that I've struggled unsuccessfully to leave behind.
My inner self tells me that if I were open to it, a relationship would probably be out there. If you are open, it will be for you, too.
(4,225 posts)No one is EVER to old for finding love and Happiness!!! Don't let one little bad apple stop the search!
You are a very attractive and vital woman that has alot to offer and deserves the best in return!
I LOVE it that you are open and in the flow. I know its a new and different experience but it can be alot of fun too!
Your guy. The one out there that is waiting for you cant find you if you stay barricaded in your house!
Go Forth and Conquer Woman!!!! You ROCK!!!!
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Go Forth and Conquer!
(6,163 posts)My mother fell in love at 55 and it was such a joy for me to see her so incredibly happy after her divorce from my father 20 years earlier. She had known him before when he was married but his wife had passed away several years earlier. He kept asking my mom out and she kept refusing him. She finally caved in and went out on a date with him. Together they told me this story and he said how he was about ready to give up on my mother before she finally agreed.
They were like two little kids in love and he doted on her and treated my mother like a queen. He cooked for my mother and he was a fantastic cook, too! They went out dancing, took trips together and were generally inseparable. Their "song" was Falling in Love with You by Elvis. I was tickled to learn they had a "song" as I thought that was cute. This man was amazing and even treated ME better than my own father treated me. He knew I liked the Monkees and made a cassette tape of my favorite Monkee songs for me...it was so thoughtful of him. He treated my daughter like she was his grand-daughter and would take her for walks.
Unfortunately, his own daughters were against him marrying my mother but it did not keep them apart.
They had about 7 good years together until cancer took him away. He made sure my mother was set and the townhouse they lived in would be paid off and given to my mother. He took care of my mother ...and my mother would have done anything in the world for him.
My mother is now dead but I know that she loved that man with all her heart and he loved her.
My point is that you don't know who may be out there and if you completely shut the door, you will never know.
Yes, this date left a bad taste in your mouth, but you never know what might be out there.
(8,423 posts)We all love love stories. Especially if they are actually in our own family.
What a lovely antidote and love story Digit!!!
(6,163 posts)He was hospitalized for the cancer he somehow managed to break out and take a taxi back to my mother. He was still dressed in his pajamas. You would think the taxi driver might have questioned a nurse or two....
He was confused from the morphine he was given for pain and only knew he had to get back to her.
The Blue Flower
(5,762 posts)You opened your heart and took a positive step forward. No matter what the outcome was, it's really about your willingness to open yourself to whatever the universe has to offer. Keep your courage and keep your heart open. Maybe this was just a test of your willingness. Sit down and think of what it was you learned from this one attempt. Then try another one and do the same. It's about your relationship to the universe and to yourself as a woman truly worthy of real love. I'm 62, have been divorced for 29 years, and have experienced nothing but lessons and disappointments. But I might have finally found the real thing. It's just now taking off with someone who lost his wife a year ago.
I have to say, though, that the online thing was only good for practice dating. For me to figure out what I will and won't put up with. I met this wonderful man volunteering at a place I love.