Jill Bolte Taylor: STROKE of insight

Just Wow!!! Mizz Bolte Taylor is an EXCELLENT speaker and ..... well....just profound!!!! She made me laugh though.
Thank you DeSwiss! This makes two Really divine posts here today! What a gift!!!!

(5,198 posts)I read about this woman, but seeing her on video describe her experience is profound.
(27,137 posts)...of Maxwell Igan's latest documentary, Trance - Formations.
(5,198 posts)Thank you for that DeSwiss.
I am reading ascent of humanity right now, available online.
(2,282 posts)It made me a regular viewer and I've shared it with so many.
(29,414 posts)but there were some I want to watch
Here are the few favorites of mine:
Jamie Oliver:
Paul Stamets:
6 Ways Mushrooms Can Save the World
at TEDMED 2011
and Rob Reid: The $8 Billion iPod

(27,137 posts)I thought I had those Paul Stamets videos in my playlist, but I'll add it now. And Jamie Oliver and I are of similar temperaments when it comes to food!
- I'll look at the others as well. Thanks again!!!
(29,414 posts)
Did you ever see the series he did called "Jamie at Home"? He sometimes cooked in his outdoor wood-fired oven, like for pizza! He also has an amazing organic garden. However, he does have help in maintaining it

The Food Revolution shows he did in that West Virginia town were great, too. I haven't seen the one done in LA yet, but recall that the school district there backed out at the last minute, almost literally. Bureaucratic cowards! Somehow they managed to sway the district to let them in anyway, though my guess is with a loss of creative control.
I'm glad that TED picked him for their prize. It really helped "bring home" the problem in our schools and society in general. We need a similar food revolution in the world of community gardens

(27,137 posts)...I didn't see that program, but then I don't watch teevee (not since 2001). Just the bits that make to the Internets. But here's the video that made me aware of Jamie Oliver:
Several years ago (actually about 3 decades!) I used to put in a garden every year for my family. The whole extended family. Including my wife and 3 kids, I grew food for my sisters and cousins and nieces and nephews. It was a big garden (60' x 175'). It produced so much food I couldn't give it all away. Then I answered the beckoning call of business (a non-profit firm) and unfortunately, I became this person:

(8,423 posts)Thanks for sharing!
(27,137 posts)
mother earth
(6,002 posts)yet somehow elusive until such events...TED Talks are such an incredible gift.
Haven't even finished this (going back to do so), but thank you, thank you, this is truly what ASAH is about.
Bringing light, sharing...ripples that transform...it's the I AM, the WE.
(27,137 posts)I haven't been around ASAH much of late, but Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are working their magic in my life right now, so I'm following a different flow. But I agree that TED Talks have had a wondrously positive impact overall. And as with the internet itself, it has opened up dialogue among humanity to the point where we have the capacity to act as one - globally. And most effectively.
- Which is the world that I have my sights set upon.......
''In Lak'ech Ala K'in''
(8,423 posts)And yes we have missed you!
(27,137 posts)
(21,046 posts)DeSwiss
(27,137 posts)
''Infinite, unconditional love is the only truth. Everything else is illusion.'' ~David Icke
(6,507 posts)thank you so much for posting this!

(29,414 posts)I hadn't seen it in a while, but it's always nice to refresh the left brain
I looked on a site about NDEs to see if they had any info on her, but didn't see anything. It's worth looking at, though, as there's all sorts of interesting information about such experiences
(27,137 posts)
(29,414 posts)And those were for the authors' specific experiences, and not so much anything else to do with the topic. I have no NDE of my own to delve into, but have had plenty of OBEs (Out of Body Experiences.) I know more about that topic than on NDEs.
That site is a wealth of information, too, though there's another site worth reading on them:
Near Death Experience Research Foundation
There was an OBE thread around here recently, and would love to see one on NDEs. I know it can be a very personal subject to relate to others, so I'd understand if people didn't want to share their own here. Maybe on a private FB group...?
(187 posts)DeSwiss
(27,137 posts)