Who are the "astrologers" here?
I never know for sure. Thanks.
I know StellaNoir is, but I'm not sure how everyone else classifies themselves.

(441 posts)I am now in my late fifties.
My aunt gave me a book on my Sun Sign as a stocking stuffer. I was intrigued, and have studied off and on, ever since then.
(5,510 posts)
Welcome to DU & ASAH! Nice to have you here.
I'm also in my late 50's & love my cats, too!!!

(441 posts)Thanks for the nice reply.
I've been around DU for quite a while, just don't post too often. I have to get up super early for work, so don't have lots of time to post. I know I spend more time reading posts here than I should. I guess that is because I love the good company.
Back atcha with
(18,775 posts)Not well enough to be a pro, but I grok it. Western and Vedic. Took classes with Jeff Green back in the late 80's.
I met Jeff once, nice guy, very deep.
(5,510 posts)I reflect a similarity to luv mykatz & matariki......I think you know my history. Became interested at age 9 & studied as hobby on & off for yrs. Studied briefly under Carolyn Dodson in the late '80's .....then life got in the way & I feel like I've forgotten more than I ever knew
. I still am compelled by it, but use my intuition more now. However, it is still a strong & solid influence & interest. I'm not sure anyone (no offense, Ric) is ever truly a professional at it....there is just soooo much there & so many ways to interpret things, that it is ever evolving, just like us!
(3,794 posts)there is a lifetime to learn.
(88 posts)She goes to my spiritual center/church here in Nashvegas. Won't say where to protect her privacy. She is really cool.
(5,510 posts)She stopped our classes way back then because of her health issues. I'm thinking she had cancer, or some very serious disease. She was learning macrobiotic cooking then & was focusing most of her energy on her health. I became pregnant w/my 2nd child & she did send me a card after she was born w/a note. Glad to hear she is still w/us, I was afraid she might have passed on, as this was 23+ yrs ago. She is a rather private person. Thanks for the info!
(15 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)never hear of your name before
(3,879 posts)with numerology, gematria and tarot.
I am also in to Native American systems of spirituality and totems, and the teachings of ACIM, Blavatsky, Bailey and others. There are so many things to learn and then to unlearn - sometimes I hardly know where to begin ( or end)
Unfortunately I am not hyper-disciplined and so sometimes months go by without any study at all - guess one needs the fallow time to let ideas sink in (?)
I agree
(3,879 posts)I think I like where he is coming from
(3,794 posts)The Four Elements
(3,879 posts)Guess I should have already figured that one out
>.< dohhhhh
(3,794 posts)it provides a good foundation for understanding the elements, modes, signs.... just sayin
(3,879 posts)just sayin' back
(3,794 posts)I guess that's in comparison to the three years it took to write it; that's really wild!
(3,879 posts)view of Astrology as a whole.. you treat it in a very holistic way, and you are a good writer
And as soon as I get my car fixed I am ordering a copy
Plus..you have many friends and admirers and word of mouth can be huge
(5,198 posts)astrology---in the 70s read Linda Goodman's sun signs and knew there was something 'up' with this art. Yet it wasn't until years later, I had my chart done by Edgar Cayce's group out in Virginia Beach, that I also found astrodienst online and started printing out charts on everyone I knew, just to learn further. I got a number of 'recipe' type astrology books and spent years trying to put the puzzle together. But when I found Stephen Aroyo---THAT'S when I felt a real quickening, to decide to have my own experience with the planets, the archetypes, and apply these to actual relationships.
I would never call myself an astrologer, I have studied shamanism, herbs, energy work, tarot--and this is a part of my life. I have really too much respect for all of these arts to refer to myself as a professional. (Plus I never worked in these professionally).
(3,794 posts)I put all the books down.
Arroyo then Tarnas
(2,185 posts)His books are deep, philosophical.
Not like cook-book astrology,
but incredible.
(3,794 posts)that the planets were inside of us
(5,198 posts)Richard Tarnas, his book Cosmos and Psyche looks interesting. I have put it on my booklist for a future time when my circuits can handle it--he looks pretty heavy.
(3,794 posts)Melissa G
(10,170 posts)I need a reading list. I will start in that order.
(3,794 posts)an read Arroyo's best: Karma and Transformation
Anything by Richard Tarnas
Robert Hand is good for starters too
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)I'll try them in that order.
(5,510 posts)The most random posts in ASAH often rattle me to the core--in a good way--and this is one of them!
This is my favorite place of all! I wish we all lived together in a commune somewhere instead of being scattered all across the country!
But I suppose we need to be "distributed" to share our influence w/others.
But a girl can dream.......
(8,423 posts)at that!
I like it...
And you've given me an idea to explore..or a thought that I hope does not die of loneliness!
(441 posts)I am glad that we can at least "meet-up" online. It helps me very much to know that all of you are here.
(441 posts)I bought them years ago, read them many times. Got busy with life (!) and moved on. Sounds like a re-read would be in order.
(376 posts)Astrology is my passion...especially esoteric astrology and playing around with different ways of looking at things...like tying the fixed stars to the mayan dreamspell solar seals (not quite done yet lol).
(3,504 posts)When a friend of a friend did my chart. He got some things very right, and a few things wrong (implied I was very much an extrovert, when in fact I am very much the introvert!)
I will say that I have studied the subject, but I won't call myself an astrologer as I am no expert. I still read all I can, including your latest book.
And about your "Big Ass Neptune Ride": Oh my God, does that ever fit for this year. Since January it's been fasten your seat belt, here comes another one!
(3,794 posts)it's just STARTING! Take another breath!
(31,743 posts)All too often, introverts are taught that it is bad to be an introvert. They are told to get out more and be social. They believe that, and try to behave like extroverts. There is nothing wrong with being an introvert.
(3,504 posts)There is nothing wrong in being an introvert, and the problems come when the introvert is not true to his/her nature by trying to follow what is "right" for everyone else.
But the confusion the astrologer had may be explained by astrology this way:
I'm a triple fire sign, sun and moon conjunct at 6 and 7 degrees of Sagittarius, with the last degrees of Leo rising. Hey, with all that prominent fire, how could I possibly be an introvert?
Well, here is how: my sun and moon are conjunct in the fourth house (Moon rules the fourth house), and they are squared my Pluto on the ascendent. This all serves to mute that fire, and make me much more introspective. I love being around people and partying and all, but I just cannot handle much of it. At times I have to retreat to my home and recharge myself doing art and music and reading and just beautifying my home (fourth house activities). Believe me, astrology has helped me to better understand myself, and to live my life on my terms.
(3,794 posts)new astrologers see elements of the chart that point to extroversion and don't see another overriding theme
that contradicts that. It's very normal.
People are complex, eh?
Trail Riders explanation is a perfect example of how you blend the whole chart together
(5,198 posts)yesterday--here's why I don't call myself an astrologer. I can pull up a chart and introduce the subject to someone. I can guess at transits, and talk on a very basic level about it and share my experiences of having been read.
Yesterday I call up Rick--and he knows what major issues, relationships, psychological challenges I have had throughout life and am going through--and talked to me like he had met me before. He's like a long lost family member who knows what's been going on in my family for God's sake. I think I'd have to go through lifetimes of study to be able to do this.
I've talked with very gifted people from time to time in my life and it's great to have met one more!!
(3,794 posts)It was a delight to meet and talk you; a light being.
All the best to you.
Keep studying
Keep studying
Read charts
be wrong
don't be afraid to be wrong
that's what stops beginners
then, you'll start becoming more right than wrong!
(5,198 posts)to read your book
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)of astrology, but I have Parashara's Light 7.0 software and Sirius 1.1 software and before that I ran the Kepler software for a number of years running lots of charts.
I have the vedic library and coursework that goes with the Parashara's light software, but I have yet to dig into it. Taken a few courses both western and vedic here in Austin.