Using one's talents in a unique way
We have all been told to follow our bliss, to be our authentic selves. We've been told by being truly ourselves we can make a difference.
Today I found an example of a man who appears to be his authentic self, sharing his talents, and making a difference.
The first link will take you to a story about a photographer who takes portraits of unwanted dogs just before they are euthanized. The second link will take you to photos.
What a unique way this man has found to make a statement!

(1,593 posts)I'm an avocational photographer and a dog lover. But I don't know that I could handle that.
(39,200 posts)I just burst into tears reading the OP.
(13,433 posts)Just could not do it.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)There are people here who take pix of dogs to help them find homes. It helps.
(5,198 posts)It would be great if he --also--took photos of the animals available for adoption, and maybe how much time they have left!
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)He is doing something noteworthy but not in the usual expected way. He is doing it his way, his style, tapping into his unique talents, and getting results.
(1,593 posts)it sounds like maybe Taiwan just doesn't have a culture of pet rescue at all....hopefully his work will change that!
get the red out
(13,692 posts)I looked at one picture with the precious little dog trying to lick his face, knowing it was then murdered.
He is a good person, and more brave and balanced than I am. Stuff like this shatters me and makes me hate the human race, even though it has good people like him. That precious dog .........
(1,950 posts)view - I hope someone somewhere will take notice of this beautiful man's dedication and love for dogs.