Atheists & Agnostics
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(13,974 posts)Farmer-Rick
(11,693 posts)Yet, there is so much murder, war, sex....all kinds of it that red states would ban it if they didn't know about Bibles.
And these Christians ignore the love thy neighbor, don't be eat shrimp or wear mixed fabrics parts. But they are happy with the 10 commandments, that Jesus is murdered and ignores blatant and obvious slavery and infanticide.
So what's so moral about their god?
(1,528 posts)
(1,690 posts)Prayer is co-incidence.
(85,380 posts)TygrBright
(21,058 posts)Marthe48
(20,238 posts)The last few times I've been inside a church has been for funerals, weddings and other social rituals.
A comedian once wondered shy you have to go to church every week, thought that after 2 or 3 times, you should get it.
But church is a place of social interaction. You go to a church hoping to find like-minded people, be part of a segment of your community. Unfortunately, too many people think the person in the pulpit is not just a spokesman for the Lord, but like the Pope, Christ in the flesh on Earth. And infallible.
I went to church when I was a kid. I identify as Society of Friends, but also remeber I learned how to play shuffleboard in the basement. I attended some services at a Baptist church, before and after the philosphy went from helping your neighbor, to assuring us that God wanted us to be successful and if only you follow Him, you will get the most cows. With Biblical quotes to back up the new philosphy of God as capitalist. Most churches now promise affluence rather than being a conduit for good works. And the best cons in the pulpits are very good at lining their pockets and hanging on to the alms.
Years ago, my nephews were all interested in satan worship and the dark side. I knew that trying to talk them out of going that way wouldn't sway them, so I thought if I adhered to light and goodness, I'd be an example for them. I have come to realize that it is a lot easier to do the wrong thing than to do the right thing, but after 30 some years, it has gotten easier.
I don't have many conservatives in my life that I talk to, but I realized that it would be easier for them to come toward me than for me to go toward them. I am not right or wrong. I am trying to live my own life without harming others and if I go toward them, I am surrendering to the dark side.
In all, I hope that praying will send healing energy to those who need it. Even if I recently have doubts that a Supreme Entity, God hears my entreaties, I hope that my personal mindfulness on a daily basis helps me be a positive in the world, not a negative.
(35,101 posts)I attend a UU church that is made up of like minded folks. There are many Liberal churches that I respect, including the Quaker Church.
Religion is not a black and white issue. Its all gray, some do better than others.
For me it is just an interesting subject of study. I don't think ideas, like this is some how a Christian Nation doesn't hold water.
(20,238 posts)No, religion is not a black and white issue, although the religious bigots are doing their best to blacken it.
When I was a teen, my grandmother bought a set of self-learning books. She really minded her short education, even if 8th grade was pretty common in her day. I ended up with her books, including this self-learning set. I started reading the volume about Literature. The books are basically set up to tell you what to focus on, and what to read for. This book said that the Old Testament had some of the oldest examples of Western literature in existence. I had always had trouble reading the Bible, but reading it as literature instead of a religious text, helped me dive into it and read with better understanding.
I don't doubt that I will live my whole life questing. All of us who think twice will.
Happy Hump Day-less boring than Monday, less exciting than Friday
Red Raider 85
(129 posts)Say a prayer in one hand and wish in the other and see which one comes true. Nothing fails like prayer.
(20,238 posts)Sending healing energy keeps me mindful. In my experience wishes and prayers are 6 of one and 1/2 dozen of another :/
(162 posts)They sell a product, salvation, which costs them nothing. And no customers return to complain they didn't get what they paid for.
(3,316 posts)We have a winner!
Dr. T
(142 posts)I often feel as though I'm the only person who thinks as your post says. I swallow and pretend I didn't hear it when a so-called Christian goes off like a verbal diarrhea bomb. Your post lets me know that I'm not alone.
(10,346 posts)Evolve Dammit
(20,272 posts)
(35,101 posts)Transgender clone?
(40,915 posts)multigraincracker
(35,101 posts)Hermaphroditism just to remind us.
(1,720 posts)The main reason so many people hate religion.
(40,915 posts)
(48,027 posts)Especially the part where God appointed people to be judge, jury, and executioner for whatever anyone feels is sinful.
But mostly we need to keep pretending that sinful Trump is some sort of evangelical hero who has totally read the Bible and doesn't just use it for pandering photo ops.
(4,595 posts)Red Raider 85
(129 posts)You would think if Jesus actually existed and had something important to say, he would’ve written it down.
(162,433 posts)I am fed up with being told I need to respect other people's delusions.
(13,064 posts)