From the depths of an argument in the Religion Group...
...while engaging with one of the "science is a religion" types I got pointed at this as an example of the groundbreaking research and revolutionary scientific theory being suppressed by the scientific establishment orthodoxy:
If you're feeling masochistic go ahead and watch it. Or you can just skip to the unsurprising results after I watched it and posted my reply to our brave champion of the oppressed true scientific pioneers:
I made it through the entire video. If you like I will walk you through the entire thing and write pages on the many various ways this guy is doing nothing but bullshitting his audience. But if you want one really clear example that this guy is full of crap:
He claims to be a Plasma Phycisist. (There is no record anywhere in any online search I have performed of his having any credentials in that field btw)
He spends a lot of time talking about the Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
He claims he spent quite a bit of time studying the research being done at CERN, saying the work being done at CERN is producing data that supports his theory...
And then at 10:45 we get the truly mind blowing stupidity that tells us how full of shit this guy is. I'm going to just transcribe what he says:
"Now in reviewing a video from CERN I noticed something quite bizarre, and it wasn't in the data from the collisions. It was in the shape of CERN's most well recognized building. the Globe of Science and Innovation in Geneva Switzerland. Not only was it a bowl shape, but the design of the building also had a hole in the top of the dome exactly as my theory would call for."
Now, maybe if you're not familiar with the Large Hadron Collider you might think, "Wow! His theory predicts and explains the shape of the structure used in one of the most advanced scientific engineering marvels on earth! Maybe he's onto something!"
Which is pretty obviously what he wants you to come away thinking.
If you ARE familiar with the Large Hadron Collider however then you know that the building he is talking about is basically THE FREAKING VISITORS CENTER. It has absolutely nothing to do with the Collider structure. It serves no function in the Collider at all. Mr "I'm a plasma physicist who has extensively studied the research being done at CERN" is saying his theory predicted/explained the shape of what might as well be CERN's gift shop. the building is that shape because some architect thought it looked cool. No other reason.
Guess what? He's a fraud. He has no idea what he's talking about. At all. He's just relying on his video viewers to know as much or less than he does.
When you said if I made it to the end of the video I'd see where he "demonstrates" his theory? Demonstrates it how? By drawing bowl shapes on top of pictures of stellar phenomena and then going "Ooooooh... look at how I can make them fit together"? He spends several minutes doing nothing but that down near the end... between yet more incredibly repetitious images of his arc lamp toy or playing with ball bearings in a magnetic field while making statements in an awe-filled tone.
That video was a pathetic joke.
But hey, feel free to keep believing he's legit. You can send him your money this summer when he start selling his miracle healing device that eliminates pain, cures disease and physical ailments, has anti-aging properties, increases your strength, improve your sexual function and pleasure... all by the amazing power of " Structured Ionic Fields".
(Yes, that's the same guy).
(113,131 posts)or he'd conclude god is a doughnut.
(49,533 posts)There used to be a conspiracy nut on DU (since banned) who was in love with that nonsense. Expanding earth, etc. I wonder if they're back?
(16,520 posts)Why doesn't he just explain it right then and there??????
(16,520 posts)How come he has to use a compass to show the audience what the magnetic field on his weirdly shaped magnet is like, when just a minute later he has those super-nice animations what the magnetic field is like?
Why hasn't he made a real measurement of the magnetic field of his weird wonder-magnet? If he were a physicist he would know how to solder a Hall-probe out of household-materials and how to use it.
Dr. Strange
(26,007 posts)The theory is that all of reality is in fact a visitor's center for a greater reality. This greater reality will have expansive seating, fine dining, and Dolby Surround Sound.